Tfw no Latino bf

>tfw no Latino bf

Life is suffering ;_;

Attached: NE-Tongue-Out.jpg (600x800, 66K)

He looks arab

I had the chance to have sex with an 18yo latino a little bit ago. But he had too much tummy hair and I think I might have been repulsed if we actually fucked

Attached: diego lauzen ass latino.jpg (323x456, 31K)

are you qt girl (born as a woman, lacking testosterone, with natural breasts, natural vegene not turned into a penor by surgery, with a period)?

bre us latinos , look indistinguishable from some old world ethnicity , I saw a peruvian not too long ago who looked like a paki/indian who was obsessed with european anthropology

that will be me at the end of the year benching 100kg for reps(hopefully)

>I will never kiss these latin lips

Attached: 1548374584899.jpg (1080x1350, 588K)

looks awful

literally llokks like my classmate withur rusian parents


his parents are volga german, grandparents born in kazakstan
they originalllly emigrated to argntenia and then went to br

>tfw no cock-loving masculine big muscle booty latino bf

Attached: latino bull.jpg (540x720, 160K)

Fuck, nice arms and legs and chest and everything

fuck off to /hm/

/hm/ is full of degenerates that like "men in diaper" and "obese men with micropenis"

Eskimo bf is better. Literally met my bf because he blew me in a stall at a random bar after we got drunk as fuck to surprise the Loneliness

i know you post there. stop shitting this board even further.

*Suppress the Lonliness

R u a grill? I'm "latino". A whuite Brazilian. I'm short (latino genes, duh) but I'm cute. Interested? I'm a great chef.

>Posts hairy monkey
It's obviously a gay

Alaska plz go