I'm a Jow Forumstard and this is the only other board I can tolerate. Jow Forums really feels like Jow Forums off-topic. Jow Forums is absolute cancer that has no relation at all to Jow Forums in anyway. Jow Forums is Spammed with anime and /b/-tier "Do I look cute?" threads.
Is Jow Forums our sister board?
Jow Forums is good for shitposting. They have boomer sense of humor so its funny to see them go spastic over ironic shitposting
Used to be. Now it's full of conspiracy theories, Trump worshiping pedes, normies, boomers etc
Whites are going to extinct
Our onee-chan is Krautchan's Jow Forums
>I'm a Jow Forumstard
This is like admitting "I'm a Jew" to an SS officer.
thanks fucking god
Has Jow Forums grown out of the entire trump worship thing? Do they still get offended everytime some liberal BTFO's white people on twitter? Im actually curious
WAY too many newworlders, especially Americans, on Jow Forums.
Jow Forums embraces diversity.
This. like 56% of them are Americans and there are a lot of canadians too