having a think about it all edition
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there are 950 people every square mile of land in the South East. I don't think you understand just how dense that is, almost as dense as you.
wish i could forget about uni toil and just travel to some sunny place x
Homeless people lose and I win
mate the last thread is still on page 1
are you CRAZY?
if the janny sees this you know what will happen
The unfortunate residents in Monaco live in much greater density.
Density don't mean shit
give every homeless person a mac book and they can only play tame impala
the NPC ambition
if your family hasn't been in england for at least 3 generations and you break our laws then we have no obligation to let you stay in this country
define what a hipster is, who they are, what they wear, what they do, what they think
I'm still trying to work out why my tax dollars pay for the museums that only rich people visit
Monaco is like 2 square miles. Never respond to me again
petition: we bring back Æ and Þ to mildly inconvenience foreigners
They're anit-anti cunts like a fair few people, they just don't see that as a character flaw
can we all agree that Hampshire is the Southern Powerhouse?
>3 generations
hello paddy
No yogh? and no ð?
whiter than everyone here, mohammeds
If you don’t own property, don’t call yourself “responsible” or say youre “smart”.
Being in debt sucks, but being a property owner is better than what’s basically a serf. A property owner has something to his name and profile
Of course if you live in London or a dirty insect hive Asian slum filled with feces and muck, you can’t own property. well that’s tough shit I suppose. Move to a little hamlet and buy a house
Not a fan honestly. My tax dollars were used to fund some planes flying around and some abos dancing in the park, let alone a governor general...
Don't think you comprehended my post. I know the south is massively populated, that's why its a bad fucking idea to give everyone a space inefficient terrace house. Much better to built lots more high-density accomodation and pack them in
I'm the museum tech you were seething about earlier
just wanted you to know that it was 45 degrees today and I was in an airconditioned basement for 8 hours shitposting on my phone getting paid with YOUR hard earned tax dollars
*knocks out dave with facts and logic*
Bollocks are absolutely SWELTERING
forgot about them desu
ugh dude just own property lmao
ugh dude just start a business lmao
fuck off yank
This. Good post. I have no sympathy for people who fuck around. They expect things to just fall into their lap. Fuck that. As much as boomers are cunts and all, it's still on you
you no like Australia?
it's not really an ambition, would just be nice to get some sun is all
I love these posts. I just wish more taxpayers read them. Keep posting them lad :)
>2% France
hello nigger
imagine having a governor general
You can't revoke citizenship and make someone stateless in a non-shithole country
muh auld alliance. only cements my ancestry to at least the 11th century
Dude I’m just gonna give my money to my landlord lmao
at the end of the day, he has property (that you pay him to use) cause he’s actually the smart one here
For breakfast we have
I've been working the whole morning to feed you user
actually I live rent free in my parents house
means nothing if we give it to anyone who's born inside our borders, when we have an invasion force exploiting our goodwill and legal loopholes to get in and drop a million anchor babies that they intend to turn into a 5th column
we need to redefine "british," draw a line that lets the descendants of the people who built this country keep what was handed down to them
80% of skilled jobs are in london
The boomer adages about personal responsibility and so on dont work here
Anti semitism in the air
Skip to 5.18 for qt ideal shut in gf to waste away with
Sup dudes. I'm working at google here. Say hi!
nah you're a nig desu
*raises visa card*
heh....diplomatic immunity...
or won't?
Life has never been easier
the whitlam years were australia's golden era
All the jobs are in london
t. paddy
Yeah 40,000 people not 15 million
Right in that case the first thing is to get a fucking pension. The tax refund alone make this a no brainer. The money will be locked away, but as you currently have ALL your savings in easy access accounts I seriously suggest you take a good 5k right now and open a SIPP. Have you already got a LISA?
that’s a societal problem. People in the 1800s in the USA were already saying the key to success is expanding with small towns instead of all conglomerating to big cities. A thousand small towns are better than 1 city
i have no clothes on.
Ok rorke, simmer down now
Its early saturday morning, No one wants to hear about your invasion rants
i have no idea why you think i'm irish
i'm yorkshire
my family have been in yorkshire since the vikings arrived here from denmark
As a teenager, I used to gel my hair
What does "startup" even mean anymore? Other than "I want capital, and I refuse to pay employees fairly"
I want to kiss Emma Watson on the lips.
Sounds fucking perfect
I can tell you live with your parents, the average UK house is rougly equal to 10times the average anuual wage. However even if you wanted to save every possible penny you could, you still need to rent a house in the meantime which is equal to about 50-75% of a monthly paycheck. Plus you got other food and bills to pay for. Realistically the average person could probably save £200-300 a month if they didnt have any unexpected bills or children to look after
Can I come and live with you user
I'll make Chelsea buns for you
french catfish gf who isn't a catfish thinks I'm cute when I'm horny
who elected you to speak for /brit/?
>my family have been in yorkshire since the vikings
shit taste
Im already plugging away money into.a work pension (very generous) and im comsidering contributing more to a different onr
nobody is talking to you
join in or fuck off
1 in 6 brits can claim irish citizenship, also pretty much every irish town (cork, waterford, wexford, dublin) was founded by vikings so it doesn't mean shit
*puts you to a tube*
Everyday I wonder why I am still alive and just can't kms.
Buy a flat then...
put a jew in the oven
both sides of my family
longer than your country has existed
Huh what? Sorry I've got someone on the other line wait a sec
*hangs up on you*
That'll do
Happy Australia day mates
n-no i wanna use my saISA allowance for investments
don't care
i don't see how that affects any of the points made
The Irish are a fickle people
Why is this thread just full of insecure people bickering about how adult and financially secure they are
This isn't fun
The point of the discussion that you didn’t see before this thread was the purpose of debt in our 21st century society. The oxymoronic: if you want to be a first class citizen (own property), you need to be in debt
repost, you've already cooked these buns
Why do people post these cartoon frogs
Sort your fucking life out
thanks doug you're one of the good ones
Reckon Ireland should have a better military than it does. Think a proper Irish Navy would be based desu.
The thing to note is that corporate pension providers (especially Aegon) are shit. They are worth having only for the employer matched contribution. Also I forgot to ask, do you have a student loan? And again - have you got a LISA?
lighten up, riggs
isn't it australia's birthday or some shit?
*puts you in to the oven*
the real chad lives with his parents until they die, then buys property with inheritance
Crazy how your family could have been mines neighbor
But nah in reality, your family was probably a slave or something
No one can talk about the Irish character because there isn't one anymore. It's an Anglo-American psyop, no one acts or thinks independently.
I just wanna use your love, toni-iiight
I don't care about your points, I'm just saying you that you sound like a bit of a tosser
australia does it