Why white people discord groups do this?

Faggots truly are disgusting people. Terrible, terrible.

forced to use it for some games sometimes

the world of mentally ill homosexuals is disgusting and terrifying.

Why don't that guy come out as a faggot and be done with it?


Attached: 3F54DB88-4842-4A19-98FE-F8E47FA791D3.jpg (1150x720, 163K)

his twitter is really disturbing twitter.com/aeromatic_?lang=ar

>sending people pics of you posturing as a faggot while showing face
that retard deserved to get doxxed
you don't ever show your face when sending nudes, that's the first rule to being an attention whoring, erping faggot

Not wrong with cepeee or femboys
Also i hate men

the fuck is this and why is it so creepy

You can stop being a faggot with enough mental training. It doesn't have to be permanent.

his waifus
anime is actual disease