Who wuz your ancestor?

who wuz your ancestor?

mine us unironically a manlet who stole bread and got sent here on a prison barge

Attached: 1543291230362.jpg (960x1280, 152K)

Swedish farmers or african slaves depending on which side of the family you're talking about. I imagine if you go far enough back you'll maybe find some guys who were soldiers back when Sweden was a semi-relevant military power but that's about as exciting as it gets.

I've asked around and I know about my all my great-grandparents, but not much beyond that.

besides it doesn't matter

and thank the guy that send your grandpa to 'straya. now you live a comfy life

Funny how it seems like seemingly all Australians' ancestors were noble peasants who dindu nuffin and just stole some bread and it seems like no Australians have any ancestors who were murderers, rapists, drug dealers, violent criminals, etc
Seems a bit too convenient

pesants who tended sheep

These are two different racial type. The left one is nordic/med and the right one is just some armenoid arab hoe with hoop earrings (a clear sign that she burns coal)


Unironically a bull-breeder from Ukraine

Attached: My ancestor.jpg (564x1128, 135K)

we iz good boiz we dindu nuffin we needed mo' money for dem bread