Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and language and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture ?

Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and language and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture ?

Attached: 20180312_184921.png (473x424, 228K)

Sut min fede pik klamme stodder.

skævojnede insekt

ta livet av dig insektsjävel

But we have German culture

Attached: Svea.jpg (2083x3000, 2.95M)

They have no sense of pride and will copy whoever they deem the strongest
This is the aftermath of the Jantelag

Scandinavians unironically have more culture than any other Europeans

Attached: Northernbrother.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Only in Sweden.

halshugg dig själv, guling.

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