Eagrán Bréanainn mac Friseal
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>moves like jagger starts playing
Which radio station?
Don't forget to vote, lads.
Is that our Yikes?
thinkin bout my life
I don't think Yikes is a cute 2D wolf girl man.
Ah shit, I voted for him. I thought it was Yikesanon or some other general equivalent.
I wrote in our Yikes, I thought he at least deserved the nomination after his one-hit wonder.
>tfw my post was immortalised in that pic
I'd be far more tolerant of Yikesanon if he was regularly producing OC (even if it was of dubious quality). /éire/ doesn't seem to produce any OC anymore.
leddit is on to us lads: old.reddit.com
>tfw never included in a yikes screencap
Also, not quite sure why they're trying to push this thing where everyone in Irish history was gay.
Do we live rent-free in their heads or is this an inside job done by a nihilist who wants to see chaos for its own sake? I have trouble seeing whether yikesanon is either one of those or a false flag gone way too deep.
Either way there's nothing wrong with anything in the image except hating the EU more than the UK.
There's also no "good evidence" Pearse was a homosexual or pedophile except insinuations by protestant "revisionists" (ie: propagandists).
Very accurate for /éire/pol/ to be fair, but the fact that they make reference to profile pics leads me to believe that they're moreso talking about Facebook or Twitter.
I wonder (((who could be behind this post)))
Irish right wing twitter is fairly decent.
Didn't their existence in part originate from the fact that they weren't interested in some of the socialist ideology of the Original IRA?
>acts like the NP is a serious political party
>calls for Ireland to leave the EU
Sure thing, user.
Maybe we aren't following the same ones, but I don't have any time for people who think the "NP" is good as anything but a mouthpiece for correct ideas, let alone the last best hope of Ireland
Similarly, the gist I see is that "the EU would be good if it were actually European, in the sense of following the European ideals of Romanitas and Catholicity", instead of just being an anglo-american-israeli slave empire cum commercial bureaucracy. But beyond that most seem to put Ireland first.
Hello to any redditors browsing this thread. You are now part of the hacker collective known as 4chanel
Seems like an alt account that some redditor uses to crusade against right-wingers without running the risk of retribution.
Anti Easter Rising, yikes
More or less. The Officials were against using violence against the Protestant working class which led to them in some cases being retards and not defending Catholic neighbourhoods against loyalist attacks, although the main reason for the split was abstentionism
>Similarly, the gist I see is that "the EU would be good if it were actually European, in the sense of following the European ideals of Romanitas and Catholicity", instead of just being an anglo-american-israeli slave empire cum commercial bureaucracy.
That seems pretty anti-EU to me, especially considering the EU can never be what they want it to be. Irish right wing Twitter has always struck me as being far more pro-UK than pro-EU, which is a very odd state of affairs.
Oh wait, we've been mentioned in the comments. I stand corrected.
I've been looking for a good documentary about the evolution of the IRA and/or the Troubles. Something factual and as unbiased as possible. Having read a few books on the subject, I still can't fully wrap my head around the timeline and ideologies at play, so I probably need it in a more condensed medium. Any suggestions?
>Jow Forums mentioned
Surprising, I'd only expect Jow Forums to be brought up
>>tfw never included in a yikes screencap
It's a comfy feel, I can see why you would want it
Fresh np vid lads
didnt ask
don't care virgin
Only thing you ask is if Muhammad can ride your gf
I clapped.
Kazakhstan is well known for its sizable Irish-speaking minority.
>yeah genocide was bad but at least they didn't have a few brown people in the village
Well that was cancer. At least there some posters who weren't poetically illiterate to defend Pearse from sensationalist idiots.
haha lads
fuck off nationalist éire/pol/tard iNPcel
>/éire/ doesn't seem to produce any OC anymore
>says "English is a foreign language" but doesn't actually speak Irish
that's well over 90% of nationalists across the spectrum. nationalism here is very lazy.
>claims cuck is an American term
>implies Pearse was bad
>implies anime is far-right(?????????)
>comments imply that shut-ins and people with no friends are bad
Reddit "culture" is a fucking cancer
Okay, that's pretty clever.
this sums up a lot of it well
>being a retard who supports the church because you're a contrarian
>too dumb or lazy to learn irish
>using twitter
>being a retard who supports the church because you're a contrarian
Yes, because that's the only reason anybody supports the Catholic Church. If only we were all as super smart as those infallible atheists.
Contrarianism is literally the reason people turn to atheism.
that's true too, people go atheist or christfag out of contrarianism
So everybody is a contrarian?
>Yes, because that's the only reason anybody supports the Catholic Church.
that's why anybody under 50 does
Who isn't?
secular humanists who want to get rid of all religion borders and increase happiness for everyone in the world
That sounds like hippy talk.
some people see no good reason to be christfags
some people are delusional and believe christfaggotry wholeheartedly (being bluepilled)
some people just like the lorecrafting aspect
>some people are delusional
t. Jow Forumsatheism.
>and believe christfaggotry wholeheartedly (being bluepilled)
That's the first time I've heard believing in religion being used in reference to being blue-pilled.
Had a dream I was on a fishing boat. Some lad came running in carrying a giant squid over his head. It wasn't really giant, just 5 or 6 feet but we called it a giant squid. Then we got pretty annoyed when he ran downstairs and threw it into the sea, felt like a waste. But then we saw a shark in the water and had fun throwing bits of meat to it.
Also there was a big plastic Lego shark at one point that was alive. 'Twas a fun dream.
Sounds about right.
looks straightforward to me: being bluepilled is essentially living in (often wilful) ignorance and denial of reality. it takes some mental gymnastics to think christian cosmology and mythology is true.
>Implying this isn't another genocide
>Irish being a minority by 2050
Watching the Connaught match on tg4 lads, immersing myself in the cúpla focail
Brits out.
My last dream involved fishing my two cats out of the toilet. I vaguely remember there being two toilets right beside each other which seemed quite strange
>I vaguely remember there being two toilets right beside each other which seemed quite strange
>he doesn't have a bathroom buddy
Who doesn't enjoy having shitting partners? Communal shitting is very much "in" right now.
>It's not
>We won't be
wtf can't believe christfags believe this shite
t loos
I'm not ashamed of being a virgin
We're already at 82% in 2016. Don't know why you can't comprehend it.
Memes aside, do christfags think that not believing their shit means you must subscribe to loony lefty shit?
and so what if we did there's still the diaspora you can hang out with muh heritage yanks if you prefer genetics to culture
Then the 800 years of fighting would mean fuck all
The Catholic church fucking disgusts me. Be a Christian, and take strength from the teachings of Jesus Christ if you wish, But please have enough self respect not to bow before the tyrannical sodality of sadism; the roman catholic church. Religious cuckoldry - Spiritual sodomy.
Well on the basis of interactions with and media portrayals of Irish people who identify as atheists, I don't think it's all that far from the truth. But maybe it's just confirmation bias because the only atheists who regularly announce their lack of beliefs tend to be leaning heavily left anyway. Left-wing ideologies are all about identify politics and pigeon-holing people into categories after all.
Tell me why you haven't joined Ailtirí na hAiséirghe lads
>create a fascist one-party state ruled by a leader known as a 'Ceannaire'.(Chieftain)
>promised full employment
>an end to emigration (by making it a criminal offence to leave the country)
>discrimination against Jews and freemasons
>the reconquest of Northern Ireland by a massive conscript army
>make the use of the English language in public illegal after five years in power
>wanted to move the parliament to the Hill of Tara
>The party intended for the state to stay out of World War II until the participants were worn out, and for Ireland to then emerge as a spiritual leader to the world.
>MI5 believed Ailtirí na hAiséirghe... intended to serve as "a rallying point for Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Breton nationalists"
>At its foundation the group stated that "the present system is utterly repugnant to the Celtic conception of life"
>called for a new order based upon a "distinctive Celtic philosophy".
>had a Pan-Celtic vision - the party covered South Dublin city with posters saying "Rhyddid i gCymru"
Windy out, lads.
>Tell me why you haven't joined Ailtirí na hAiséirghe lads
Because they don't exist. I'm a member of the national party.
Mommy gf 2019?
Do they have the same views
>being a member of a meme "party"
>(not literal)
Haha this eejit soyboy doesn't want mutant kids haha stupid cunt.
Are we looking forward to the Allianz?
Apocalypse soon.
nah, they're just autistic culchie supremacists
They were too good for this world.
>autistic culchie supremacists
That sounds great.
>Bréanainn mac Friseal
Are you going to watch his new show in a few weeks?
>Are we looking forward to the Allianz?
The Hurling should be interesting. But I get the feeling that some of the big teams won't be taking it too seriously this year (at least compared to last year).
Very nice.
Better than a traitorous party
Traitorous or not, any party is better than a non-party.
So who are these posters?
nationalism is a disease. I have read All Quiet on the Western Front so I can attest to it.
>Has over a thousand members
>religiously followed on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
>Regular meetings up and down the country
>In the process of registering
But yes keep shilling, increasingly nervous cuck
user, it's a statement of fact that the NP are not a political party. They haven't yet registered as one and they've been "in the process of registering" for quite some time now. Just because they LARP as a party doesn't mean that they are one. The day they register as a political party, I will acknowledge them as such.
NP could be good if it didn't get caught up on christfaggotry and free market capitalism
It's interesting reading about the nationalist parties in Celtic countries back then
Almost all of them were sympathetic to fascism
Ailtirí na hAiséirghe as mentioned in Ireland
In Wales, Plaid Cymru's leader praised Hitler for cracking down on the Jews and advocated strict neutrality in WW2
In Brittany there was the Bezen Perrot and a Breton Nazi Party (en.wikipedia.org
And in Scotland many nationalists viewed Germany as better than England (theguardian.com
>"The final request by the Scots was for Germany to call an "international congress of liberation" at which Scotland would be represented, and for a Celtic union with headquarters in Dublin.
Also Barrett is a bad figurehead.
>I get the feeling that some of the big teams won't be taking it too seriously this year (at least compared to last year)
Why's that? Not thinking they can take Dublin?
>Very nice.
>Irrationally hates brown people and communism for spurious reasons
>wonders why right wingers have other illogical views
Damn, you're dumb.
>Neo nazi connections
lmao he won't get anywhere people will just hear the truth
>/eirepol/ receiving credit for the brick incident again
This is mostly a good thing, but still. Credit should go where credit is due.