/v4/ + friends

The janny menace edition

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I ordered pizza

kde zozenem drogy bratislava tt okolie

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Jaký drogy


tumblr-tier response
not based


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ok this is epic

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oh dear, user?

I'm smoking on balcony

Listen to me janny, don't delete our poor comfy threads because of one racial slur which can be found in literally any thread on this board. Of all things you target this friendliest general which basically never mocks you

I got a bit scared because everything started to get deleted

why the fuck did he delete femvaks legs?
am I a joke to you?

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what was deleted

OP pic of janny
picture of KSI as squidward
femvaks legs
my screenshot of deleted pics

and also he deleted the last thread bc OP said nigger in post

Testing if I'm banned

so janny being a fag as usual

banned for lack of respect

>make series of shit threads
>even duplicates
>get banned

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shall as well keep posting them until getting banned

banned for possible infliction of emotional distress towards a specific group of people
there were no duplicate threads at any point, and he deleted it at 80 posts in

ban me at home
I can still shitpost from work
where I get paid
unlike certain individual that works for no monetary compensation

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there were
with a retard czech putting the subject in the name field, and one made by a vak

That was this morning, and vak thread got deleted long ago

you guys made the janny angry now bare the consequences

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He made me angry first

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slavs can't do anything right, atleast iki knows where to place the subject

Blessing this thread

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don't post


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>klid jako na hřbitově
did you guys finally managed to get a life or did you finally kys'ed yourselves?

my pizza is here

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pizza is Greek

Do you peasants learn about Greece in school?

who's Greece?

the guy who invented everything

wow iki doesn't know what greece is

I'm pretty sure Greece is the thing you pour water into and put in the freezer and it makes icecubes

Post any dish and I will prove you it's either Greek or inferior to a similar Greek dish.

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good luck faggit

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mum just made home pizza

This one is easy. It's obviously a superior Greek creation.

The English name for moussaka has Arabic origin musaqqa‘a (مسقعة), literally 'that which is fed liquid'. It was reborrowed from Greek mousakás (μουσαkάς) and from other Balkan languages, all of which borrowed the word from Ottoman.[1] The word is first attested in English in 1862, written mùzàkkà.[1]

The plant species is believed to have originated in India, where it continues to grow wild.[8] It has been cultivated in southern and eastern Asia since prehistory. The first known written record of the plant is found in Qimin Yaoshu, an ancient Chinese agricultural treatise completed in 544.[9] The numerous Arabic and North African names for it, along with the lack of the ancient Greek and Roman names, indicate it was introduced throughout the Mediterranean area by the Arabs in the early Middle Ages. A book on agriculture by Ibn Al-Awwam in 12th-century Arabic Spain described how to grow aubergines.[10] Records exist from later medieval Catalan and Spanish.[11]

We can conclude that the Arabs, simple and low as they are, just fried the eggplant until the intelligent white Greeks started making dishes with them. As you see, the Arabs reborrowed the word in euphory after Greeks created moussaka, a new dish with tomatoes which other Europeans brought to the continent. As expected, the Islamic people didn't develop and kept the dish as it is today, while the Greeks perfected it to the much tastier and complicated layered version we know today. Typical for Slavs is that they always borrow Greek food indirectly from the Turks and it's always very greasy unlike the Greek original.

Attached: moussaka.png (460x230, 271K)

>16 hrk
also mum is angry when i drink energy drinks and tells me i should drink more alcohol and get drunk because energy drink are far more unhealthy

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pizza is Greek

basically a primitive inferior Slavic version of pasta
The Greeks and Italians have pasta in different forms, so they can please their eyes on them, the Slavs just eat to survive.

>pizza is Greek
what a coincidence, I'm also Greek!

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I really don't know why, but Slavs love to play with food until it looks like it was made by kids.

quintessentially slavic

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why was previous thread deleted

She's right, only edgy teens drink energy drinks anyway, they taste like piss

it was full of slavs

>he pays 16hrk for monster
mom is right. Monster is pure cancer and it's healthier to drink alcohol. If you really need to feel edgy then buy those drinks for 5 kuna from spar or lidl, basically the same cancer but cheaper
OP said nigger


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I find energy drinks tastier and especially zero, plus it doesn't give me strong side effects like other ones with more carbohydrates
t. low body mass

Would you fight for your country? If I was you, I would give up like the Czechs.

do you have any other question besides repeating same 5 things every other day?

That’s how much they cost here after taxes. Stop bitching you jew

>calls me a jew
Retail price for monster is 8 kuna here, 16 kuna is what you would pay in bar or gas stations

>16 kuna is what you would pay in bar or gas stations
correct, it was from a gas station
although I've heard that they have it cheaper in zg. Here in Rijeka retail stores have it at 11.99

It's the first time I asked you this you animal.

you asked the same question couple of days ago, either here or in other thread

show me

I don't spend my time capping your autism

>false accusation
>no evidence
this is how germans started the war
and lost like you

>demanding evidence for autism on a cambodian basket weaving forum

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you're just a bad loser
like the japanese
the germans surrendered but the evil japanese continued killing humans even they basically lost

this was the reason why the americans nuked them



Who /drinking/ with me?

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Slavs drink alcohol to forget about their miserable existence.

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edgy teen
reporting in

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redpill me on /polska/
are touhous that popular in bolan?

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>OP said nigger

I didnt


Would you try to beat me up in a /v4/ meet-up?

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why are you so low in energy?
are your veins full of soy milk?

op was czech who fucked up in naming the thread iirc

>came home from pub with friends
>found out the root is leaking straight on my bed
Hoo boy what a joy, not like I wanted to sleep in my ned or anything

>root leaking
hore shit, move bed?

I meant roof, phoneposting is a pain in the ass, I can't move the bed I just removed the matress and sleep on the smaller bed I used to store clothes

genius improvisation

Yeah I'm like boar grills but much cooler because I drink piss for pleasure not because I have to

I played my guitar for the first time in like 2 months and now my fingertips hurt and will probably get blisters soon


Get one of those plastic things that are made exactly to avoid this whatever are they called in English

yes I am full of soy and low on energy because I'm getting blisters which is something that happens to everyone who didn't play in a long time

now that's full of soy and low energy
also it ruins the sound while playing

holy shit imagine playing guitar with this topkek

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sugar rush bby

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looks like decent con. not like the czech one where they had gender roles in anime themed presentation.

I've been looking at this gif for 3 minutes non stop now. It fucked me up

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Is it bad to be so fascinated by this?