How's living in a first country like?
How's living in a first country like?
idk but it probably sucks
No idea. Probably nice with flying cars and prosthetic cyberbodies.
It's alright
i wish i knew
I wish I knew
Pretty good
LA here
Im a chicago user. Love the city but there really isnt enough wealth to go around, they say work hard and everyone can live the american dream, but unless you live in the ghetto like me life is just too damn expensive. Cost of life has quickly grown much higher than the average persons wages. 90% of my money goes to bills. My neighbohood is violent becaude everyone is so poor and people/police just cant stop shooting their guns at eachother.
Chicago here too, violence nationwide us actually decreasing, but yeah cost of living is raising much faster than wages
The media has painted chicago to be worse than it is desu. I live in a bubble of violence though. (white dude in austin neighborhood) its a comfy place to live and by far everyone here is just normal trying to make a living but there is gang activity. Even in austin the rent for a 1 bedroom is $800. Ive seen cheaper but i really like it on my street.
I live near uic and its 800/mo with two other roommates
One of the projects I've done at school involved chicago crime statistics and Austin was the neighborhood with the most
Stay safe user
Its mostly the same
Except that disabled children actually get healthcare.
And enterprises can enjoy the global economy since import isn't a corrupt shit office.
easy, nice things, bit boring, very lonely
Over here life is fantastic. Everything works and everything is clean. The women are tall and blonde.
Can a manlet like me get a tall gf?
Things are hard here but very exciting something happens everyday
Thats a good deal, especially with roomates. Good job. I live with my gf and she is full time in school right now so im carrying the financial weight, but when she graduates in a couple years hopefully life will be smooth sailing. Anyway good luck with life friend.
You can probably get one taller than yourself, don't think you could pull an actual tall (1.85+) girl
Pretty good.
God if I was handsome
and Jow Forums
>nice climate all year round
>based Duterte
>cheap food and housing
>you can basically swim to Japan
why would anyone complain about living in the Pinoyland
eventually they will be short and brown
pain & suffering