Would she pass as a local in your country?

would she pass as a local in your country?

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she's cute no homo



the whole drama around her is so stupid

literally who cares about some stupid movie


stop lying fifi cuck


yes just like picture

Attached: milagros-sala.jpg (1200x800, 86K)

no, too wh*Te

Freaking neato

yes deep in the jungle theres lot like her u can see in national geographic with their titties out

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2:1 jaw to cranium ratio
monkey tier


Sure, 250 years ago, but not anymore

Slow down rune coon you're are more ape than the roastie in OP's pic

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are they 100% isolated from brazilian society?

Fifis and bored chilangos




Redpill me on this?


She doesn't look half bad for an india

And then we wonder why the Spaniards took advantage of all the free pussy they stumbled upon

Who's in the wrong here?

Now malik and jamal from Senegal are banging spanish women

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm big ta tas

that movie is so overrated, literally an amerindian getting preganant and losing the babymutt like nigga wtf hahah welcome to bananamerica

I wouldn't really consider indios part of Brazil they just live in land that we own

Inb4 wins lots of oscar awards

By far

also she looks Filipino, funny that she is from the other side

>says some words in some random amerindian language
>oh she definitely won!!!11

a movie called roma

The movie is boring, but Amerimutt cucks love a strong, independent brown women as a lead roll, so they make it seem it is the best movie of the year (maybe they are not that wrong because Jewood films are PC toxic dumps this days)



lmao no looks as tiraflechas as it gets

Attached: tiraflechas.jpg (500x640, 62K)

Yes, as an "allochtoon" that is.

unironically yes, but as a bleached gypsy
