If all the red countries disappeared, the world would be perfect
If all the red countries disappeared, the world would be perfect
Mexico is such a steaming shithole
Frankly, I'm cool with most South American/Central American countries, but I honestly want Mexico nuked off the map
Seriously tho, if Bolivia became a giant lake no one in this continent would complain
Wtf Mexico I thought that your president being a socialist was just a meme
Does Maduro even have power any more? Is he just walking around talking to his friends as if he's president? how will this new guy solve the economic crisis?
A perfect world doesn't exis...
>Does Maduro even have power any more?
He has the Army at his side so for the time being he has defacto power.
Maduro controls the military and police and thus still holds the power. New guy can't do anything when he doesn't control the enforcement of laws.
Kill yourself
Their mil is a joke tho. If pressed by an American spearheaded LatAm coalition it will crumble.
you defend an ideology that converted the best American country with European living standards to a shithole dytopia exporter of immigrants
I agree. Fucking uruguayans always claiming what WE inventend
i doubt, very difficult terrain, a huge militia plus communism - second Nam' for the mutts
Plus Russian air force dropping cluster bombs everywhere right?
>plus mutt air force dropping agent orange and bombs with depleted uranium*
ftfy m8
por que no los dos?
I swear we need to get rid of our leftist government
Ask Bolsobro to come help you out
wtf is that? mutt air force bombing civies in another ME shithole or what?
We have elections in october and it looks like the leftists are going to lose, but if they win i would not mind to be cisplatina one more time.
Why does anyone pretend they give a shit about Venezuela? just more subhumans doing subhumany shit like always.
>England not on the list
Russia and the US both bombed the everloving shit out of Syria to try and prove who has the biggest dick
May as well say France Germany and Spain are blue, considering there's no chance maduro will call elections
I thought it was to prevent Russia from setting up puppet states then starting proxy wars, which you know they'd do.
How typical of those pussies…
We want them to recover so immigrants go back
>this hole situation has a chance of 75% of going full collapse and ruining the country even more for decades