

Attached: Map of the world.png (1436x1232, 120K)

All three in your house and your family's houses, chilangolard

All the on g*Rmany

>Mekka just for the giggles and to see what would happen
>East China so they don't become a superpower
>Subsaharan Africa so they finally have something to cry about

pero si soy de sinaloa, maldito imbecil.

germany, just to make sure that they wont commit crimes again
russia, because I'm tired of this shithole
japan, because I dislike them and their """culture""" that was stolen from china

1. Mexico, Florida, and most of Central America
2. Muslim land
3. Pakistan India and some China

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Yellowstone, hopefully it will kill all h*mans.

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All 3 of them squarely on Japan


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and again, Germany

>So they don't get the idea you were sorry
fcking genius

based. maybe 3 nukes will be enough

a world full of niggers and the most cucked white countries
the swedes can tell what happens next

based and redpilled

you live in southern Brazil right?

This is the best and more efficient option, any other option should be ignored and be clasified as "inferior"

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Thanks broski

Almost there. You missed turkey and the Slavs.

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This is the only correct choice, if you do anything else you aren't fit to live.

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>ITT: Fuck Brazil

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>can't nuke the USA, Israel, China and UK all together


I hope WW3 breaks out and everybody nukes everybody. H*mans are a repulsive aberration, evolution's mistake.

t. Lizardman

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Fuck off old world no one wants you around.

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I place them on germany and africa.

Why Russians hate Japan so much?

Shut the fuck up you dirty reptilian.
You will be stopped.

I won't. Your time is over filthy g*y animal.

lmao fuck chinks

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What do i win OP ?

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fuck gookcunts lamo

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only correct answer itt except i would trade the congolombians for a nuke in Mexico, hopefully also the Mutts

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Just place them all in my room

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*creates world peace*

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Sorry Spain

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