>there's people out there that actually think a tiger would beat a gorilla in a fight!
>there's people out there that actually think a tiger would beat a gorilla in a fight!
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Grizzly/Polar bear
Golden Eagle
Nobody thinks that
A fucking gorilla would beat da shit out of a tiger,as soon he grabs his neck or limbs the tiger is fucked.
>B...but muh claws
A gorilla has the strength 6x more than a average healthy adult male,please.
A 1000 lbs tiger has the strength, claw size, speed and accuracy to nearl cut a humans head off in half a second. If tiger and gorilla had one hundred fights itd be 50/50. If tiger gets the first strike it will win, if it fucks up and gorilla gets ahold of it gorilla wins.
I could defeat a gorilla bare hand
No kidding
I practice MMA for 6 years now, boxing in parallel for 7 years, I can.
As well as bodybuilding for 4 years, 1m87 for 86 kg
I have a crazy speed, and reflexes identical to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, duck him and give him good potatoes in his head. I will not let go of the slightest mistake, the gorilla is finished. You'll always have virgins from here to think it's impossible. Nothing is impossible with the will already friends, and 2) it is not with your body of coward that you will do anything.
Any man a minimum trained can defeat a gorilla with a knife already. Hand bare is not necessarily more complicated it just requires the technique.
>joe rogan thread outside of /tv/ or Jow Forums
Gorilla would get scared, run away and then throw shite with deadly precision
>grabs your paw
>Oh tiger I guess you are out of luck
>6+ times the strength of a strong adult
>moves on a nigga with the speed of a centipede
Youre already dead
Tigers have a 4500 lbs bite and a huge mouth. In 1 second half the gorillas neck is torn out
tigers kill in a day as the gorilla takes a shit. everything on a tiger is designed by nature to kill.
one leap on the gorilla with him bitting himself into his jugular and the ape is ded.
The gorilla is not a predator, so it has bad chances. For a tiger killing is a common thing
Gorillas wouldn't attack a Tiger. They usually resolve feuds by throwing stuff at each other. Gorillas are very peaceful relative to how strong they are (if you threaten them they will still rip you apart)
This is a normal thought/debate people have?
Of course,in normal conditions. The gorilla is a peaceful, elegant mammal while the tiger(and lions) are impulsive low iq aggressive animals. Regardless of not liking tiger and lion apologist's ( I think we should eat them) I feel the gorilla(would beat the lion tho) does have a chance to get beaten if provoked by a thug and ghetto tiger,but his great grappling skills are still VERY dangerous.
Yes because people like OP claim Gorillas can take on a huge Siberian Tiger when they get hunted by Leopards. Gorillas are too peaceful for their own good. If Gorillas formed fighting tactics, they would be top predators, but sadly they're peaceful dumbfucks
The only thing a full grown bengal/siberian tiger cant kill in 2 seconds is a full grown grizzly and elephants. And in the right circumstances a tiger can kill a grizzly, But but grizzlies are so thicc and fuzzy that tigers would have one hell a of battle to win.
ok maybe not dumbfucks considering Gorillas are amongst the smartest animals aside from Chimps and Banobos but still they are wasted potential
He doesn't know about gorilla city
Tigers are ambush hunters, putting them one on one will negate the purpose it is built for
What mode is this?
there was a video of a bunch of congo rebels giving chimps AKs and the chimp figure out how to fire it
maybe its time for some gorilla warfare training
I have a badass cat i got from a farm when he was a kitten, before he got his balls snipped he put my little brother in the hospital when he tried to break up my cat and another fighting. Imaging that fucker at 700 lbs scares the shit out of me.
I dont really want to see it but there a picture of an indian dude with a tiger charging him and in the top pic hes normal then the 2nd pic which is like a second later and the top of the dudes head is flapping in the wind. Big cats are scary as hell
Yes they are "scary",that exactly why we need to eat them.
Maybe is time to get out of the internet and have a bite of real life, that video was a movie ad
Vs (pic related)
Tiger is bigger and has the killer instinct, reach, and speed of an apex predator. Probably they would just avoid each other but if they could be induced to fight the tiger would easily waste the dumb fucking ape.
This. Also hippos
what a weird gorilla
wtf is happening
would a tiger kill an adult saltwater croc?
A hippo would kill both
Maybe if it got the drop on it but probably not. Would also get rekt by a rhino
>Be gorilla
>Grab tiger's paw
>snap snap
>Grab tiger's face
>crunches in it's eyes
>Punch tiger in chest
>tiger's ribcage breaks
>smaches down in tiger's head
>tiger's brain becomes mush
Ice counts as land now?
Gorillas are not that big as in this picture.
situational, but I think that a tiger would cut open the ape without much issue
More like tiger has its teeth clenched around the gorilla's trachea before the gorilla knows what's happening
A adult gorilla do not kill a leopard?
your made me remember a cool video
People dont realize just how powerful a tigers swipe is. They arenas strong as powerlifters. Mix that with their size, speed, claws and agility and youve got yourself a creature that only living tanks can handle (elephants, hippos)
Gorilla is strong but would die pretty fast
They go lucky. A pack of chimps is highly agressive and organized. They are cannibals and predators, besides being way faster and stronger than humans.
Actually, Blue Whale is predator since eating other animals too, so he's a winner here.
Actually, the only animal that attacks Blue Whales are Orcas
checkmate atheists
>Tiger bites gorilla
>Gorilla lifts tiger over gorilla's head
>Litrally eats the whole tiger by swallowing once
Show me one Orca btfo'ing adult healthy Blue Whale. They only attack in groups young or sick.
so do slavs and muzzies
Videos like that always pissed me off as a child since I was a huge croc fanboy
Ha. Suck that australia. But, no kidding. Jaguars are the only apex predator of South America that is left after the man made extinctions for this reason.
Or non-whites like Finns.
good thing im Dutch then
Do you think a human could beat a gorilla in a fight without weapons? I'm pretty sure I could do this. I've done wrestling for a long time and boxing for like a year so I don't think a gorilla would really be much of an opponent. I'd bluff that I'm going to hit it in the stomach and then land a lightning fast right hook in its face. Most likely it would hit the ground at that point, and then I'd just get a good neck lock and strangle it to death
>white anymore
Ebin joge. As I'm sure you're aware, a gorilla would of course easily dispatch any unarmed human opponent--even an elite heavyweight boxer or MMA fighter.
I sure am. When I was in Warsaw some old lady was even asking me for directions or something before I told her I don't speak Polish
I can say Dzjinkuje though
a gorilla can rip your arms off like paper
supposedly gorillas can bench press over 2000lbs
This lol. Humans are the sissies of the great apes. Pretty much all of our cousins have far more robust skeletons than us.
>born in non-white country
>live in non-white country
You are not.
what about Orangutans?
those slothlike fatties haven't a prayer
don't talk shit about the bros of the great ape family
What about this Guys?
North american mountain cat (mountain lion, cougar) vs pitbull?
Even though pits are heavier on average i think the cougar would win most fights
Holy shit nevermind, cougar are way bigger than pitbulls on average.
let's face it: gorillas are basically humans, but far more redpilled and like 5 times stronger. gorilla can destroy any animal.
they sure have a better chance in a physical fight than we do
the advantage of not having evolved better brains and speech control I suppose
Speak for yourself soiboi
>Grizzly/Polar bear
You misspelled “human”
You should film it, you could make a lot of money friendo.
Your post was a very top quality post :^)
It's skull is much thicker, with it's brain oblongated and further back, and it's face muscles are also much stronger. Plus, you'd probably rip your hand on it's huge teeth.
As for choking, it's neck is likely stronger than your arms, too. And if it's not, it still only needs to grip your forearm to crack your bone.
Humans traded muscle mass for metabolically expensive gains in encephalization quotient.
>the tiger
>the elephant
>the group of insectoids
Could a Neanderthal take a tiger?
If trully angry, a large male could probably pop a shoulder or hip out of a socket, or rip out an ear or nose. They are comparatively chill, tho, compared to gorillas and chimps.
Larger ones, specially, tend to be more sedentary and even caring. Smaller males, which can't hold turf and females, spend their time roaming and raping. They don't develop those flappy faces that large, gentle orangutans grow - these roamers are called "unflanged" males because of that.
God I hate that fucking meme
That's because it makes you feel uncomfortable as it awakens a primitive fear within you
The absolute epitome of the physical form
Dude you're retarded a tiger would totally fuck up a gorilla. Tigers are basically naturally honed ape killing machines.
We also traded strengh for endurance - great apes have more fast-twitch muscle which is capable of greater bursts of strengh but less slow-twitch muscle which is less prone to exhaustion - allowing us to cover more ground by tiring slower.
>literally hunter gatherer losers
> hafthor bjornsson vs gorilla
depends on the scenario. are we talking in nature or in a Colosseum? because a tiger is a stalker while a gorilla is passive. i think in a straight up scenario, tiger wins. 310kg vs 160kg is a huge difference. if it's a scenario where the tiger can stalk, easy win for tiger.
Okay, I 'm seeing a lot of outrageous claims here.
Seems like you are not aware that leopards sometimes prey on gorillas, even big adult male gorillas. Tigers are larger, faster, stronger, and more likely to attack an adult gorilla than leopards. Tigers are far bigger and overall stronger than a gorilla and they are natural born killers. Gorillas are strong, but they would be lucky to survive a real tiger attack.
He would die in minutes. Wouldn't even be close
Aussie crocs are massive m8