Why do Americans shit themselves when they go shopping?
Why do Americans shit themselves when they go shopping?
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Its seen as a rite of passage to becoming a true American citizen.
This. Americans eventual ascend to a level of not giving a fuck other countries wish they could reach.
Time is money bud... love it or leave it
Why do Canadians shit themselves at McDonalds?
Because of the great stains.
olestra i think
They are just exercising their freedoms.
Serious answer: it's a side effect of some antidepressants.
Too much McDonalds desu. It's a national pandemic right now with no end in sight.
this is the funniest webm I've ever seen
HAHAHAHA the guy steping on it made it 1000x better
>See sandals guy pause and turn to the side; think he's seen it and stopped to look around for a worker.
>Actually oblivious, turns back and steps in it.
Why not?
Japanese often shit themselves when they take super crowded trains.
gtfo Japan, you filthy Gaijin.
Hope the Yakuza will kill you.
You mean Euros don't do this?
When you trace the genetics of retarded hicks in the united states, you find that their ancestors were retarded hicks in Europe.
this show makes me so nauseous
Also when you test the genetics of a nigger, he's still a nigger.