>Drinking shitty water
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Not that much better here desu, tastes like lead and sulfur.
retard, turkey has better water
I was told not to drink tap water during my trip to France.
What the fuck Portugal
(((they))) want you to think drinking tap water is safe.
>In the greatest part of the territory, it is. According to Human Development Report data issued by the United Nations Development Programme, most of Brazil's population has "sustainable access to an improved water source." That means you can find clean water in Brazil. However, that doesn't mean most Brazilians drink water straight from the tap. Despite reassuring reports issued regularly by water providers, the consumption of filtered and bottled mineral water is widespread in Brazil.
Tap water is typically safe to drink and you can brush your teeth with the water. But because of how it's treated, it doesn't taste very good. This is the main reason most Brazilians drink bottled and filtered water.
i drink tap water everyday
>i drink tap water everyday
Enjoy becoming a mutant
Water is fine in my state but I guess they took the darkest reaches of the country into account.
What are even the standards for this? I've always drank tap water and it tastes like nothing, exactly like bottled water. I feel like this is a scheme to scare people into buying bottled water.
last year we had to go to a local river spring to pour in water for the day because tap water was too polluted
It's not that their water is bad it's just it may have different chemicals or whatever to what you're used to
I went to China and drank their tap water for weeks and never got sick
> Badwartugal
Shut the fuck up you dumb brown monkey parroting Jow Forums won't make you any less of a subhuman
But it kinda tastes like pool water
People either drink bottle water or get tap water filters. Drinking the tap gives you kidney stones. US water is not safe
>drinking water from tap
its "safe" in the sense is not full of germs and bacteria
its full of chloride and other shit tho
Yeah, ours is untreated. The water in London had a taste when I brushed my teeth, too.
>two entire continents are trash
what the fuck
>all that red around us
why are you being mean
Depends on where you live. If you get your water from the great lakes, you're probably fine. If fracking happens in your area, you're probably fucked.
The region in Canada/US should in the great lakes drainage basin should build a wall and form our own country.
Portugal water is ok, Israel has shitty water though.
Look at the map you dumb leaf
>drinking tap 'water' instead of buying it
good g*y
My condolences
Good goy, pay for you bottled fluoride water
t. sulfur and chlorine drinkers
But I'm still alive is it long term? Hmm
my water tastes like garbage but then you refrigerate it and it's fine, not sure why
don't live in the country either
I was told this too but American travel warnings are overly paranoid. French water is just fine.
Japanese tap water tastes like pool water, though. That's why you can get free drinking water at the supermarket to fill in your container and bring home. Dutch tap water luckily tastes good, so no problem drinking that from the tap.
>Dutch tap water luckily tastes good
best tap water i had was in the netherlands, 10/10
Jow Forumsshit deserves hostile replies
reminder that countries that get their water from frozen mountains have nothing brag about
>drinking water
good goy
>visit iceland for 4 days
>taste the tap water
no where else matters anymore
>I drink clean water
Stupid. Brazil is a huge country with regional differences and there are plenty of places where it's perfectly safe to drink tap water, especially in urban areas in the Southest and the South.
Saying it's safe to drink tap water in the US is also ridiculous since it's widely known there are some regions with huge problems.
nice try Nestle, I won't buy your shitty bottled water when the one coming from my tap tastes even better than yours
hostile replies from hostile reptiles
lol stfu we have water right from the Caucasus glaciers and crystal clean
US drinking water is not safe.
>government provided water
I do that trust them
Don't do tap water, kids