Should Canada support Maduro alongside Turkey, Iran, and Russia instead of Juan Guaidó alongside the US and EU?

Should Canada support Maduro alongside Turkey, Iran, and Russia instead of Juan Guaidó alongside the US and EU?

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How about not getting involved in this shitstorm to begin with? God help us if someone decides to intervene militarily.

>Should Canada ally itself with the country it benefits from the most?

Do you eat lead paint for fun?

Brown Trudeau is even stupider than regular Trudeau.


how is this guy so retarded? literally every other country in latin america hates Maduro and they would know because they actually live there. its pathetic the way that socialist leaders pander to their own retards who fall for propaganda and cults of personality around leaders of other countries.

It blows my mind that leftists are falling over to defend Maduro. They constantly try to convince people that leftism doesn't attract dictators and authoritarianism, then shit like this happens and they all bend over for the authoritarian dictator.

Leftism has terrible PR.

why is a mudslime telling a chinese country how to act

Venezuelans LOVE Maduro so no.
Donnie and CIA should fuck off

>Venezuelans LOVE Maduro
yeah they love him so much they're all in the streets cheering his name