Tfw parents saved money and spent $120,000 on my college education but being the brainlet that I am...

>tfw parents saved money and spent $120,000 on my college education but being the brainlet that I am, failed out and made it worthless

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Ideally they'd use it for themselves and let you rot.

>120k on a college education
Holy fuck, could've invested that money in so many ways, but instead it's wasted on fucking UNDERGRAD, that wasn't even completed.

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>american education

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>hundred twenty thousand
>instead of investing and make the double of the money they spent it into their son's ass that didn't even effort himself to pass
i invite everyone to come and laugh at OP's face.

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why dont americans just move to study in scotland/ ireland? you speak the same language, are you dumb or what?

>120 thousand dollars
>one hundred and twenty thousand dollars

Holy shit dude. i'd kill you if you were my son.


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That would be remarkably expensive, more than studying here. Ignoring that OP's parents shouldn't have wasted money on their useless child a more cost effective solution would have been to go to a community college for a year or two. Or, ideally, just euthanize him for the benefit of everyone.

>120 000 american dollars

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What school?

>parents put up a trust fund for me
>instead of studying something they'd hoped for, I got into culinary

That's not bad mane. Restaurant work is tough as hell but if you're motivated you will succeed

Start a food cart


>tfw going to vocational school and on my way to having a promising career in a field I'm interested in all while paying half the price of a big uni tuition

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Plumbing is not an interesting career.

Im studying to be an auto mechanic

Truly a imbecile.
Shouldn't have used that money to travel to Thailand and spend the rest of your cumming inside prostitutes.

Also, 120k isn't really that much

What uni costs $120k?

Any normal out of state private university

Still a shit uninteresting career.

Yeah, but uni grants you a lot of status, which in turn opens many doors

>be lazy/brainlet
>goes to engineering school either way

Why do people keep doing this?
I knew calculus and physics subjects would be hard so I didn't even bother with it and went for geography, now I have a comfy government job.

This STEM meme has created a whole generation of suicidal neet droppouts

When I'm finished with my studying my vocational school will set me up with a job

STEM is not a meme. It ruins only imbeciles.
Not everyone can be a niggger leech like you

At least tell me it was physical geography


Sory for the grammar errors.

>120k isn't really that much

>one hundred

Keep in mind that he's american.
And even in Brazil in a few years you can store 120k too.
I got 30k already, and I've started to invest only middle of last year

STEM degree in a public uni has massive rates of people dropping out, it's not like your uniesquina degree

It was a broad degree, both political and physical

Don't worry bro. Money's a spook and college is a scam.

>STEM degree in a public uni has massive rates of people dropping out, it's not like your uniesquina degree
That's what we get for letting pardos and blacks get free pass

>And even in Brazil in a few years you can store 120k too.

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Plumbling is pretty cool. You get to go into peoples houses and fish tampons out of tubes. Wifes and daughters have a tradition of fucking the plumbers that come into their houses.

>t. disconnected bourgeois

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If you are rich yeah

Not really. I earn like, 8,60 bucks per hour.

you can make that back in ~two years OP

>When you could've worked harder, gotten support from friends and family to help you pass with a C at least and pay off the 120k with your first job but decide not to because you're a shell of a human and an absolute baboon
I hope your parents make you pay it all back with your new job at McDonald's. Lord knows you're too retarded to do/learn anything else than how to microwave burgers.

>t. Computer Engineer & Cyber Security student

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>IT monkey
>Not a baboon
Only true engineers are allowed to speak here

>speaking down to anyone
You are lower than a burger flipper.

holy shit... they invested half million into you and failed

>Implying the engineering career matters
As long as I make a shit ton doing what I like I don't give a fuck

This will be my next career change

not everyone is content with eating mämmipërkele all the time, Pekka.

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You'll not. Indians will do the job for you

You’re not white.

>Indians will do the job for you
>Almost 0 Indians around me daily.
user I think you're getting CE & CS confused

Whiter than you, Paco

Also this:

I know nothing. I'm only repeating memes

Only 25% of americans make more than 69k per year and that wouldn't even be enough to save 120k in two years

My parents didn't save for me to go to college but they did buy me a gun once.

You're just as retarded as OP

I think there's going to be a lot of unrest in the near future, with obscenely high prices for things like education being one of the contributing factors.

at least you tried user. you had a good experience.

Everybody, point and laugh at this person holy shit hahahahahaha

>be American
>go to college
>get in debt
>go outside
>get shot
>can't pay for hospital bill

>buy education
>fail test
> money stolen
Why is this allowed

Speculation. Stocks.

Not really. High education has been a recently thing.
It was never supposed for a factory worker to have a son going to university

>what is a recession