Who is more Americanized between Australia and Canada?

Who is more Americanized between Australia and Canada?

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canada is just the 51st state

Id say Australia, just due to Quebec

quite clearly you

Leafs obviously. Aussies are superficially Americanized.

None of them, they're both severely sinicised.

canadians. there's legit no difference

UK has NFL games

Tough choice. Canada is right next door, but I've come across enough Australians who have deeo knowledge of American news, politics, culture and history to choose to say there's something unusual going on there.

I'm not most informed person ever, but being corrected by an Australian on American stuff is weird. Also every time I talk to one it's a little too seamless in the speaking patterns, mannerisms, lingo/slang.

Aussies love defending America and helping America as much as people. They basically run on yank cum, atleast Canadians try to pretend to be different, even though they're not.


The basis of Canadian identity today is "we're not Americans, please don't be mean"

Where is New Zealand

and there’s your answer. kys

Cropped out of this meme just as it's cropped out of every world map.

Australia is indeed the only country whose flag I have besides my own, they're great folks

It's amusing how nations like yours exist though, might as well have stayed northern Denmark.

who is more americanised, the country with a union jack on their flag, play UK sports, receive many more immigrants from the UK and negligible amounts from USA or the country whose economy is entirely dependent on the USA, play all the same sports, all citizens live within 100km of the american border and have huge amounts of people moving between countries?
what a dumb fucking question

You got worked bruh

I'm not your bruh, mate

imagine if america had a giant island where all of the rednecks moved to. that is what au is to uk

imagine if that analogy was completely retarded

is it really though? their society and vernacular english is largely evolved from london slum slang of the 19th century

Why does everyone always forget New Zealand?

New Zealand is not really that Americanised compared to you two. It's more British and more Australasiatic

they are as contrarian as the Irish, I'll give them that

>It's amusing how nations like yours exist though, might as well have stayed northern Denmark.
Fuck off cunt

He's literally not wrong though, Norddanmark.

Australia usually attracts middle class British immigrants. Convict descendants are probably a very small fraction of the population.

t. Northern Mexico

I think its 20% have any. Our entire population qudroupled in a couple of years during the gold rush in the 1870s I think. But even though it has the reputation the accent is closest to some of the southern middle class English accents.
The americanisation is mainly because everybody just consumes American media because they've pretty much destroyed our home industry except for cancer free to air TV. And also the Internet. And we follow them everywhere poltically because we're completely reliant on not being blockaded.
But still our worldview, mannerisms, small social rules are still very English.

danish was the official language of norway, spanish has never had that status in america, nor shall it
