>be scatinavian
>die because of sun
litteraly mutant
Be scatinavian
Are meds literally black?
Ich bin doch Arisch, du Kanake!
Lack of sun*
Just guard your border, okay?
>the impoverished ex-yugoslav village of Croatia
couldy it be turks skewing avarege?
if your country is not atleast orange you are not white
Why is the Netherlands such a massive outlier compared to its neighbors? Why is France, with its more southern climate, more prone to skin cancer than Germany and as prone to it as Russia and Lithuania?
This just raises too many questions.
Because most of France is actually a grey shithole like your country
The data probably has many issues with regards to either a) statistical significance or b) consistency of data definitions and data collection methods between different countries
if your cunt is green you are based BLACK MAN
They die from tanning cancer machines
there is also to consider that Italians use a lot of sunscreen
Over here it was a tradition to go to the beach and fry your skin from dawn to dusk during summer months. I see a lot of old people with messed up skin.
alright, Marcantonio, we're gonna have to settle this:
what's your sunscreen factor (mine's like 31)?
My parents are both prone to skin cancer, my mother had to take out some dangerous spots.
There is an effort and multiple campaigns to be careful with the sun in Portugal, you find naturally tanned people but you find a lot of pale people that burn easier than a scandinavian (for exemple I).
Thanks for the info 56%
>be shitskin
>die from lack of sun
Probably because sun exposure and melanin are not the only factors
Lmao fucking whitoids cant even go outside no wonder they are going extint
the wogs begin in calais
what the fuck did this retard mean by this
not surprising, during summer our beaches are full of walking tomatoes who don't know what sunscreen even is.
Good thing I never go outside.
Why yes, I am a proud black man. How did you know? :)
Finngols do not have this problem.
France, UK and Sweden are yellow/orange so doubtful.
thats fucking weird considering suebis have been in poortugal for 2000 years,i guess evolution dont work fast