>one chance at life
>born with brown eyes
One chance at life
>tfw hazel
I have green eyes, is that enough to be white?
>one chance at life
>born a 169cm short "male" manlet midget
One chance.
Green eyes.
Mousy brown hair.
I made it lads.
>green eyes
turk detected
One chance at life, born a heroin addict who enjoys everyday to the fullest while you "non degenerates" wither away and die before i do
Life has cucked you, I feel amazing and have sex everyday because I'm not an energyless pussy
>one chance at life
>born a sperg
End me.
>born a heroin addict
I might as well become a heroin addict, my life was over the moment my parents' chromosomes came together to give me brown eyes. This is no world for shit eyed subhumans like myself.
How dare you enjoy life
Hokw do you get heroin? I'm basically about to kill myself everyday, need something to make.life worth it and don't care if I die? I live I Denver CO, usa
tfw 187, blonde, greenish-grayish eyes, nice face but grown up fucking autistic assburger reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
girls think I'm 'weird'
i think they are npcs with common opinion
Come back to me when you turn 18, Sasha.
I think hazel eyes are attractive and underrated.
Lol dude you live in Denver literally just walk around and ask black guys, "yo, anything poppin off?"
Why do i need to come to you
friendly reminder that blue eyes are a mutation and that blue eyed freaks who cant even stay in the sun for one minute,let alone look at it with their inferior eyes need to be treated as
degenerate mutant freaks
Let me rephrase that: This site is 18+, Aleksey, and you are too young to post on it.
What is hazel?
I have light brown eyes, but still brown
I know Colfax St, but it's far away from me and the few times I've gone there no one had any. Fuck my life
It's major cope. So is "light brown". There's only brown, aka shit, and nothing else.
>Green eyes.
My condolences
We have all of mena here, I don't have the same kind of brown eyes, that's for sure
If you can't find brown, go to a jam show and ask some hippy kids about Molly or L, you might even have a profound enough trip to find a reason to keep living
My ex literally told me she loved non shitskin eyes
needless to say she dumped me for a whiteish guy
White people are viscerally disgusted by shit-colored eyes and don't view you as human if you have them, even if it's only on a subconscious level.
I'm a nazi but, my condolences man.
Well she wasnt white but she still managed to date him
She first told me about a guy who had light colored eyes, all my alarms went on and realized she literally wanted to be with him. I try not to blame myself because what I was ever supposed to do?
Yes I've heard of shitskin white-worship syndrome, and it doesn't surprise me. I've had limited contact with it myself since I mostly interact with white people.
>tfw gr*y eyes
>born in country where literally everyone has green or blue eyes
>neither parent has brown eyes
>have brown eyes
can you post eye pls?
>tfw light brown eyes
>tfw slowly turning red
>tfw read could be sign of bad shit
>one chance
>green eyes
Feels good lads
Lmao try being a super cumskin lad but with with somewhat dark brown hair and eyes. Literally no melanin on skin, but on hair and eyes. Some people like the contrast but I have heard people say that it's "unnatural".
Imagine being the male version of pic related.
>one chance at life
>be happy with myself
>Once chance at life
>Born with a tiny 7 inch cock
>gray eyes
>one chance at life
>born with gynaecomastia
>still manage to fuck girls asses
I have green eyes too, is completely bullshit, we are not so rare
t. mutt
Sadly i got alil in mine
Being autistic downie aspie bpd npd is legit npc
An its a dominate eye color...ur mom cheated no jk
t. Huang
Wtf it's not like having blue eyes is some golden ticket to a better life.
Count your blessings, dude. If you had blue eyes, you would find something else to whinge about, not having a blonde hair or a stronger jaw. Similarily, now you definitely have so much you take for granted.
My jaw is already shit tier and no one gives a fuck about hair color. Eye color is the only thing that matters.
Brown eyes
'ate the turks
'ate the slavs
'ate the albanians
'ate the italians
simple as
blue eyes
Chestnut hair
I thanks the Alps for these gene. Funny how some people in Savoie are a tad swarthy and some looks kinda like germanics. My father is swarthy and small but my mother is blonde and blue eyed. Funny how the two families have been in Savoie for 3 centuries at least
Based but you completely heightmog me
I find green eyes to be even uglier than brown ones.
Also a lot of arabs and turks have green eyes
be glad faggot. Are you gay or something? Brown and Blue are the 2 eye colors worth having.
brown masterrace represent
Oops sorry for the caveman-like way of writing, had a sleepless night
It's the only thing I am proud of
grey eyes > green eyes > brown eyes > blue eyes > black eyes
>Imagine Cucking this much to Snowniggers
Brown Eyes and Brown Hair are what built Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Blue Eyes and Blonde hair is literally Ape-tier.
Non-brown eyes >>>>>> shit > piss > shit-piss-sweat-vomit-blood-pus-maggot mix >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brown eyes
I don't care if they built God, they look like crap and I want to have blue eyes.
I know 2 other people that are 1.97 and the other 2.07 I think but I wouldn't say they mog you unless you're a lot uglier than them
I'm uglier than most people so probably
Don't be so harsh on yourself brah
This is what people have been telling me I wasn't like this always user
Hazel eyes are the most common heterochromia which means your outer eye is green while inner is Brown.
this phenotype makes you look like you are the devil
Really then wpuld mine be considered like a darker hazel or something
Well then try anything you can to improve yourself
same but im glad about it
Consider every single slant-eye, nignog and most arabs and spics aswell as some whites. Well over half of humanity is asian, over a billion are full-blown niggers etc.
It's like how something like 4% of the world is blonde or whatever. TV is not an accurate representation of worldwide demographics. Unfortunately.