Join the Canadian forces. You are allowed to smoke dank

Join the Canadian forces. You are allowed to smoke dank

Attached: bootsbeardsbluntsmeme.jpg (750x748, 46K)

is any of that true?

Yeah, they are
This country is sinking to new kinds of bottoms

Attached: nowhiring.png (864x846, 62K)

for active duty or reserves though?

Regular force is only at 40% strength, reserve doesn't have a definitive strength requirement pretty sure
Nobody wants to join military and its sorta like whatevs bro

>Armor officer
hell yeah, I'd drive a Leopard 1 around all day.
Does Canada have a lateral training program for Americans like Straya and New Zealand?

I see. I think it's becoming less popular here as well. I still get calls from recruiters a few times a year

>I want to drive Leopard 1 all day
You're in for lots of disappointment since these are all the tanks in our country
Most armour guys use those recon vehicles and do recon rather than tanks

Attached: tanksofthecanadianarmy.png (666x426, 10K)

Question for Americans. How is your military faring with the shutdown, how are the people in it faring?

>Leopard 2
aaaaaaand dropped.
I thought Canada was still using the 1a6s with armor kits?
I suppose it wouldn't matter anyways. I can't grow a mustache, and judging by literally every CF soldier I've worked with down in Burgerland, that seems to be a requirement.

It's barely affected, the shut down only affects non-essentials so it's pretty much just the Air Force suffering right now

I was in during the shutdown in 2013. It didn't change anything, you still go about your regular business.

Yes you can smoke weed up to 8 hours before duty and 24 hours before duty requiring operating risky stuff like guns, ammos, vehicles, etc.

Ayyyyyyy applying for that Engineer Officer real soon. The job looks sick desu

I never would have gotten out if that were the case here

Nothing's changed at all really. We've already secured funding so the military have been the only ones getting paid. Which is refreshing because we've been the scapegoats in literally every other shutdown.
The boomer tears from crusty old fucks who just work federal government for the job security have been delicious. Every other shutdown it's been: "well you should've known this would happen, shame on you for not having six months of savings." And now they're crying on CNN "Waaah, I can't afford the lease on my third Stingray GT! This is literally worse than the holocaust!"
I hope they all starve. Bastards.

all things considered, waking up at 0500 every morning, being incessantly drilled, spending every waking hour around people you may or may not like, being constantly pushed to your physical limits, getting gassed with CS, never having any time to jerk off, and qualifying for a multi-day land course as part of BMQ is tolerable, but having to spend any duration of time in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu is just a dealbreaker

Attached: reaction.png (203x209, 3K)

Kek what is wrong with Saint Jean?

can i join as a non citizen?

>This country is sinking to new kinds of bottoms

But let me guess you're fine with the same rule apply to alcohol, right?

>I still get calls from recruiters a few times a year
That's probably because they aren't able to get enough people because they actually either tell the truth or are shitty liars. There's been a significant decrease in the amount of personnel in the military since technically we're at peacetime. You probably had some bullshit survey about joining back in high-school you took and they manage to still have your name.

You need to at least have permanent residence in Canada and intend to become a citizen within 4 years.

>That's probably because they aren't able to get enough people
That was my point.
Funny thing is, I already did a four-year enlistment and my 4 years of inactive reserves expired late last year.


Actually yeah, I would be fine with that
All drugs in general should be banned in this country, except for medical purposes but even then most people aren't using drugs for medical purposes

Fookin nerd

If you can't find time to jerk off you're failing at bmq, i always snuck a nap or two in.