This is the most relevant relevant country in the Southern hemisphere with its 23 millions of rednecks

This is the most relevant relevant country in the Southern hemisphere with its 23 millions of rednecks.

It says a lot how bad is the Southern hemisphere.

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It's just because they speak English.

Can't really go against Australia so I'll agree with you

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Brazil > Indonesia > Australia > Singapore
is the correct tier list

Why is it always some arrogant frog making anti-Australia posts?

Like we give a fuck about what you cheese sniffing cunts think about us.

France is number one in my heart

Learn to read babe.

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t. Kleberson Pereira Nascimento

When people thin about the Southern hemisphere, they think first about Australia and then Brazil. Indonesia is very irrelevant. Madagascar is more famous.

What is the criteria for that even lole

global power/influence/economy is the criteria. not what people would usually think

what flag is this

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no it doesn't you dumb frog. At what stage would anyone here think "oh no the geographic position of my country is not one that is near other countries with large GDPs"?

I've also seen you frogs try to point out that our isolation and lack of culture means Australia is "bad"

Soft power > hard power

We have the tenth highest GDP you fucking retarded seppo, we're a powerhouse

Your flag is USA

Indonesia is very close behind, and GDP rankings are biased towards developed countries anyways (doesn't count informal grey-market transactions). Indonesia will be ahead of Australia in that list in a couple years.

I think it says about how based the southern hemisphere is to be honest, southern hemisphere BVLLS will impregnate all n*rthoid women, get ready cunt because me, jamal, ngobo, ahmed, rodrigo, ronaldo and penguin are coming and we aren't bringing condoms

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Reminder that Singapore is Australia's best friend

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Europe is an irrelevant shithole, by the way.

>be French
>get home after a hard day of rioting after being asked to actually do a decent day's worth of work
>go on Jow Forums and shitpost about your superiority when your country has used protectionism because god fucking forbid French farmers may actually have to compete in the global economy
>chow down on some delicious stinky cheese