Why do E. European countries suddenly like us and want to be allies with us?
Why do E. European countries suddenly like us and want to be allies with us?
Israel is like a second home
Come home, my friend. We have the most beautiful Jewish church in Europe
Because those countries have a lot of Jewish people. Former Eastern Block nations now hate communism and like capitalism. Jews are the masters of capitalism.
because daddy USA oredered us to be pals with you
Everyone want to be friends with the rulers of the world
stooge mentality honestly
Under the cover judeophilia, hating muslims is considered ok.
Israel is a far right wet dream come true.
It's a low key nazi germany and some east euro leaders think it's cool model.
It evokes memories of the simpler times when you could do ethnic cleansing and people didn't call it genocide.
There is also the usefulness of jews as a reason to antagonize arabs and muslims, which is all good fun as far as most east euro leaders are concerned.
Last bun not least you are a permanent US ally and we like to be in that position as well, so blowing you kisses means they also end up on USAs ass.
anybody who's friends with jews wins
also hello Mr. Shekelberg come visit we have some local hałwa
fuck off with your dull brickshit and leave my jewish friends alone!
I don't know haim
>Why do E. European countries suddenly like us and want to be allies with us?
We don't? w*stoid nationalists like you because they're retarded. People here are basically neutral about you until you come and offend them like you're doing right now in Poland. Only people here who like you now are the same people who'd like African Muslims doing female circumcision because muh diversity.
The thing is were all aligning with USA so there's an assumption we'll cooperate but you're making it real hard.
do they? i didn't know
trying to lure you closer to poland again
history repeats itself
because they wont want usa to find oil there
dumb kike
We don't. We recognize Palestine and our foreign minister is an crypto anti-semite.
it's not like we have a choice or anything
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