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Other urls found in this thread:

dissolution of the EU?
eurofag civil war?

What's going on big guy?

There's a summit about migrants that's not going very well

I highly doubt this will lead to the collapse of the EU as this guy is implying however.

OP, explain?

Bump, whats going on

Nope but its showing in the BTC price, pretty much on que.

Just one more nail in the coffin as populist right wing uprisings against the migrants and the cultural shift usher in a new age of Nationalism.


Alright dude, dream on.

Been saying this from the beginning.
Build the mediterranean wall, sink any incoming unidentified ship.

Problem solved.

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Who says news based trading is dead haha

sounds gd desu

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You guys do realise that all the """"native"""" Europeans aren't having enough kids to sustain the economy? Things will go to shit if there's no immigration to keep the system going.

Doesn't matter anyway, China's gonna take over in the next few decades regardless. There'll also be a nuclear war before the end of the century, so look forward to that.

Why the quotations? Only migrating Europe has ever seen before this shitstorm is Europeans migrating to other European countries.

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>take that money you are wasting on shitskins
>give them as incentive to families with 3+ kids


To differentiate between native European citizens of immigrant origin.

The 2nd/3rd generation immigrants are a lot more integrated and knowledgable on the culture. I would know, I grew up around them.

Yes 1st generation migrants can be annoying, but their kids will usually be a net positive

Speak for your shit tier country we fine other here.

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was talking more about centuries not decades

Actually the 3rd generations are the worst. They're the ones dealing drugs, wandering the streets and comitting small crimes terrorizing every day working people. Their grand parents were working class blue collar.
A very small amount of them actually make it into society thanks to positive discrimination policies, but the vast majority are fucking cancer that needs to be removed asap.

But that would be racist!

Italy Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Poland the election in Sweden also looks good for the right wing


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Damn you guys love your hyperbole.

Look outside. As much as you all spew conjecture about how the world is a hellhole, life goes on, the economy grows, and people argue about pointless shit on the internet I guess.

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Evidence please.

Live in any large city in western Europe for a few years and you'll have your evidence. Criminals are literally 90% blacks/arabs.

Denying that is like denying the sky is blue.

Not saying whites can't ever commit illegal acts, but the drug dealing and everyday "common" criminality is vast majority shitskins.

And now let's the discuss why the your so called """""native"""" Europeans" don't have at least a birth rate of 2.0 to sustain their generation? Ahh...right, there is only the migration route to solve the issue. Let's look at isreal, where culture is still a thing and the state cares about their nation...OH WAIT 3.10....FUCK

Again, Evidence plz

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it's because our women are attracted to big black sub Saharan cock and bad boy mudslimes

>European culture should change so people have more kids
>having a daughter is the "ultimate cuck"


Retard confirmed. First off these migrant can’t speak English and are unskilled labourers who can’t qualify at McDonald’s. These migrants put a huge toll on the European social security system which will eventually lead to its collapse. Not to mention by the time the European stagnation really takes affect ai technology will really take off by then which will vastly reduce the need for human workers.
Even in China now they are feeling this. China is heavily investing into ai technology too. Job are already leaving China because they are wanting too much money. So the companies are moving to even cheaper markets. It won’t be too long till even these countries labourers won’t be able to compete with ai. By then the factories will be located in USA because it will become cheaper to locate close to the market.

I hope you are fucking kidding. Look up any criminal statistic about any nation, blacks in US, africa subhuman tribes in europe or bomber arabs, right they rape, murder, drug deal, knife hunt on humans is all fake news. No go zones are a made up thing. Crazy how brainwashed people are.


Yep, imagine if the migrants were young Asian women instead. I bet they'd have a different opinion about it lol.

>>European culture should change so people have more kids
Obviously their is no need to change. You just need to give you people an incentive. If you waste all your money for welfare subhuman races, then their is obviously no left for your "own" people and this will push people into wageslave.

Furthermore we are living in a crazy society anyway, in which the women are following a narrtive of getting on top of the carrer ladder, which is completly against their biology. But this is the start and the end of a generation.

At least we have subhuman races who are breeding out 5-10 babies to close the gap.

>Fox News corrects, apologizes for ‘no-go zone’ remarks

I swear that i am no excuse is phoneposting

Convenient that leftie retards like you are the ones who made race based statistics illegal, then you can ask for "evidence" that doesn't exist.

Die in a fire.

Because he's jewish

A lot of countries denied them for years. But you cannot hide things forever...france, belgium, sweden are a complete mess and full of no go zones...

The real fun part starts, when not even the national executive wants to enter these zones


>qt waifu = ISIS illiterate child rapist known to force cannabalism in their kabab
cucks are the worst

In a nation of housing shortages, job shortages and the forming of insular cultural cells, a population shrink, maintaining it's homogeneity sounds comfy as fuck.

What sort of absurd idea is it to constantly push the population per square mile up in order to feed a debt machine?

>Being anti-EU
Good fudding comrade, why don't you enjoy a cool refreshing Monster while you're doing it?

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You eurofags make much more sense in your debates than Americans.

Fits perfectly here. It is easy to deny other point of views otherwise you have to critically self reflect your own believes and ideology

Well ***if*** all your conspiracy theories turn out to be true, have fun buying internet fun bucks to convince yourself you'll be sufficient in some absurd way.

Or all these cryptocurrencies will just crash down and you'll lose all your actual money.

Have fun!

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You still dont get crypto

You have provided nothing so far.

>No go zones are made up
This is a good start for you, while reading the book, obviously check the references, check the statements and then you might be able to make up your own story, if you don't believe the media.
>Fun fact, the author is a muslim himself and started to research about no go zones, because he doesn't believe other people stating facts and prefers his own...and he couldn't believed it

>have fun buying internet fun bucks to convince yourself you'll be sufficient in some absurd way.
We are here to make money, nothing else. If you haven't made money in crypto so far, then you fucked up big times.

financial independence is the end goal, then this whole subhuman race and culture mixing experiment cannot bother you anymore

>conspiracy theories
elaborate pls

The "population problem" is a non-issue. Automation and better healthcare tech and knowledge will make people live far longer and will ensure that our standard of living will not implode.

Importing more low iqs whose offspring will end up in the "useless breeder" category that most native europeans also will end up in is dumb.

We can fix it with gene editing later, but the societal toll of lowered trust, higher crime and the ease with which ruthless capitalists can roll back the socialist policies by piggybacking off far-right reactionary sentiment based on legitimate grievances regarding the consequences of immigration policy will be utterly devastating over the next 80+ years.

That said, high ability immigrants (from anywhere) is usually always a net plus for countries, and there are ways to also mitigate asylum and low tier economic immigration problems, which is to let in a modest amount of any specific ethnicity, religion and culture, but never so much that they can start self-segregating. It is much less of a toll to admit 100k immigrants to a country of 5 million if those immigrants are from 10 different cultures than admitting 50k immigrants from 1 country. Integration (read: Largely assimilation. True multiculturalism doesn't work. See the entire middle east. Especially Lebanon) happens 1-2 generations sooner when self-segregation is not possible.

The secondary effects such as anti immigration parties bankrolled by the ultra rich rolling back the welfare state will have much harsher effects on crime than low-quality-people immigration does, and it is definitely where many countries are headed.

I'm OK with asylum based immigration, but only within reason and in ways that minimize the toll per human saved. It is charity. It is not to prop up our worker base or whatever. We need to admit that and stop being deluded.

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>We are all equal

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I don't think that and didn't watch the video. I just hate that man for dumbing down other peoples work and getting rich as a motivational speaker.

>The "population problem" is a non-issue. Automation and better healthcare tech and knowledge will make people live far longer and will ensure that our standard of living will not implode.

But you cannot base your whole nation, society and economics on a MAYBE - FUTURE solution. Will it come? No doubt. But right and here and right now - everything below 2.0 birth rate is a killing a generation. Period.

I agree with the rest, nothing to add here.

I will round it up with a quotation from a very smart woman.
>wir schaffen das.

His rhetoric is well and especially the philosophy topics are great. Check out the podcast with Aubrey Marcus about Truth, pretty nice IMO.

I don't really care how the climbed to their position, you don't have to agree morally to learn from clever people

if it really is a problem (1.7 replacement rate really isn't that bad, in the short term) then the government needs to provide incentives and remove disincentives to native breeding.
importing violent rapist niggers is about the stupidest thing you can do and i don't know why people are retarded enough to argue for it.

But the good kind of nationalism with lots and lots of diversity XD

Where the fuck does this "muh economy MUST grow" come from?! How on earth can an economy continue to infinitely grow?

Is a few percent more, the death of western culture worth it? Is it worth wrecking all social cohesion and solidarity over? Fuck NO.

Poland, hungary, italy, stand fast and DONT give a fucking INCH to these lunatics in brussels!

Shit i can't even describe how much i hate those EU burocrats in words.

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Podcasts and videos are for people too stupid to read books. I believe that because he uses those mediums of communication his followers are composed of people who prefer those mediums of communication, people too stupid to read books.

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no the eu biscuit specification has been released, no more than %2 filling material, French biscuit makers on strike, Italian biscuit makers on holiday, Spanish biscuit makers bankrupt, biscuits banned in Belgium since 2016 since lack of clarity in EU and no one can eat British biscuits as they taste of crotch


bbc says EU not good. REALLY?

Believe it or not, there are several situations where listening to a podcast is more efficient and productive than reading a book, but i generally agree with your statement.

>Europeans aren't having enough kids to sustain the economy?

Ireland is and the eu has taken over the government and appointed an unelected Indian homosexual governor who introduced abortion in a rigged poll against their constitution there is a housing crisis there and he wants to import loads of Indians

Like what?

>a rigged poll against their constitution
Our constitution isn't worth the paper its written on, our elections are meaningless and our government don't do anything that Europe don't want them to.

It's 'on cue' you absolute brainlet

What the hell is this argument. DO you even understand that the vast majority of this "new workforce" are either:

a) Illiterate
b) Uneducated
c) Unwilling to integrate
d) Don't speak the language
e) Utterly disrespect the local customs and traditions
f) Breed like rabbits
g) All of the above

They don't and mostly can't qualify as workers in nearly any imaginable field. They can't even be janitors or work at a McD, goddamn.

Then they get free housing, welfare, handouts and paychecks PER KID (with their 7 wives) and you think they want to give this up? You think this somehow boosts the economy? HOW??? LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE IS HAPPENING YOU DUMB FUCK.

Jesus fucking christ, if that was bait, I took it hard.

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>You think this somehow boosts the economy? HOW?
The world economy is based on debt and importing people with no debt allows more debt to be created and more money to be printed.

what. 1st == cares
2nd 3rd == hiphop

Germany has been trying to do this for years you retard. The state pays a lot in child benefits and you get insane tax cuts for having kids, the more the better. It's still not enough to make people fuck and have kids.



Maybe they should stop letting their younger generation be raised by media designed to tell them to not build families or meaningful relationships and pushes a decades long extended adolescence.

>The state pays a lot in child benefits and you get insane tax cuts for having kids, the more the better. It's still not enough to make people fuck and have kids.
The state could pay even more and give even greater tax cuts by cutting money spent on immigrants. Clearly the best solution can't be importing pakis right?

A while ago, some office worker took a picture of a government benefits payslip and leaked it on twitter... the dude got fired and detained, but not before the world saw how much immigrants get for free from the government.

It was more then 7000 euro's, thats 8100 dollars, a month (pic related).

How people can justify such idiocy is far beyond me. Politicians should all be brought to justice and pay the price for such betrayal.

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Which is why you should give more jobs and money to the lower-class europeans so they are comfortable making children. Instead, you give that money to immigrants seeking help from the EU. Well done.

> having more kids will 'sustain' the economy, so we need immigrants
> we have also told by the same people that most blue collar jobs will be automated in our lifetimes
What is it like being a mindless little npc? Do you have any lines to say which aren't just regurgitated garbage?

Which clearly shows hostile intent. It's genocide... they are willingly shaping the conditions that will prevent the long-term existence of western man. It's done intentionally!

God damn, I have all my shit in euro, will it tank as fuck?

It's queue you autists

Politicians follow no grand conspiratory scheme. It's simply left vs right, as it's always been. Get those loony conspiracies out of your head please, you make us right-wing people look like fools.

most white collar jobs will be automated
blue collar automation already happened the last 20 years

europe is so fucking dumb, just torpedo the ngo ships trying to bring the boatloads of niggers over

white males are just low test, it's pointless, let thots get BLACKED

Who do you think surrounds those politicians? Politicians are just stupid pawns in a game. It's the interwoven web of NGO's, connected to masonry and the mystery teachings. They are trying to create a new "root-race". Look up the fucking kalergi plan - they're not even hiding it ffs.

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True that. I caught three of my ex girlfriends fucking hard with blacks. Jeeez those huge dongs slashing their cunts, and the balls slapping. I stood for some minutes watching the spectacle before I cry out the room

This is why nobody takes us seriously. What's next? Chemtrails drop substances that make you become african?

Do you think i care about what some uninformed normie NPC might think of me?

The fact of the matter is that Secretive societies run the western world: they've been in power since the french revolution and the subsequent enlightment period was masonic to the core; it has completely transformed our culture and society into what it is now. It's also the reason why the western world is being pitched against Russia at the moment; russia never went through the same societal "evolution" and basically decided on another philosophical path two decades ago. It is the single biggest treath to western cultural hegemony.

I can't help that you're such an uneducated fucking retard that experiences cognitive dissonance every single time someone mentions some actual truth... saying "muh chemtrails" won't change shit.


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Our war isn't against the Russians, it's against modernity itself and the secretive societies that are behind it... they don't controll by pushing levers and pulling strings - they controll by dominating the culture with the arts and their NGO's.

Pic related is the choice you have. Make it.

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Since when are ruskis the good guys?

Satan is a better role model.

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I don't doubt there are secret societies that control things but some of the stuff posted here is just over the top, like one is a fake quote from Albert Pike that gets tossed around alot where he wrote in the 1880s that the Nazi party will fight the Communist Soviets as a stage towards worldwide Jewish control, first off how would the elites be able to predict the Nazi party 60 years from now? Second why the fuck would he call them Nazis, an English slang term and not National Socialists? I swear people are gullible.

>aren't having enough kids to sustain the economy?

fuck the economy you fucking boomer kike.

culture is always more important.

>Doesn't matter anyway, China's gonna take over in the next few decades regardless.

you fucking little weasel neck yourself with that defeatist attitude.

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Non boomers aren't welcome on this board.

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it remains to be seen what they are... as for now, they seem to be genuinly against a uni-polar world (the globalists) and are promoting some form of multi-polarism and are in the process of forming a society not based on modernity, but based on some hybrid form of traditionalism and orthodox christianity. It remains to be seen how that will turn out tho.

meanwhile, the West is trying to transmute itself into something long desired by those who belief in the luciferian doctrines of apotheosis, transhumanism and technocracy.

America is being ruled by a deep-state that is in huge internal turmoil at the moment. Various factions exist and the course of the USA for hundreds of years to come will be determined in the next few years. But that's a whole nother story.

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For u

Firs take your pills. Second why are apotheosis, transhumanism and technocracy bad?

more money printed devalues the currency dumbass. meaning your money is worth less