Eagrán éadóchas
What is your opinion on Lithuanians living in Ireland? They are prominent in our media occasionally
They're generally working class people who keep to themselves 8n their own communities. The men are in construction, car mechanics or taxis. The women usually work in cafes/restaurants/retail.
The second generation see themselves as Lithuanian too, similar to Polish.
unoriginal OP
thread is doomed
kill yourself
Wtf you can't just tell someone to kill themselves that's mean
That's not a haiku
Haikus are five-seven-five
You are so stupid
>They are prominent in our media occasionally
In what way?
Great win for Monaghan against Dublin. Just a pity that they had to play Dublin's boring style of football to achieve it.
alri lads
>not liking at least one sport
Red flag desu.
>liking sport
could you not be such a normalnigger?
>not infusing your autism with sport
My autism has much more suitable outlets than something that requires physical prowess and, in the case of team sports, a certain amount of social competence
>watching sports requires physical prowess and social competence
You heard it here first, lads.
Oh, I meant playing sports. Watching it is just boring
Best football manager to get? Or is this question better asked in a UK thread. I want to larp as some rich arab that brings some shit-tier last league club to the premier league
Same way west brits who went to London came back to poison the society with "modernity". Lithuanians go to Ireland, learn *nglish, imbibe globohomo values, then act like they're better than the Lithuanians in Lithuania because they're neo-navvies.
I presume that's what he meant.
Dublin play a bad brand of football?
Bad as in not being entertaining to watch. But it's undeniably effective.
I'm not that interested in sport but watching football and hurling is my duty as an Irishman
>pope comes to lithuania
>two italian-lithuanian girls are chosen to greet him so he can communicate with them
>they're black
>lithuanian roastie in ireland gets mad
Not entertaining to watch? Think common consensus is that the Dubs play a much better brand of football than the majority of other teams.
Wow, you're so edgy going against the modern values of an inclusive Ireland and being as racist and homophobic as the state, under church control. I hope you feel big and your bigotry stops you from remembering being cucked by gays and PoC
Did you not read that post or what?
Why is RTÉ a teenager now?
You said it wasn't entertaining to watch, most commentators say the opposite.
>Think common consensus is that the Dubs play a much better brand of football than the majority of other teams.
From an entertainment perspective, that's only the consensus among Dubs.
They handpass the ball so much and play the possession game so tightly, that it's more like basketball than football at times. As I said, it works, but Christ is it boring to watch. And in recent years other teams have started emulating their style. It's bad for the game.
Go back to plebbit
>3 Irish born citizens were killed in the Holocaust
Wtf I hate Hitler now!!!
Pat Spillane, Joe Brolly and Colm O'Rourke are Dubs now? Think the Dubs would wholeheartedly disagree, what with them wanting the county split in two.
>Pat Spillane, Joe Brolly and Colm O'Rourke are Dubs now?
Well, they might be under the control of Dubs (RTÉ). But seriously, I've heard each of the trio compliment Dublin's quality of play, but equally I've heard them complain about the poor entertainment value that Dublin's football provides (Brolly in particular).
>Think the Dubs would wholeheartedly disagree, what with them wanting the county split in two.
Why would Dubs want their county split in two?
how are you lads down south feeling about the prospect of a border
>Why would Dubs want their county split in two?
Because North Dublin is the Dublin of Dublin. Would you want to share a county with Dublin?
Can't wait for the Happenings.
Them refers to the aforementioned commentators. Shouldn't have been too hard to decipher.
But they're calling for Dublin to be split in two because the quality/efficiency of Dublin fiootball is considered (too) good. Not because it's (too) entertaining. I've only ever been discussing this from an entertainment perspective form the very start.
Just ordered a feed of KFC. Gonna Chill out and have a swell Sunday evening., listening to music and Chatting shit on discord.
What are you boyos up to?
*rubs hands
Don't care. Only been to the north once and it was shit
it is pretty grim but it's home
You fat bastard haha
Poor guy, but I agree. Refugees are welcome, we could fit multiple New Yorks and/or Tokyos in rural Ireland so it's not like there's no room and these people have a right to life.
>saying that when even Dublin is fit to bursting
It's sad. It won't affect my life. Don't want to give IRA gobshites a reason to blow stuff up though.
Dublin brought this on themselves.
You don't know the half of it. I got a box meal, that comes with a piece of chicken, chips, a burger, gravy. Then I got another 4 mini wings, then I got another burger for good measure.
Part of Project 2040 is redistributing people to the abandoned rural communities rather than everyone rural foreign and working moving to Dublin we'll have the infrastructure to do so for modern Ireland.
>They handpass the ball so much and play the possession game so tightly, that it's more like basketball than football at times.
That's a good thing, rather that than just hoofing it up to some lump up front. Dublin have the most technically gifted players in the country and give the most thought to their buildup play and for that reason, they're the most entertaining team
So it would take like 5 extra minutes to go up north, what's the big deal? The main point of the Good Friday Agreement was that if the majority of people in NI wanted reunification then Ireland and UK would work together to ensure it happens. This is what stopped the violence and I don't see how Brexit invalidates it. To see people act as if the IRA are going to start bombing again just because it takes 5 extra minutes to travel between the 2 countries seems like a bit of an overreaction. I'm pretty sure it's just fear-mongering by remainers to make Brexit seem like it shouldn't happen. The worst thing I expect of Brexit is certain products to become more expensive here like Walkers crisps, Dr.Pepper, etc. but that's a minor inconvenience that will be worth it if the EU is weakened
>That's a good thing
No it's not. Why do you think there are rules being brought in to curtail it?
>Dublin have the most technically gifted players in the country and give the most thought to their buildup play and for that reason, they're the most entertaining team
Technical dominance does not always equate to entertaining play. This is the case in almost every team sport.
>Why do you think there are rules being brought in to curtail it?
Because the GAA are always changing their rules? They care more about being a political organisation than the sport itself
>Technical dominance does not always equate to entertaining play
Not always but they are heavily correlated. Hence why the top level of any sport is always the most watched
I'm impressed by your metabolism lad
>Because the GAA are always changing their rules?
Weak excuse. The Hurling rules have seen little change in recent years by comparison.
>Not always but they are heavily correlated
I'm of the opinion that this situation is one of the outliers.
Hope no retards are actually planning on futilely throwing their lives away over it, what's the point of doing something like that when the Irish nation will be gone within our lifetime
>I'm of the opinion that this situation is one of the outliers.
If you value physical ability more than technical ability then wouldn't you still enjoy watching Dublin? They're the fittest and fastest team
>Irish nation
What do you mean by this? The Irish republic, the country of Ireland isn't going anywhere for many centuries what do you mean by "Irish nation"
>If you value physical ability more than technical ability
I never said that I did.
>The Irish republic
No such country, Brit.
Don't eat sugar
You are in the RoI right now, it still exists and will for a very long time so what do you mean by the "Irish nation" and explain why you believe it soon won't exist.
The Republic is a state entity, the nation a biological/cultural/spiritual organism, if you need it highlighted more than that the easiest way to explain such a concept would be the Irish Nation encompassing the Irish people in the 26 county Republic, the Irish in the 6 counties in Ulster not in the Republic and the Irish people abroad
The Irish spirit and culture being arguably already bastardized to the point of extinction the final link in the chain to the ultimate dissolution of the Nation would be biological subsuming/demographic replacement and identity muddling
"The Irish Republic" was a term used (and still used by Unionists and many Brit media outlets today) in an attempt to delegitimise Ireland after it declared itself a Republic. The name of our country is Ireland, or alternatively, The Republic of Ireland.
why do you think Irish people genetically won't exist, and what are you doing to revive Irish culture.
>why do you think Irish people genetically won't exist
Miscegenation, what else? Thus you have a people with dual heritage and thus a completely dissipated identity, I want to say like the USA because we have the American culture thing going to but it's more like Brazil with none of the bunda and all of the dissociation.
irish (catholic) culture is all about miscegenation and racemixing with spics, italians and other poles because you're all based and catholic. This is what happens in America because all of you jack each other off and help mexicans stay in
otherwise you would have broken off from the church like the UK did
It's been a while since I've seen a post this American.
Also what could or should I do to "revive Irish culture"? The idea of reviving a culture outside of language I don't get either, sure I'd like if we all wore filleadh mór and behaved in non anglo ways with non anglo mannerisms and that, but I'm not expecting such aesthetic appreciations from a people wallowing in fleshy consumerism who gladly wear the affectations of foreign pleb culture.
I dab on Ireland's grave.
come on
I'm not getting doxxed that easily.
>people wallowing in fleshy consumerism who gladly wear the affectations of foreign pleb culture.
And you don't?
Could it work for the Irish NEET?
Come visit Malaysia.
Want to start camping and hiking, lads.
based digits, based malay
I would imagine that many Irish NEETs already have sisters.
Sounds fun desu. Be sure to post about your adventures.
I've been camping twice in my life. Both instances were cold, uncomfortable, and something I'd be in no hurry to repeat.
Miss Jaggy :(
yuru camp has gotten a lot of weebs in to /out/, this is good you need the fresh air, solo hiking is prime introspection
No, what makes you think that? By "foreign pleb culture" also I mean the culture of the plebeians of foreign mainly anglo countries, IE. our culchies are just uncouth English rural people, our proletarians are English proletarians, our knackers are chavs, our travellers are travellers, our middle class urban yoof are wiggers, our middle classes are Americans, our upper middle classes are the latter and our ruling class are probably Norman Jews.
Being on Jow Forums now and through my developing years has made me a social abnormality, that's the same for the international community here and we all have our nationhood as a continually overarching specter or geist or whatever you might call it, being of it but not necessarily being totally culturally imbued by it. This is why I'd call r/Ireland the absolute peak of what modern Irishness is if I had to define the latter.
>~30% of Ireland is in poverty
What is the cause of this?
>"Brexit planners could use martial law against civil disobedience"
Is this real life?
Scumbags have been living in comfort since the Celtic tiger though
I may be an Englishman but I am Irish in spirit
I've only seen a black person once in Vilnius, where the fuck are they all hiding?
>implying it's a modern phenomenon
*Blocks your path* Ireland has always been part of the British isles and a nigh identical peoples from the celts who originally settled the whole archipelago any physical separation is irrelevant as we brought them christianity and writing our cultures were intertwined as we colonized them culturally and genetically and any differences from separation and invasions and different genetics and mixing were removed over the time they colonized us. The only difference between our two nations has been from wealth and different leadership with us eternally being poorer we were always about twenty years behind them in most things and the subcultures imitating them from tv shows or emigrants who returned from there were poor quality inaccurate just like the culchies who put on a us accent and copied cowboy movies it's only now due to catching up and information technology allowing instant communication that homogenized our cultures, we've always been imitating them but now we have unfiltered access to everything they do say and think it's a lot more accurat
>the legislation gives ministers the power to impose curfews, travel bans, confiscate property and deploy the armed forces
>also porn is banned
Nigga what? How are you suggesting that the culture of medieval Ireland was identical to England at the time when even lowland Scotland was still a distinct cultural entity?
bizarre post
Based transgael
All I see is scrubs
Face mean mugged
On a couple drugs
Smoke with migo plug
FTP my blood
Grey the fucking gang
Boy stay in your lane
Never high
Just maintain
Hate this fame
Hate this game
Take these shoes
Last a day
Oil flowing through my veins
Lil remains that make that stain
Y'all look good in cellophane mane
Real blade
Swing it through your fucking brain
I said fuck 'em
We got a problem?
Fuck you gonna do with it?
I think nada
Just a persona
And i'm nirvana
Popping xans to make you mad i know you want some
Rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling rolling
Got an ounce of the coke white snow floating
River road shawty
Yung christ the one chosen
Slick tote the AK47 stolen
Woadie joscin'
All of y'all are over-saturating 'preme and bape
Bitch its FTP all fucking day
All y'all look the fucking same
Fuck the fame
Fuck a lane
Bitch I'm bout to swerve into the toll booth and scrape the change
Bring out your dead and blaming it on Yung Plague
Bitch I pull up with the K
K9 by my right leg until I say OK
K9 on his hind legs ripping off your face
All I gotta say is G59 until the grave
1 color
2 numbers
3 fingers in the sky amongst the thunder
I'm like fuck the others
Ima bring the ruckus
I might fuck your bitch
She swears she suffers under the covers
Ima hell hound
Hell bound
Shawty wanna die
Ima sell pounds, sell pounds
Shawty said she might let them bells pound, bells pounds
Shawty wanna cry
I'm like fuck it
Every night keep turning black
I close my eyes
>British isles
Stopped reading there