
>lick my soles, user
What do? Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


shitty new
someone make a new one

she looks mean. and that's hot


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>Although these raids are horrible and inexcusable in today’s society, there is an even darker side to Jow Forums. Jow Forums has been connected to many mass shootings, murders, rapes, and violent protests.

you didn't get (you)s before with this post, that is not an invitation to make it the (op) you pathetic, desperate little grub

scarr sum fackin goals

Looks like a Rajasthani bloke in a dress.

Just stop buying avocados and and iToys and save your money

When your mother and I were courting we didn't go on holiday. We grafted hard and saved our money and had to pay off our £7000 mortgage

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Shut the fuck up yankoid

Mamm, you guaranteed UK greencard by this right...?

I require an art hoe gf

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Three men were escorted out of Optus Stadium last night by security and WA Police for hanging a sign saying 'It's OK to be white'.

The banner was hung from the top tier of the Stadium at the beginning of the Perth Scorchers v Sydney Thunder Big Bash League game.

“Sport is supposed to be the great unifier so I am glad these people were quickly removed from the venue." Mr Murray added.
The phrase has been associated with white supremacist movements.

Bitty gimme' brain

>ugh like old people are SO stupid!!!!

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reddit's probably worse

Sucj in her tos

Remember June 23/24 2016 lads

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think i am the smartest here. test me

Make Venezuela repeat the elections until we get the result we want


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unironically don't care
worse things have been done through facebook twitter and reddit and Jow Forums is larger of a site than some people think

working on an official /brit/ app for iOS
shall be charging £2.99 for it


Why do you runts keep making new threads whenever I post

it got plenty of yous itt
so people like it
stop complaining, spoof

weather man says its going to snow

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no offence, John, but I've got an IQ of 136. it's been tested


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unironically the most beautiful moment in sporting history


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tfw no asian foot gf

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so this is "/brit/"

4d chess move by the chink overlord slowly phasing out Jow Forums with its replacement 4channel

post more

At Blacktoil

>RAWR!! x3 nuzzles! pounces on u uwu u so warm. couldn't help but notice ur bulge from across the floor. nuzzlez yo' necky wecky~ murr~ hehe. unzips yo baggy ass pants oof baby u so musky. take me home, pet me, N' make me yours & dont forget to stuff me! see me wag my widdle baby tail, all for your bolgy-wolgy! kisses n lickies yo neck, i hope daddy likeies. nuzzles n wuzzles yo chest, i be gettin thirsty. hey i got a lil itch u think u can help me? only seven inches long UwU PLS ADOPT ME. paws on ur bulge as i lick my lips uwu punish me pls. bout to hit'em with this furry shit. you dont see it coming pounces on you u ded'd

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Any druid men in?

hope a car loses traction and swipes you off the footpath x

>iq 136

Lads how do I fix this shit?

Also how damaging do you think it may be to my /gf2019/ efforts?

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what did you study? can you prove the poincare conjecture

You're right Yank

what is the point of this webm

Good lord

don't think anyone here's a dentist you numpty
go see one

Generic similarity to Vikings
Im 17%

Attached: Viking_without_foreigners.png (957x838, 106K)

Ah yes Western culture

I've seen players... Vardeh, Drinkeh, Kanteh

ramanujan had an iq of 160+


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*throws a golf ball down the thread*

At the WMAF interracial breeding grounds (Canada).

>this is what users of Jow Forums consider to be a 'chad'

why do i come onto this site of runts

pretty normal
doubt most girls would care

ah, it's the crystal palace against the spurs is it, hmm? wonderful

Nah I usually sit down cos otherwise I feel pee spray on my feets

my pleasure my mistress.
I try my best.

imagine calling the club they were they filmed pheonix nights
the sitcom and a shithole club
one of ur towns must see attractions

Based niggaz, not having it one bit

would lick those feet raw (unironically)

look where it landed

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My forebears are from the Shetlands so I'm basically pure viking

are lad bocelleh

lungs like fookin bagpipes

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he dabs. 0:40

*tries to walk it in*

Pajeets in the US have the second highest average IQ. sit the fuck down mate

art hoes

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My haplogroup?
Why it's J2 of course

this bitch FINE

Just journeyed back to 2005

>imagine calling the club they were they filmed pheonix nights

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absolutely starved for (You)s
you lot are real stingy bastards

no he doesn't
be quiet

the ones that manage to make it here are usually smart
the ones in your shithole country are all low iq curry pig niggers, just like you
sit the fuck down mate, don't want the smell of shit plastered streets to make you dizzy

Why do you guys have such a horrible teeth and a funny head like Wayne Rooney?

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suspect a large portion of this thread was born no earlier than 2-3 years before that date

Real Anglo-Saxons have blue eyes and either dark blond or light brown hair


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Unemployed hoes

How to hide in the woods in a small country with little to no woods and highly developed police surveillance?

pure son of jórvík me

Lord kill the pain

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the matrix wasn't a film it was a documentary

Your teeth are fine lad

Yes, one would suspect that would be very suspect from the content posted in the thread herein

>a poor country means everyone has low IQ
lmao just lmao

motionless Hodgson on the touchline and his hair taking a bit of a battering from the elements. Pochettino is seated.

love are mark

That's because the first world skims the cream from the third world. Call it nu-colonialism. Doesn't change the fact your average IQ is shit.

He's Irish

too scared

Fuck up nerd



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have to go out in the cold to buy food and booze

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