Let's ally with a failing empire, another failing empire, and fucking Bulgaria...

>Let's ally with a failing empire, another failing empire, and fucking Bulgaria, and fight all of the world's most powerful countries at once
>t. Germany
>Let's ally with the most incompetent people on Earth, idiots on the other side of the planet, and Bulgaria again, and fight all of the world's most powerful countries at once
>t. Germany again
At that point they deserved it for that alone.

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trick question
which country is against communism the one which tried to stop it or the one who had an alliance with it

Technically both the Axis and the Allies had treaties with the Soviet Union, the Axis just broke theirs.

whoa... made me think.. we really live in a society....

it was just banter

diplomatically it all went downhill after Bismarck

What allies would you suppose they get then? All the other powers were already aligned agaisnt them in some way

The Germans in both WWs, especially the second, were kinda retarded but it's not like they had much choice in their allies under the circumstances. The reason they were buddies with Italy, Japan and all those Balkan countries was precisely that they knew they were against the world's most powerful nations. You can't exactly be picky in that situation. The one thing the Germans were in critical lack of was friends.
Granted, that was their own fault for being so spergy and for starting the wars in the first place, but still. I do agree that Germany got what happened to them and more.

Germany only became politically isolated due to the retarded foreign policy of Wilhelm II
Germany could've allied with China and America, perhaps even with Russia
an alliance with Britain became unlikely due to the growth of the German economy but the outright hostility between the two countries would've been easily avoidable had Wilhelm II not insisted on the unnecessary naval arms race

Bismarck seems like the last German who actually knew what he was doing.
For WWI, have Wilhelm not build a giant fleet that pisses off Britain, have him do everything to not piss off the United States (like the Zimmerman Telegram), and either fund discontents in Russia or not put all of his eggs in the Austria-Hungary basket, which by that point was by far the weakest of the great powers.

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non agression pacts are not an alliance mr. liberty



I forgot that the onion published this. I just r/woosh myself.

why was Willhelm such a fucking failure

>lets fight and die so we can get replaced with africans, middle easterners and mexicans
>t. France, UK and USA

Some people just shouldn't be in command. Wilhelm at least has the consolation of only being the second most incompetent WWI leader.

he was a cripple and his mother neglected him which probably resulted in him having an inferiority complex

Yes I'm sure that's exactly what they were thinking, moron

>he was a cripple

>A traumatic breech birth resulted in Erb's palsy, which left him with a withered left arm about six inches (15 centimetres) shorter than his right. He tried with some success to conceal this; many photographs show him holding a pair of white gloves in his left hand to make the arm seem longer. In others, he holds his left hand with his right, has his crippled arm on the hilt of a sword, or holds a cane to give the illusion of a useful limb posed at a dignified angle. Historians have suggested that this disability affected his emotional development.[2][3]

basiert und rotgepillt


And I'm sure the oversimplification of OP is correct.

Crazy stuff.
Germans should've poisoned him and replaced him with someone else.

>an armlet ruined europe

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OP was correct though, we let Germany invade two countries for free and then you had to take Poland which we regularly warned you against doing so. Hitler was a huge nigger.

yes, he was unfit to rule
this is the problem with monarchy, you need a mechanism to prevent retards like him from getting on the throne

That's nuts, I had no idea.