Post beautiful girls from your country

Attached: 35617461_492885677848310_5717475548360343552_n.jpg (1080x1350, 87K)

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there aren't any all beautiful girls in the world are from Russia.

i don't agree polish annd belarussians look better
also no those kind of threads pls also she is not beautiful

all beautiful girls in those countries have 100% russian dna.
if you look for beautiful girls in any country they'll have russian dna if you do the research

>also she is not beautiful
sure , and I am the president of Tunisia

Brazilan women are better

Attached: 584580FE-BEB7-4311-B78C-5D4AEC29DDFE.jpg (750x827, 125K)

i meant you could find better for an op pic way better desu

Ignore that gay fag. He will suffer in Jahannam for having shit taste

look at her clothes a whore
also i don't like models i don't find them cute
i like cute girls not hott-ish whorish sluttish ones

You are welcome to provide a "better pic"

you probably won't like my taste
but this is peak performance she is not model tier neither have that good looking face but she is 10/10
italian tho not tunisian

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x1280, 150K)

>but she is 10/10 italian tho not tunisian
what part of "from your country" didn"t you understand ?
And this girl being cute doesn't mean the first one isn't

brazil has russian diaspora

russia is the only good country in the world

i didn't save any pics of tunisian girls
hold on let me search some girls from my uni

Oh yeah the article defiantly ranked brazil number one because of the Russian diaspora.

In fact if there were no Russians in Brazil they wouldn’t be ranked at all

i like the girls on the right

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Attached: cute French girls.jpg (640x480, 59K)

did you just delete the pic and repost it again

It is over.

yeah, sour tout in the summer

Sprots channel lady in my cunt.

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حاوي يا حاوي يا حاوييييي

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