Please come to Brazil and fuck our women.
Please come to Brazil and fuck our women
Twerking and huge butts are most retarded woman things these past 3 years, I will only fuck your woman pregnant if I can torture to death every twerker with unnatural butt. Deal?
is that supposed to be sexy?
brazilian always tell me to come to São Paulo but i cannot come anytime soon
i never liked booty shaking
i don't know how people think this is an attractive dance
good ol n word
>Twerking in [current year]
Do you have Brazilian amigos in Australia?
I want your men. I can get women here too.
dont wanna
how come every brazilian house has that tiling
please tell me thats not a trap
all the third world has it, you see it in asia and the middle east too
i presume it's just because easier to clean
portuguese culture dating back to roman times
because its cheap as shit and theyre poor
See this Portuguese OP
It is.
This And it gets too hot inside the house during the summer.
Indeed, fuck him. Right in the butt.
Are you retard?
What makes you think I'm Portuguese?
Plata o plomba?
he looks like he smells like shit
and as I said on the other thread, you're a mentally ill freak.
He's a pretty flower and I have my own thing going on for me. Nobody gives me orders neither can influence me. Would pick him over a real girl now and I had tons of girls. Not joking, I was/am miserable because my mother never loved me. I lost virginity late, I compensate for it. But lately haven't had sex in a while like since May of 2018, I was just not in the mood for it anymore. Am over 30. I should be married. Still want him.
what is her name?
why do they think moving like a baboon is attractive to humans, I can't see her now farer than as a prostitute
twerking has been around for almost 8 years m8
the fuck?
>I was/am miserable because my mother never loved me.
>waaaah mommy didn't wuv me waaah :(
To me these coon dances are unappealing on a deep racial level
Any woman that does this immediately loses her breedworthy status in my eyes
Pixels on a screen don't get to me.