> chainlink.news
Time to step up the game and make link shine properly. Telegram shill group is only so good, we need something more tangible like this website. All articles/posts will be posted here so that everyone can edit/improve them or post their own
> github.com
Chainlink Safe Haven of INFO
Other urls found in this thread:
what makes it so difficult for you faggots to stick to one thread? no one else cares and you kill off arguably better threads every time. there's a reason people don't post status updates every time they take a shit, learn from them.
I will contribute.
no idea how this is supposed to work, but I know some stuff about Link that is not posted too often.
You must really like losing money. Congrats, you're in a goddamned cult.
Who gives a shit, why are you shilling it? Dumb faggots, let it be.
>shill group
no one needs to know about it. the market makers won't let it pump until they're ready to make it pump. they didn't release the tokens a year before launching their test net for no raisin. you aren't going to kick this off, they are.
Updated GitHub with examples:
These examples are the 2 articles posted on the website now.
>better threads
Lmao have you seen Jow Forums these last few days? Dead board. Kys faggot.
Finally good thing posted on biz and no1 cares. This is the absolute state of linkies, they don't even bother to write up .md's in this comfy website
thanks for doing this, user
will contribute when i can
Patiently fucking waiting this shit to bottom out(it's getting pretty boring). You think it's close?
I'm just gonna dump a bunch of link related stuff here that I've found but haven't looked into it much. Been busy as hell so if you autists have the time to dig go ahead
See attached tweet. Barry Silbert founder of Digital Currency group. Who is on his board of directors? Lawrence Lenihan with whom Sergey has a close relationship. He was Sergey's professor @ NYU and Sergey also did a teaching fellowship with him. Also a former secretary of the treasury Lawrence H. Summers is involved in the group. If nothing else it is further evidence of Sergey's connections
Possible Link + GVT Connection
Bro... just link to the pdf. We all already have this anyways.
I can actually confirm this. I'm the market maker on binance for Chainlink. I report to Sergey directly. Link has not hit bottom and will be still be comparatively cheap until the first singularity (tentatively planned for Sept 13th 2020).$.13 cent Link is the cheapest you'll ever get. It will stay under $.20 until all the shitcoins get shaken out.
WTF this is in spanish?!?!? this is why we need to build the damn wall and get flags.
thank you, user
you're renewing my faith in LINK
chainlink has a safe space now, what is this timeline?
not linking to the pdf is violating my safe space.
I'm calling it. Chainlink will not survive the impending bitcoin crash
nice larp