What do modern Jow Forums frenchies, germans, eastern euros, and japanese think of their parents/grandparents who were vichy, nazi, soviet, and imperial jap? Is there shame?
What do modern Jow Forums frenchies, germans, eastern euros...
why would you be ashamed of being related to based people
I feel shame. I hate this country and it's history.
Wasn't your great great grandparent a confederate soldier in the civil war, John?
Doubt it matters to them, go ask a random.guy if he cares that your grandpa died and will help you.
No, he worked making munitions for the union
Well, Britain terorised and subjugated most of the world. Genocides, famines and war. I'm ashamed to call myself British
why do you think about your boomer ancestors who created corporate dystopia and murdered millions of people all over the world and destroyed many more lives in the name of profit for your corporations? do you feel shame?
My great-grandfather fought in Slovakia against the Soviets, it was during the time when Romania was sided with Nazi Germany.
I'm so proud of him...
My great grandfather served in the Luftwaffe for the third reich, I don't believe he flew but we have a few medals from him and a visor cap, we have some other stuff too if y'all would like to see
not at all
shame on you
post that nice stuff
share 'em
I have no nazi grandparents, my grandpa joined the Free French army in North Africa and fought in the Italian theater of WW2, most notably at Monte Cassino.
My great grandpa took some golden watches from Berlin, among other shit. He probably also killed a lot of nazis because he got a lot of war medals.
Totally not. They did what they had to do.
Also they did nothing bad, both were in the Luftwaffe and shooting down anglos can never be a crime.
Not sure how I would feel if both grandfathers were KZ guards or something, tho.
Delivered, iron cross second class and a war merit medal awarded to my great grandmother I believe
Also a postcard from the 1936 Olympics
My grandfather fought for Japan even tho he was Korean. He later returned to Korea and fought in Korean War. Abolsute warlord.
based and redpilled
reported to the authorities, your nazi granddaddy isn't getting away this time
what is there to be ashamed of in living under the vichy regime?
Back of the postcard
Thank you Sütterlin user
Greetings and quick recovery sends and wishes Adolf Hillebrand
In red: My first message from Berlin you shall receive , because I believe it will make you happy. After a sleepless night we arrived here yesterday on time at 6:15 in the morning. In the afternoon I stood soaking with sweat in the crowd(?) at the corner Wilhelmstreet - Unter den Linden. There an incredible mass of people waited for the torch bearer.
'Honor units' (Veterans?) of all branches of the Heer passed by, all VIPs of the Reich (not Hitler) were visible. I can't describe the experience of the opening party and festival. Maybe you will get a better idea from the newspapers. I think experiencing such a party could do wonders against ???(an illness).
Early today there were only ???(maybe competitions); our people did quite well in the great ???, we don't expect them to reach the top 3.
The negro Owens already ran the old world record. However in the entire Olympiad Germany has already received 5 gold, 5 silver and 2 bronze medals.
Please keep this postcard! Don't missplace it! I'd be happy receive another message from you. Heil Hitler! Your ???
Died in russia, these are some things my great grandmother managed to smuggle out when she left germany
most of our grandparents who experienced the wartime were less educated and in very terrible living conditions in 1940's in their early life
so not really
I think that's one of reasons why it's hard to be deeply sorry about ww2 for us
For some reason we found a close combat medal when one of my grandfathers died who was actually in the Luftwaffe. Nobody knows why he got it, but we know he got shot down at least once, so maybe he fought his way back or something...
He didn't talk about the war at all and died when I was still to young to care. Kinda sad.
Luftwaffe units also fought on the ground, for example the paratrooper divisions
also, late in the war there was an extreme lack of fuel so bombers weren't sent on missions anymore and their crews had to fight as infantry