What's the point of doing anything when someone else can do it better?

What's the point of doing anything when someone else can do it better?

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this is why i never bother learning programming. can't compete with the savants who learned when they were three year old boomers

if everyone had that attitude we would still be a bunch of monkeys.

people have unoriginal thoughts everyday day. the differentiating factor is execution. nobody has follow through, vision, convictions, strategy. Life is a game, own it.

It takes a long time to master something (look at piano). If you don't want to be a master, enjoy being a slave.

programming isnt hard. get your fat ass in gear its extremely lucrative

>look at piano
This is the best and worst example. There are thousands of good players out there, many of them started very young, "mastering" being a >20 year old boomer is a meme retard

I know what you mean OP. I used to want to be a musician, but came to the realization that there will always be someone better than me due to genetics or money or connections. However I think that everyone can at least come up with one thing that is innovative and unique. That's why you do it.

you can be you better than anyone else fren

takes about 10 years at 40 hours a week to 'master' something. Means you can 'master' about 3 different things in your adult life.

Choose wisely.

>tfw jack off my only trade, master of none


Herby Hancock didn't worry about writing the "most" dope album. He just wrote an album and it was dope.


Become a gay pr0n star user if gripping dick is your specialty. You'll finally make it

1. Specialize in something you're good at or something you like
2. Find a location or group of people who lack said specialization
3. ????
4. Profit

There's the problem of not knowing where to start.

Congrats, you've reached the point where you're no longer naive about your talents! The good news is that if you're a hard worker and willing to form relationships/valuable expertise, you'll be valuable enough for employers to keep you around.

The field is flooded. Start on something else like teaching the elderly how to use the internets

This is only a problem because programming tutorials are such utter dogshit.

>introduce some syntax
>purpose/use of it is either intuitive or could be explained in a sentence or two
>instead give extremely long and repetitive explanation on what it does
>show a very basic example
>never give complex examples or explain how or why you would/could use it in an actual program
Every programming tutorial ever. You'd be better off just reading the language's documentation, because at least that's succinct. That's what I've been doing with python.

27 year old boomer here
It was this thought process that stopped me doing anything with my life, i wish i stuck with my flash programming when i was 12 i might of had a life worth living

Find something you can do better than anyone else.
Or dedicate to someone you don't master but that you can improve and go at least close to those who do it better.

its hard and boring and there are thousands of indians we could hire instead, so why learn it

I hadnt thought about that in years, all i ever wanted to do was create but i teamed up with someone on newgrounds and he was learning x2 quicker then me so i just stoped like a faggot

Because you are doing it and he isn't.

Probably this. I'm a subpar programmer but create sites that earn my living and have done it for 10+ years. I dont use any frameworks and code in notepad but I actually put in enough time to create things people use. I see a lot of talented people make really nice projects that no one even uses because they arent willing to spend the time guerrilla marketing in the beginning or spend too much time fleshing a project out instead of just pushing to market.

The point is to try. Trying is the point because this is a simulated reality you put yourself in to learn to better your self without being consciously aware of you doing it. So you are wasting time until you die and have to start all over again.

>spend years learning how to draw
>still mediocre
>could have just enjoyed fanart someone else drew instead

You obviously suck at programming, but you still make money because you actually do it. This is how life works and this user has got it.

Please don’t think this way. I’m a fat 29 year old with lots of talent that blew too
many opportunities due to fear of not being good enough. Most likely due to a combo of genetics and feeling less than based on my parents.

Now I’m struggling to overcome and do something I can make a decent living at.

However old you are, just stick with it. Trust me.

Jordan Peterson once had a client tell him he was feeling depression because his college roommate at the time was doing a lot better than him in school with little effort. The client’s roommate was Elon musk.

It’s pointless to compare yourself to others and feel bad about yourself in non-zero sum games.

there is no point. life isn't an inherent dick contest to see who contributes to society the most btw, do whatever the fuck you want as long as you aren't harming anyone. no one should be telling you how to live your life.

fuck off you stupid nigger