So what kind of grills do you usually attract in ur cunt

So what kind of grills do you usually attract in ur cunt.

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normal ones i guess, but im always too clueless to realize







Fat girls unironically





same, though i usually beeline towards them when ive had a few drinks

All kinds. Feels good to not be hideous and have decent social skills

also none
haha what concidence

the last 3 girls i fucked have their facebook album containing that stupid plastic bag blowing in the wind so i guess im pulling in these girls

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Fat blacks and goblinas, i like to think when i start losing weight i might start attracting fat white women.

pretty much all of them


fat white girls, i'm not white and not attracted to white girls (although i like feminine white boys)

brown girls (i'm white with blue eyes)

i want qt blonde gf pls

5"4 ones who have masculine fathers and feminine mothers.

Post face


Fat girls

Ugly mixeds

ever since i turned 26 i've had teenage art hoes throw themselves at me nonstop. it's making it very hard to stay in a relationship.


5-10 years older than me for reasons I don't understand.

What you looking like

Usually ugly and asian.
Or white and fat.

So far I seem to kind of attract pretty wholesome girls, which is a good thing imo.

me with the m8s on a casual hiking trip

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what is that phenotype called?

Doesn't matter, they're not that one I actually like

What have I done to deserve this bros?

26 here. The only thing available around me is single moms, roasties, druggies, and gold diggers.
I'd rather attract a girl outside this country.

My only girlfriend was a cute polish hapa so that I guess


As if you'd find anything better anywhere else. I guess if you just want your guaranteed gold diggers you'll do well enough.

the ones with dad issues

fat single mothers who got knocked up by chad while young and beautiful but lost their beauty

think they are churkas

Are you a qt? Do you want gold digging flip?


Art hoes and hippies

Blondes for some reason,
Maybe because I have brown hair and thats a nice contrast? Coupled with decent looks and social skills.

black ones

Why are you guys such losers? Getting a gf is not hard.

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just generic white girls (but it never goes anywhere)

actually yes



Being on imageboards is enough socializing for me.

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Don't ruin my dreams

I think I am. Only if I don't have to marry them. Would prefer genuine love.


pregnant whore girl

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Who is this cute girl

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They only date Muslims/Arabs or Indians.

So for me, none. Impossible.

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They only want BVLLS.


Mostly with children and/or boyfriend. It's a fucking curse, lad. They are willing to cheat on them with me and don't give a fuck about it

You two need to be killed off.

Looks like a Paki if you crop out the face. THe fuck is wrong with swedish women

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they like to get blacked

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Normal ones but the fuck up thing as soon as I realize they are attracted to me I get so turned off and nervous I go out of my way to make them hate me.
I am a 25 year old virgin because I drive the women who like me away and chase the bitches who treat me like dirt.

There was a girl I liked for a long time
She was a bit odd, a bit fat and a bit of a cunt and exactly my type of girl.
One day when in school she was basically asked me outright to fuck her, I had no clue she liked me.
She never showed any signs of attraction and she was genuine about the offer.
In the moment, in a split second I was completely repulsed by her.
A year of wanting suddenly disappeared and I turned her down.
Sometimes I think I am a Masochist.

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I like girls with brown hair and blue eyes.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-27 Ironic TikTok video's on Instagram “ thattiktokgirly - hannah may1224 # (598x2287, 421K)

Based kiki poster



big tit maori girls

Arabs, mutts, and below 4's
And occasionally, for reasons beyond my capacity of understanding, a 10 will be drawn to me and be in my life.
Everything in between doesn't seem to know I exist. And I'm at the point where I am willing to put effort in to change this. I owe it to myself.
