/brisBane/ edition
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That's a big building.
you're a big cunt
PLEASE answer
Who are the UK's largest taxpayers?
1. Stephen Rubin and family, £181.6m. Majority stakeholder in JD Sports and owner of Pentland Group.
2. Denise, John and Peter Coates, £156m. Owners of gambling company Bet365.
3. Sir James Dyson and family, £127.8m. Vacuum cleaner and household appliance company.
4. Bruno Schroder and family, £114.3m. Investment management company.
5. Sir Jim Ratcliffe, £110.5m. Owner of Ineos chemicals company
6. The Weston family, £76m. Owners of retailers including Selfridges, Primark, Ryvita, Silver Spoon, Ovaltine and Twinings.
7. Sir Chris Hohn, £64.8m. Manager of TCI hedge fund.
8. Sir Peter Wood, £53.7m. Founder of esure insurance company.
9. James Benamor, £52.2m. Owner of Amigo Loans and Richmond Group moneylenders.
10. Baroness Howard de Walden and family, £44.1m. Property investors.
conservative positions = whatever women believe
so apparently anyone who isn't a pathetic beta weeb virgin freak is a paki
>they're the italy equivalent
don't watch rugby, is italy shit?
>Owners of Selfridges, Primark, Ryvita, Silver Spoon, Ovaltine and Twinings.
smelly shite
why'd they choose an ugly slag like her anyway
what game should i download
god I wish she did that to my bollocks
Second life cos you fucking need one gimp
refuse to answer any strawpolls with a captcha
brit torrent club
three films you should download from 2018 which you may have skipped over
Active Measures
Bad Times at the El Royale
are jared
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Thinking about busting in my FWB when she's ovulating then deleting her off of everything. Never gave her my real name or number so she couldn't trace me.
whats this now
Routinely finish last in the 6N. Be interesting to see the effect a couple of years with O'Shea as coach has had though. Benneton making a serious impression in the Pro 14 this season.
brisbin lol
resident evil hd remake
you're a big city..
>it's a "homeless people (of the junkie variety) invade the block and piss all over the stairwell" episode
claire saffitz
does cooking videos on youtube where she tries to replicate existing things like kitkats or twinkies
> got high as shit last night and started making out with my 2B body pillow
might quit my toil and resurrect the retro-vidya reviewing fad from the 00s with my gamer character who plays really dodgy old Commodore 64 and Nintendo games (on an emulator ofc cause I'm a cheap bastard) while getting drunk and screaming and laughing at how shit they are
how do you two contact each other then
Don't know whether to have a pizza, or some pasta & sauce
Oh right, don't care
porque no los dos?
prove it
The dream Saturday is literally going out to football having a scrap with the lads, showing off your battle scars to the lads, laughing about the fight, smashing some lines and pills then going to a rave with the lads and pulling a slag who’s interested by the masculinity of your black eye and grazed knuckles
hopefully not true
the twitter account that tweeted that got suspended lol
don't see why islamic, jewish, welsh, gaelic and irish schools should exist in britain
should all be secular english medium education
blog on
need a £4.34 (or a little more) purchase dispatched by amazon lads - any suggestions?
its too late for dinner. have toast and milk and go to bed. toil on the morrow
Post some 80s classics, lads.
If they are private no problem at all
(8) let's get fucked up (8)
The actual Saturday is sitting in your room having a danger wank as you hear mummy coming upstairs to ask if you want a jelly and ice cream.
>its too late for dinner.
might quit toil and go live in airbnbs in ukraine for a few months, they're dirt cheap
Is January the shittest month of the year?
The dream Saturday with the lads is literally going out to football with the lads and having a scrap with the lads, showing off your battle scars to the lads, laughing about the fight with the lads, smashing some lines and pills with the lads then going to a rave with the lads and pulling a slag who’s interested by the masculinity of your black eye and grazed knuckles with the lads.
>yeah I'm going to try to find a video about someone applying lotion to go to sleep, that'll do the trick
Nobody cares lad.
is skiing expensive for a week
No toil
Didn't get up until 6 as I sleep through the day.
Won't be going to bed until I've watch a few filmssssssssssssss
spent a year living in this shitty apartment block in a pretty ropey part of town some time back and would regularly pass this one particular lad who was clearly a heroin addict and was out of it most of the time but he was always really well-dressed and clean-shaven and fairly well spoken and would always salute me when he was lucid enough
odd contrasts that always made me wonder. don't think he even lived there and probably only went to get his fix before heading off to his 'real' life
Depends where you ski.
gay bandit
*looms over you*
they're not
religious schools get state funding. and in wales, welsh medium schools get more funding per pupil than english medium ones (and take in less deprived pupils). they're a way for the welsh speaking middle class to get ahead. i dislike them
When a nation stops being religious it starts treating all religions the same and when it starts treating all religions the same is coddles unsavory people in the name of equality.
Why aren't you a church-goer?
Sleep less than 6 hours without sleeping pills and feel like shit
even with benzos + whisky I rarely manage 8. Been this way for years and I feel like I'm decaying.
Anyone I know who takes serious amounts of opiates is in the medical profession.
that's because you're irish
yankified twonk
Only like the last one.
*speeds around vice city on a motorbike*
so fucking pissed off
can't concentrate on my homework
For me, it's religious girls.
Nobody cares lad.
Planned on reading this weekend
Instead i opened my book and the bookmark fell out and i lost my place.
Read 0 pages this weekend
doubt he was on drugs to begin with mate
for me it's satanic girls
the gf is getting In-N-Out for lunch lads!
Very redpilled, the only good girls left are church girls.
>Why aren't you a church-goer
Because I'm sane.
mormon girl stopped me in the street, tried to give me her spiel, started walking off and she gave me a card with her mobile number on
shut up you low iq mongo
we need to enforce strict anti-religious laws against everyone, problem solved
Religion should be done away with
>coddles unsavory people
the church is riddled with nonces and has been forever
Good lad
oh yeah just go to a church filled with nobody and listen to a man read a boring book
dave is STILL banging on about the welsh
What's this I'm hearing about Jow Forums being shutdown on the 7th
*lets off an extremely pong fart*
alri lads alri give it a whiff
Managed a decent 110 pages this weekend