I think New Zealand should have a colony in a warm place so we can go sploosh in the water!

I think New Zealand should have a colony in a warm place so we can go sploosh in the water!

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go outside anime freak it's already hot as fuck

But too cold to sploosh in water
And there's stingrays here so it's scawy

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I don't know where OP is but it's raining here.

Austria is hot as fuck though

I'm in Wellington and there's scary sea pancakes here

Reported for being British

I'm not a poof or anything but I'd shag you up the arse just cause you horrific mental trauma.

-Why are they all cats?
-How does he sell pork in the middle of nowere?
-He also manages to sell ice cream?
-Girl in the top left is brave, I couldn't jump from so high
-Why do only girls visit this location?
-Post box: so someone lives there?
-Where is his kitchen if he has a vent? i guess he operates out of a singular stove oven

Shouldn't NZ be hot all the time?
South=Hot as everyone knows

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I like to imagine this is set in the far future (~2100) so:
>major biological modifications are common, leading to a lot of people becoming catgirls
>it's not the middle of nowhere, it's part of a network of colonies on the south atlantic guyot chain
>British are all cowards
>if major biological modifications are common, some parts of the world may have extremely high female:male ratios
>pointless accessory for junker aesthetic

Our water is fine, you just need to harden up.

Wait you're not British
Oh no I'm stupid

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Understandable mistake, americans are just as bad as poms

No, I'm not a French apple

what is that asthetic called? I love it
the "buildings in the middle of the ocean which are mostly impractical"

>what is that asthetic called?
Mario Sunshine

Dunno, but I'm honestly considering trying it.
There are actually tropical areas on the high seas where the water is as shallow as it is in the picture (or even shallower), and once I have the money and a bit more knowhow I could construct a small cargo vessel capable of transporting materials for small buildings and assembling them onboard.

One of those shallow tropical areas requires like, only a degree of deviation to reach from a significant shipping lane (a massive straight line that's part of the shortest path around the west half of Africa) giving it a good deal of traffic. There's another which that same shipping lane passes right through, but it's not as shallow so the buildings would need much larger stilts and thus be much more expensive to construct and more prone to damage.

its 30 degrees where I am
I am not OP by the btw

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I had no idea Kiwis were such fags.

>30 degrees
also how hot does it get in nz anyway? i assume it'd be colder than aus but might still be warm in the summer

ok retard

don't say that don't say that