
the general where we only discuss britain and british culture

Attached: white genocide now.jpg (728x527, 73K)

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i need those british lasses with fine legs guys

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Manlet's revenge

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might stand outside with a sign that says black genocide now


Attached: manualdriving.webm (632x434, 945K)

bit gay yanks
wouldn't want to bend down to pick something up around them


>might stand outside with a sign that says black genocide now

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Future dictionaries will have his portrait inked in the description of "loser".

British people can be visited by the police for tweeting "trans women are not women".

The UTTER STATE hahahaha


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And they do this because they know since the managers work 13 hour shifts they’ll likely work 50+ hours a week without having to be paid overtime. It’s wage/time theft tbqh.

they can also be arrested for saying nigger on Jow Forums

and rightly so

Illegal immigrants can freely cross your border and your politicians will shutdown government because they want your children raped and murdered by Mexicans
Utter state

On a diet. Need to watch my portion sizes haha x

Love living in a country where I can freely say "nigger" online.
This is now "/brit/ - American Appreciation edition"

drinking at 10am because can

I'd ravage both ypur arseholes, one after the other. Not a poof or anything just want you to know who's the man and who's the bitch.

you realize that walmart store managers make like 90k salaries right? you're retarded

You fingered Sue yet?

At least I'm not compelled to deny empirical reality

I'm trying to study but Mummy has Antiques Roadshow on so loud

>light drizzle
>house becomes structurally unstable and has to be abandoned

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No they fucking don’t.

no and im a philosopher not a shagger so shall be doing no such thing period

any retard can calculate his hours he works in a year and divide their salary by it. they aren't going to take the job if they're getting paid like 6/hour like you're thinking.

As they should

I'd still rather live in the US than the United Shitdom

they also get fired very frequently

you're a low test beta freak that's what

6L of Rockstar silver ice for $20


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In fact, the National Bureau of Economic Research found, Walmart store managers make an average salary of $92,462 per year.

you're clearly very uninformed on the situation, so I shan't be replying further. not worth my time

applied for my first job
shitting myself

thats one philosophy

That’s not what I’m saying. Of course managers make 10s of thousands more a year than associates but they work long hours with overtime without being compensated overtime pay.

should be banned from driving
yeah I know he's being towed but context is irrelevant

put on a diaper before the interview

i did my phd studying the walmart managerial pay situation

alri scotland magistrates court

got a phd in being a stupid retard

virgin juice

The brit one or do you have your own version?

No you didn't, 'Cos I did.

That’s the main store manager. Every Walmart has at least 6 managers and all except the head store manager make less than 50k.

dont, they likely need the cheap labor and you'll be hired anyway as long as you're not immediately a fuck up.

Got a Bachelor of Commerce. Also, got no job.

shut up you bitter little virgin

95% of brits can't drive

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For me it's the US version of Antiques Roadshow

Yeah, not that manager, the other manager, yeah.

you're right I'll get 12L of demon energy for $30 instead

one reviewer said it helped them stay up all night playing destiny so it must be good

its a student job that accepts basically anyone
dont care if they torture me i just want money

always assumed that shit yank word "coed" was pronounced how it was written; "co-ed", but its pronounced like "coyote" or some crap like that

have a phd in romance novels myself

a really ugly nerdy girl who sits behind me in my comp class keeps smiling at me lads
should i fuck her?

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don't remember asking but ok


What are you on about? It’s Coe-edd.

the new delusion begins

How is a 27 inch 5K i7 Mac computer £600 cheaper than a basemodel 15 inch Macbook Pro

dont understand apple pricing

have sex instead

no they say "cuy (as in guy) - ode"
just hate it

Have a PhD in poo-ology.

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Supply and demand

really really want to switch out my transmission for a manual and learn it since I hate driving auto but I can't be arsed to go through with it
no clue why such a big country with a lot of driving doesn't use manual majorly

yea just follow her home and tackle her to the ground

need a redhead gf

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can you please refrain from using this disgusting racial slur, thank you

laptops are more expensive, numbnuts


Can't get the 27" one I to the cereal cafe.

laptop runts are more susceptible to getting scammed

what the hell are you talking about

yeah but this thing has a 27 inch 5K display like wew

no clue what you're talking about
but I'll trust you since you're an english teacher

No. They don't.

stupid horrid yank
just hate you (plural)

Neck yourself, you fucking shitstain.

wouldn't even wipe my arse with your worthless phd

ed kemper - the guyode killer

A fellow student of English grammar. Good day to you sir; good day!

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might clean my keyboard
probably won't

youse is the plural form of you

Why don't you lose some weight, you fat fuck?

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G’day mate. Having a beeya by the barbie are ya? That’s right-o.

ill give her my number and see what happens

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I'm 20kg lighter than I was this time last year

Didn't even diet or exercise just stopped being a neet

that is awful progress if you were trying

I'd never seen the poppy on his jacket before. He must be a top bloke.

Can the EPL fine customers that are seen standing on camera or only in person?

What is this in understandable measurements?

lost that much since summer

Just snaffled a box of 8 (EIGHT) Mr Kipling's French Fancies.

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