what do korean and japanese people think of American general Douglas Macarthur?
What do korean and japanese people think of American general Douglas Macarthur?
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We are have a positive images to him,
We were would've get fucked by cummies Without him.
he tried to nuke china, and they fired him for it
Killed a bajillion nips to liberate Korea then a bajillion commies to protect it. Hard to get more based than this. If only he was allowed to nuke Manchuria so that all of Korea could be unified
he is a real man
it was no luck for him that truman pussied out
They literally called him Gaijin Shogun and perceived the occupation of some sort of restoration of military governments and a reversal of meiji.
Mac was a pussy who ran away from the Philippines at the sight of Chad Yamato charging lmao
Is this supposed to be your god emperor?
That fag refused to trial Class A jap war criminals
>Japan, late 1945
>""God-Emperor"? ha more like Emperor of the manlets! sign this paper saying you're not a real god bitch!"
>"y-yes, p-prease don't hurt me Macarthur sir..."
They did get nuked. That is as good as trials get.
>send troops with no warm clothing into the mountains of North Korea with winter approaching
Things like that.
nice trips
Lol who cares. He also managed to get BTFO by the fucking chinks at Chosin, the chinks the Chad Yamato samurai were slaughtering throughout the war in the entire continental China. No wonder they resort to nukes. Seriously, no one can beat Japan on a 1v1.
>counting civilian deaths
It's 4 million vs 2 million casualties you barbaric japoid
god why are japs so proud of killing so many civilians? Just shows how barbaric the japoid race is
Civilians are combatants in a total war you retard. Learn history lmao.
Not to mention the fact the Allies outnumbered Japan 3 to 1.
>A state of total war emerged, directly involving more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. The major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources.
>Seriously, no one can beat Japan on a 1v1.
Could you imagine if MacMeme got his way and every single proxy fight in the Cold War involved a dozen strategical nukes?
Doesn't change the fact that you're taking solace in deaths where many of them were woman and children. Even for male civilians, China wasn't industrialized yet, so of course any idiot with a rifle would mow down chinks fighting with muskets.
could you imagine if we just carpeted china and russia with nukes before they even gained the capability for a retaliatory strike? just wipe those civilizations off the map permanently right then and there
world would be a much better place i reckon
and all those people killed for what? In the end your country was subjugated, your imperial traditions desecrated, the honor of your people violated. Japan was reduced to a mere puppet state to serve american interests. Was it worth it? Are you satisfied?
loser Zhang, it's 4:30AM in Portugal
is this how you made money ? lol
>a mere puppet state of Holland
japan fought for Indonesia even after ww2
Not really. Besides, chink soldiers have this ability of magically becoming civilians when they get beat or killed, so we don't really care about the nature of the kill count. After all, the whole Chink nation was at war with the rising sun, and that's what happens when you incur the wrath of samurai, that's it.
Pretty much. We have this legendary-tier badass high score with which we can banter.
fuck j*pan :^)
love, t. Alberto Barbosa
No, japan fought for resources in Indonesia. Supporting the independence movement was merely an attempt to placate the locals. Japan would not set Indonesia free if they had won. But I do respect the few Japanese soldiers that remained and fought for Indonesia. But that doesn't change the fact that Japan as a whole entered Indonesia with imperialist ambitions.
this is what happens when the samurai incurs the wrath of mcdonalds
MacArthur was a hero of the Jow Forumstards of those days, he indiscretely corresponded with alt right organizations and shared in their assessment that the New Deal was a Bolshevik plot to ruin the American Way (TM).
He was basically a Victorian who believed in "take up the white man's burden" and he was ordained by God himself to bring the light of civilization to the yellow man.
>alt right
that is literally what asians need though
zhang, still doesn't change the fact that you are a complete loser who made the thread on Jow Forums at 4AM
>Japan as a whole entered Indonesia with imperialist ambitions
> few Japanese soldiers that remained and fought for Indonesia
true, but are you saying your people were happy as holland slaves?
It's a hero in Korea.
In particular, he was tried to stop the Chinese army from participating in war by dropping nuclear bombs in Manchuria
If that had happened, Korea would have been unified.
stay mad, how does big MacAmerican cock feel inside your ass j*pan :^)
The guy's ego was nothing short of awesome--Eisenhower said once "I studied four years of dramatics under MacArthur in the Philippines.". He had a team of PR people around him who always knew just how to take the perfect photos for maximum heroic/dramatic effect. Already 70 when the Korean War started, he looked younger than he was (he actually did wear eyeglasses but would never allow himself to be photographed wearing them).
Unfortunately, the war would prove that MacArthur and the US Army in general underestimated their enemy by a long shot. During the initial landings in South Korea in June, they thought the North Korean army was a bunch of ragbag Asiatic peasants with no shoes and wooden spears or something, only to learn they were a professional force equipped and trained by Moscow. It didn't help that it was a completely different generation of soldiers in the Army by 1950, the veterans of Iwo Jima were long gone and the ranks mostly filled with kids who joined the service to get out of the boredom of small town America and assumed they would have easy, lazy occupation duty in Japan, or to get a free college education.
They did it all over again that fall by dismissing Chinese threats and also assuming if they did come, they were a similar ragbag peasant mob with no shoes. The Chinese were not heavily equipped, but were a formidable light infantry force with tons of experience in the civil war and the conflict with Japan.
The nukes never should have stopped. We should've sank your god forsaken island and gassed the stragglers.
>We should've destroyed the chad ethnostate BTFOing Africa today.
Pozzed and goypilled.
What I'm saying is that Japan is no better than the dutch. We weren't any happier as jap slaves. The japs had no right to claim as the liberators of asia when they only seek to plunder it.
So not only did soldiers have no winter clothes, their rations were remarkably poor as well. After MacArthur was fired and Matthew Ridgway took over command, he got the troops rallied and spent a great deal of effort making sure everyone was fed decently.
MacArthur's farewell address to Congress on April 19, 1951 was referred to by one Republican Congressman as follows: "We have heard a great voice today and it was the voice of God himself."
President Truman's reaction to the address was more blunt: "It was a load of bullshit."
Love you user
nobody here claims "we are liberators of asia"
but now you are chink slave lol
you are so mad that you made the thread and kept shitposting all night without sleep, my god, based paid chink poster
haha, how is your miserable life as a dog eater there?
lol now you try to deny it. Every time an Indonesian flag calls out Japanese imperialism you guys always bring up how japan "supported" the independence movement. Japanese propaganda also always revolved around the idea that japan is the liberator of asia.
And why do japs always bring up chinks? Are you jealous of china or something?
Speaking of slaves, you should pray to the gaijin shogun, as if it weren't for him turning japan into an american vassal state, japan would be a commie state just like north korea.
Japs can only inflict heavy casualties on poorly armed Chinese soldiers and civilians. They got absolutely raped in just about every naval battle past Midway. They are poor shots and even poorer tacticians who do the autism charges and get cut down by machinegun fire.
Your own government seems to love that narrative and brainwashes the niplings into believing it.
deny what? imperialism, propaganda.., are you living in 1940s? lol
it seems you are triggered by whatever Japanese related thing
your current life maybe sucks, but I don't care and we are not responsible for your failed life at all
stay mad forever lol!
nah, nobody here wants any war, but please hate japan more!
if SEA or Korea hate us, that's a good thing
it means less criminals come to japan!
I wish the Korean rate was higher. Absolutely nothing wrong with robbing/raping/killing worthless niprats.
the jap doesn't have anything left to say so he forgets what he said, deflects any arguments, uses ad hominem and claim victory. Truly the japanese way.
Did I hurt your national pride a bit too much? It's okay to log off for a while to cool off.
Patton was better, simply because he wanted to nuke Russia after the Nazis were defeated.
more like mutts can only beat thinly spread small japanese garrisons on the pacific islands, with a lopsided numerical superiority created by focusing on peripheral theatre when japan was fighting in the largest battle ground in the history of war. it's like a joke that in almost every battle they outnumbered japan at least 3:1, or 10:1 in many cases and somehow take pride in "defeating japan"; and this is why they couldn't even retake tiny north korea from fucking chinks by themselves when they were in charge. chad yamato samurai removed those trillions of chink armies throughout china proper, and mutts can't even completely kick them out of irrelevant north korea to this day because they can only fight when they are outnumbering the opponent by a large margin lmao
Do you even know what a "class A" war criminal even entails, you ignorant fuck?
Well maybe you shouldn't have started shit if you can't win dumb gookniggers
We were also fighting in Africa and Europe
except all the heavy liftings in europe were done by ruskies. you see, japan had china as the primary target, and germany had russia, and america, none. america had the luxury of choosing and focusing on vulnerable points like a vulture when the primary major powers in eurasia were fighting each other
You guys should have let him do it.
> This thread
Asia is truly a lovely place.
What does their poster say?
lmfao tens of thousands if men indefensive positions are not small garrisons. you generally need several times more men to attack an enemy. and look at the casualty figures for all of them. very lopsided because of poor jap shots and banzai charges
Lmao a fucking dentist killed 80 nips you're literally the weakest soldiers
I'm so happy that the word "japan" is still so strong enough to trigger betas around the world lol
please hate japan more, then you may get a cute girl friend or good job!
Nasty whores
lol why are you so mad? I don't hate japan. I'm just saying that the japanese were filthy imperialists just like the other white colonial powers, and that japan should be thankful to MacArthur and pray to him everyday for taking japan under american vassalage. That's it. Why are you so upset lol?
they are taiwanese qts in a baseball game
it's very amusing to see hysteric losers barking at us kek
yeah on the left
Left his men to die and scurried away on a torpedoboat