The west is the best
The west is the best
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being retarded enough to send a pic of yourself in drag with your face showing
>Surprised when it backfires
Superior western natural selection at play.
What type of person dresses up in girl clothes so easily other than someone who wants to be a trap?
Natural selection weeds out the dummies. We used have wars for that, now based trannies are doing the community service.
this, every person seems like a girl to me
why is discord so fucking full of trannies? It's like every server has at least one of them in. What is it that attracts them all in?
1-it is full of trannies
2-no,every server doesn't have one,unless my world of warcraft portuguese guild discord has one and I don't know
3-cult phenomenom,everybody likes to form their own pond for their own interests,also,they only have a photo and their voice as identification so they think they can pass more easily as a woman there
not only just gross trannies but also pedos
>so what if you're a pedophile
>who cares
Not really different from muslims I guess
Autism no joke.
Discord attracts autists and so does becoming a tranny.
Mashallah, keep up the good work.
The funniest thing is how these discordfags discuss Jow Forums culture on fucking discord. Its literally full of underage retards, homos, trannies and redditors
Absolutely fucking disgusting
But Reiko didn't dox anyone? The discord doxxed one retard who posted lots of details about himself and then started shit talking everyone and left.
They didn't do shit it's just role playing
I honestly hate faggots so fucking much and cant wait for the day when we hunt them down and execute them
i hate how one of the fucking trannies in the pic uses my fucking first name as a fucking avatar name
what is your first name
Post feet please
please be my gf
gas yourselves faggots