Hey Finns, I'll be in Helsinki for two days, what should I do?
Hey Finns, I'll be in Helsinki for two days, what should I do?
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Get out of Helsinki ASAP.
I want you to have sex with my wife
gay sex
Not very helpful 2bh
right on come to bönde we got moonshine and sex with farm animals yeeehaaw
As a Finn, I honestly have no idea what a tourist would want to do here
I see average imperial buildings on this pic. If it wasn't mentioned that this is Helsinki, I would think it's somewhere in Russia.
Only if it's with that cute Finnish lion
They are all built by Russians.
Get stabbed on the line of snägäri
Is Suomenlinna good?
Really don't get it what makes my countrymen so self-loathing. It's always the same self-ironic meme answers and self-belittling. It has always been so and it will always be so.
This is why you should never ask any advice about Finland on Jow Forums.
Yeah it's weird. If someone asked about things to do in my home town (or even London) I'd have loads of recommendations for them and I'd be happy to help.
Do not come to here there is too many tourist in helsinki
it's just the wrong board, any non retard would have asked on the correct one
/trv/ sucks
extremely low self-concept is to blame
You can't tell by the maintenance of the buildings? Even St. Petersburg isn't well maintained
Varmaan toi
>lunta sataa ja kaikkia vituttaa
Even historical center of Omsk looks the same.
what's that
Why are Finns so weird?
Yeah, in the summer. Except for all the geese and their goose shit everywhere. Right now it's really cold and way too much snow, so it's probably not the most pleasant time to be here. Unless you're into that I guess
It's a slang word for countryside, or for the area outside of Helsinki.
>what should I do?
Stay home nigger
It's not. St Pete, Odessa and Helsinki were built in Imperial (Pseudo) style. Omsk and other cities of RE were built in Russian classical style.
I don't really know what someone would specifically do in Helsinki, but then again I could say the same for any city really. What do people do when they go visit a city? Walk around and see stuff, I guess. Except it's so cold and snowy right now that it's probably not very fun to walk around
I like the snow, we don't get much here.
Stay in your own country, there is literally nothing to offer in Finland
Get out of there.
Get laid with some cute girl (male)
I think the trams are actually a pretty good option if you just want to cruise around and see stuff. You can just kick back and look at the scenery
Pls build stupidly giant moomng land like 5tims bigger than Disney land
Then thousand of Japanese will immigrants there
tips 1.
>Get the fuck away from helsinki since its doesnt show you anything but mentallly ll freaks thats diesbt resmble our nation.
what scenery?
commieblocks built in 60s and hobos sitting on benches?
Yes, I haven't visited it during winter but I'd like to.
I'm actually going to Tallinn first so that may spoil Helsinki for me a bit
I will consider it.
There's also this hotel if you want to see the city from above. There's a lounge area at the top, it's not super high up but it has a decent view of the city. I don't know where you'll be staying though
That would be the suburbs, trams operate in the inner city. You must not have been to Helsinki
you should kill yourself
Architectually Tallin is more western European, Helsinki is more Russian. They are different.
At Tallinn has cheap booze, another reason to avoid Helsinki
Please don't come here, for your own sake
Because marketing is the job for slimy people, who don't tell you the whole story. It feels really bad selling shit in bag.
Are you just visiting or on some kind of business trip? Yeah the old town in Tallinn is really nice. There aren't any similar areas in Helsinki but the southernmost part has some nice looking districts
How Finns manage things so good? Please can you rule our shithole? Guys
It's also full of people who larp successful capitalist americans
Not a bad idea actually. We have moomin cafes in hellsink and those are popular with Japanese. Tbh, Finland should just leave EU and union with Japan instead.
too bad
I wonder how it would have looked if you didn't bomb the place
It's not fucking self-loathing. We are just being honest. There really isn't anything in Finland worth seeing. Only thing that could come to my mind is gathering people, and getting drunk at sauna or something.
Finland isn't commercialised nation, nor we care about tourism much. It's just place to live and that's it.
Heres some actual pro tips
Take advantage of the superb tram network in helsinki and sightsee.
Go to a good steamy sauna
Go to kallio and visit some hipster bars, kick back and talk to some friendly strangers!
This is negative suggestions! Be aware.
And never talk to strangers, you will be shamed or killed (Finns are very violent)
fuck off they're full
pretty sure there are some nice restaurants and sights, like that fortress.
just how Jow Forums is
that's not true everyone would be saying don't go to londonistan
I went there for new years, expect to pay a huge amount for a half a litre of beer, the public transport is pretty good, way better than here. The island fortress is great. Expect it to be cold obviously. But 2bh tallinn is a way nicer city for tourists.
Just visiting. I want to check Finland and Eesti off my list.
Yellow: if you want to look at pretty old buildings, though if you're coming from London or somewhere it's probably pretty unremarkable. Not much going on but they'll look decently picturesque with the snow and stuff
Green: used to be a working class area but now there's just young hipsters and their hipster places, the occasional old guard alcoholics and Africans roaming the streets selling weed. If you want to bang a 20-something chick with a septum piercing, you'll easily score here as a tourist
Pink: full of nothing, still under construction and all the buildings consist of a mishmash of weird 2010+ architecture. If you're taking a ferry from Tallinn, you'll arrive at the area to the left. The area on the right has a new mall that is totally dead, and you supposedly get lost there because the floor plan is so dumb, but I haven't bothered visiting
Blue: if you want to experience Le Corbusier tier concrete brutalism, this is an entire district constructed like that. Nothing but offices there, but it's remarkable for how inhumane it is
Finnish cuisine is basically a joke. And it's sad, because the kind of food that was made by grandparents of many, is now considered unhealthy, and that was tasty and filling as hell. You can't find that in any restaurant, there's only tasteless food with all the fat drained out and other "raw" and "healthy" crap. The only "good" restaurants we have are foreign, especially from asian countries. The sights we have are most destroyed, and the few we have are not something you couldn't find anywhere else really. And really sightseeing? That's the most boring thing you could do. You should be seeking experiences, for which I already recommended Sauna, or swimming in frozen lake. There's not really any other experiences here.
You also need to take a proper Sauna, go drive snowmobile, and start using Snus.
What a based map.
Imagine having this low self-esteem about your own country, just fucking kill yourself. There are plenty of good restaurants and cafes in Helsinki.
And to OP, just check this site and ignore these plebs. myhelsinki.fi
I personally recommend Suomenlinna and our national museum. kansallismuseo.fi
I once accidentally bought weed from a bäginekru when I was really drunk. When I was sober the next day, I was just thinking like there's no way I'm smoking this shit, who knows what it's laced with. Twenty euros for a """gram""" of something packed in a small vacuum bag
If I went to Helsinki, could I kiss a cute girl?
>There are plenty of good restaurants and cafes in Helsinki.
They are all average compared to anything outside of EU. The reasons for this is that we take food regulations and media propaganda way too seriously. Other reason is that restaurant business in Finland is basically sweatshop tier business, you'll either produce everything cheapest way possible, or price everything so high that only few people have money to spend in your restaurant.
Go to Club Swagga
You could probably even have sex with her!
Finland has the easiest girls in the world, so just go for it.
we are full
thats average spanish night club, mohammed
If you're american you'll probs get lots of poon without breaking a sweat. Girls out here are crazy for yankees lol
No, it's full of drunk Estonians and loud americans. Go to Nuuksio if you get the chance
>drunk estonians
What if I want to establish a genuine connection with a girl not predicated on sex? Do Finnish girl do that? I'm so lonely
For anything below 30yo, it's extremely rare. For anything above 30yo they are either single parents or nut cases. Tinder & dick roulette picture average Finnish woman pretty well.
>What if I want to establish a genuine connection with a girl
>Helsinki, Finland
Oh yeah Nuuksio might be cool. If you can't make it that far, the Central Park is still a pretty good option too. It's more or less untouched forest apart from the walking paths, but it's a tram ride away from downtown, so it's a decent way to experience Finnish nature
How did it get like this? Why are Finnish women like that? Should I settle for a gf (male)? (not gay)
so you went from eskimo/mongol food with tons of fat to chinese food? CHINKED
It has something to do with women being whores from the ancient times, 3rd wave feminism, globalization and americanization and Sex&City tv-series.
>digg it
shows how out of date this is
There's a hill in the suburb of Malmikartano, with a pretty cool 360 view of the entire Helsinki region, especially when it's dark. I don't know how enticing it is to climb up in this weather though. If nothing else, it will make you realize how many trees there are everywhere, since it will pretty much look like a forest with the occasional lights jutting out
Moonshine: home made whiskey, illegal in many places. It's far more potent than anything made commercially.
I am not feeling good
dont come here i dont want to speak english irl, also this place full of niggers and gypsies
t. malminkartano
Visit Tallinn
OP, can you make a new thread when you're in Finland. Tell me which Finns were correct: The boring Finland (me) or people who think Finland is awesome and unique.
Specify its your thread by saying 'nekke' at the end. Thanks in advance.
just noticed that my apartment is also in this pic, heatenings.
Based, thanks m8
If I lean out of my balcony I can hit that hotel with a rock
Are you kidding? When I have a Finnish IP I'll just post spurdo and maybe gaypost
Finnish women are wonderful and love it when you try to speak their language.
t. Finnish gf haver
The one in Naantali is already full of japanese in the late summer.