Explain German mentality to me. Are they mentally ill?

Explain German mentality to me. Are they mentally ill?

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the believe in the system but the system don't believe in them

they didndu nuffin

yes, they are hardly humans.
thank dog, they will die out soon

there isn’t one german mentality, there are several

no we're completely sane
all the others aren't

Yes. This is an actual classic German joke.

A man walks into a bar.
He orders a drink because he felt like alcohol.

Flag thieves

Germans are retarded and ugly.

germans are fuck shit big homo ape monkey stink in the zoo piece of cunt FUCK german shitter homos hope country shit!!!

woah now that's BASED

wrong link bro

Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with Germany?
Are you jealous?

feels good to have somebody else get shit on for once desu. pic related is a normal day on Jow Forums

Attached: ctrl+f.png (1175x250, 36K)

German mentality is thinking that paying nearly 50% of your income to a state with a shittier internet connection than romania is a good idea

I think German mentality boils down to: We have high GDP per capita and clean streets and also Beethoven and we invented motorcycle, therefore we're allowed to invade other countries and exterminate other nations on an industrial scale.

this but unironically
imagine how great EVROPA would be today if all Russians were dead and replaced by Germans

It would look like North Korea on steroids if you mean Third Reich.

Why do cheese niggers have such an inferiority complex ?

The Germans are weak. There are a lot of memes about their bravery but they are in fact the biggest cowards on the planet. Bismarck himself said it
>Moral courage is rare in the German and it disappears completely the moment he puts on a uniform
Germany is incompatible with liberalism because they have full reliance in the state and a sycophantic obedience to the state. When their kings and dukes claimed divine right, they shouted "Gott mit uns!". When the Prussian Kaiser united them, they shouted "Hoch der Kaiser!". When Uncle Adolf told them that Europe was theirs and the Jews to be exterminated, they shouted "Sieg Heil!". When Mutti Merkel told them to receive the entire world on their doorstep -in violation of the Dublin Treaty- they shouted "Wir Schaffen Das!". How can a single people constantly sway back and forth between such radically different forms of fanaticism? Because they obediently do whatever their leaders do. Military effectiveness, grand industry, politeness and the other virtues assigned to them? Not virtues, but symptoms of the greatest vice of all: a lack of a spine.

The French Revolution, the American War of Independence, the English Civil War... none of these civilization defining events could've happened in Germany. The German cannot even fathom doubting his own government, let alone seeking to limit their power. This is why Germany has no tradition of liberty. Every time liberty came to that accursed land, it came to them out of the barrel of a foreign gun.

Because we sailed the seven seas and built a grand empire with 1/7 of your territory and even less population. We spearheaded liberalism and capitalism, influencing France, Germany and America alike. Don't compare yourselves to us, subhuman.

we took your bikes lol

I hope your country will be flooded by the sea

germans are based and repilled

i like how germans have such a shity sense of humor and how they act as autistic machines that either do great things or fuck everyone else

Imagine being so deluded, that you think
that your insignificant country has influenced
the likes of France, Germany and Austria even though your most important colony doesn't even speak your language. You may have sailed the seas, but to even suggest that your shithole of a country, that in 50 years will be under sea level, was ever an empire is ridiculous. Your biggest accomplishment was
to refuse to unite with rest of the holy roman empire, only to become a part of austria, then spain, then france. If your country ceased to exist today, you would already be forgotten in
50 years.

Being located in the midst of Europe they're the embodiment of all the negative connotations concerned with it; a bland and soulless race of civilized, small-souled, productive workers lacking in human vigor, I associate this with the modern Germanic spirit

Absolutely based and intelligent post.

good rebuttal

Germans don't posess any free will, am I glad I left that shithole for good

it is truly hell if gibs say so

No gibs but rather paying 50% income from a wage of 3500 Euros a month without things like rent, electricity, insurance and other stuff paid for. fucking pathetic country

I dont know, my sister lives there, married and works for over 2 years now.
She said they are kind and very polite people, but she lives in a tiny town with no pubs or fun.
Just shops a factory here and there and post office and that shit
she did say they dress like they are mentally ill, especially the 30 to 40 year olds

>Are they mentally ill?


Attached: GermanGames.jpg (2252x1689, 699K)

>be German
>want to see the new forklift documentary Gabelstapler 4 in cinema
>get stopped by jew police because my Volkswagen emits too much gas
>have to walk 6 million steps in shame, apologising for WWII
>brings me closer to the cinema, at least
>can only enter if I pray to Angela Merkel and the Qur'an
>get my crab legs with Bretzeln and a barrel of Sauerkraut
>theater is packed with refugees in sleeping bags
>want to be friendly as greet them saying "Grüß Gott!"
>they complain at the designated cinema construction site because I hurt their feelings
>two guys who wanted to work while watching the movie come over and beat me up
>make me sign a contract that I give my house to refugees
>even eat my Sauerkraut
>I leave ashamed, apologising for what I did on my way out
>watch Gabelstapler 3 at home instead

Great movie, honestly. Especially the part where he has to work extra hours.

Forklifts are interesting. Especially the ones that can tilt the fork, or spin it, i used to work with one moving large pots in which charcoal briquette was cooked.

Can't help ourselves user, americans are easiest to bait

I would buy Bridge Constructor

Based and Dutchpilled

here is a graph on the percentage of people in countries who think their media is "doing well/somewhat well at reporting"
notice every western country has a low opinion on that except Canada, Germany and Switzerland
Are we to believe that reporters in these countries are somehow better than other western countries?
no, the people are just gullible and believe whatever they are told, its probably an education system issue, they are not taught to question authority and think critically

Attached: Poll_their_news_media_are_doing_somewhat_well_at_reporting.png (2667x1492, 473K)

They actually have.
Please see the legacy segment

Abdul must have cucked you extra hard, because now you're even letting the Dutch live rent-free in your head.

(((( ))))

You know it to be true.

>German mentality
What the German cannot possess he will destroy

Not true.
We destroyed poland while we owned it.

>german humor
>it actually exists
I'm shocked

I love germans and their mentality
I hope to marry a german girl one day and give my children such great heritage even if its just a half

Lowland based and sprinkles on breadpilled