Why did arabs start liking us all of a sudden? I thought you guys hated us here?

Why did arabs start liking us all of a sudden? I thought you guys hated us here?

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but you are also arabs

truth be told nobody likes you m8

I like Turkey

More like an indifference
Haven't even seen one of you in my life so I don't care much
Turkish and greek posters tend to be mentally ill here though

No and neither are you.

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plebians like dictators and countries with dictators

>neither are you.
user israel is full of arabs larping as jews, every other jew I see is moroccan, egyptian, iraqi, jordanian, etc.
pretty sure mizrahi outnumber ashkenazi

>taking bantz too seriously
Also gib Turkish gf

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When someone refers to Jews they mean Ashkenazis, nobody cares about the demographics within some made up borders.

These are as jewish as ashkenazi if not more authentic

The "arabs" there are the real jews larping as arabs, the ones you call jews are slavs larping as jews

yeah I get that but there are more of the other types of Jews than Ashkenazi, using "Jews": as a term that only acknowledges Ashkenazi is just flat out dishonest

Don't all Saudis have a name like al-Turki?

the way I see it is everyone is larping, I get that oriental jews are the "true jew" but to me it's all just larping whether they're ashkenazi, mizrahi, sephardi, etc.

we don't. Fuck turk politicians. Gib back core states.

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Tunisians aren't arabs to me though.
Turks ain't arabs.
The Syriac and Assyrian minority ain't arab either.

Abri, Naknemo, I kill you all.

Turki is a first name that unironically originally meant cute boy. It then became a last name.

I'm pretty sure many of them have last names like Sa'ud.

It's an arab speaking cuntree
Arab isn't an ethnicity

>Arab isn't an ethnicity

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>turkish people elect dictator
>proceed into giving him absolute power
>invade our airspace and sperg out at our ever advancement
>Continues the most useless arms race in the world

>Greek posters tend to be mentally ill here though

I believe they have every right to?

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A sudani and a levantine are both arabs but they don't share an ethnicity.

Correct, but ethnic Arabs do exist, pic related.

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what were arabs before Islam happened?

Don't Muslims believe that Islam existed before Muhammad was even born?

How the fuck is that possible?

>what were arabs before Islam happened?
Mostly pagans but some tribes were Christian
>Don't Muslims believe that Islam existed before Muhammad was even born?
In a way, the original Judaism and Christianity and the religion of Abraham

You take it too far and too personal
You aren't a representation of greeceor its goverment
Neither are turks


don't argue with him, he is a mentally ill hairy loser who thinks he is a nordic aryan ubermensch

hes retard

leave the 18 islands olive nigger

You learn arabic in school just like french and english

Muslims believe that the religion of Adam was islam.