1. your country

1. your country
2. how would your family and friends react if you brought home a Japanese girlfriend?

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"The Japanese are the master race of Asia."

t. My dad

Yes he actually said that lol. Japanese are probably the most integrated of any Asian minority in the US btw.

Wouldn't give a shit. I've brought a mexican girl and a black girl home and they jujst didn't give a fuck. My dad said "oh you're not gay? Noted"

My parents are apathetic and poor

they would beat her black and blue
strict 'no jap insect' rule here

Would she like a chicano tho?

They would cut contact with me for mixing with an ugly asian monkey.
But I would never do that because I think that japanese girls like all asian girls are ugly.
I want only a white gf.

They would be elated that I brought home a girl.

Whenever she's not around they'll speak fake "asian" like ching chong pling plong and pull on their eyes. They do everything to make me feel uncomfortable. It's what they live for. I imagine my dad could ask something like "Is it true that asian pussies are horizontal?" at the dinner table. I'm so glad I moved out.

would ask if shes christian

ah yes the famed tunisian chicano a staple Jow Forums character

They would have confirmation that I'm a beta

They would be very happy for me.

I would be very happy too

Shame it will never happen :(


Maybe Sweden and Finland aren't that different after all.

"Zašto ne izlazis sa našim?"

>strict 'no jap insect' rule here
Pretty easy to enforce since none would ever travel there.

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I brought home a Filipino girl once, she wasn't that attractive, but sex was good
They didn't really say much that I can remember

they would probably be glad that i'm not gay

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My parents have a strict jap only rule

>but user, i thought you were racist

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>being racist when you're an anglo

Or maybe this is why they've been pushing the white race meme? To breed with actual humans?

Wonder if this is common trait with filipina girls. I have filipina gf and the sex is really good, and she has very high sex drive.

My would say, gj anone! Naši su svi kurve

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Dude I don't if you are larping or not but if this is true you are a faggot.
You live in a country with the most beuatiful white women in the world and you go for a fucking fillipino monkey.

My parents would be happy, they must think I’m gay at this point.


>most beuatiful white women in the world
What kind of parody universe I live in

They would cry for joy that I won't die alone and that I'm not gay.

My mother would ask if my PC is ok. Because one day she was saying to one her friends that she accepted the fact that ill have a gf/wife/children/etc only if a woman jumps out of my PC.

I think it's partly an Asian thing too.
I've been with whites and Asians.
Whites seemed like they'd be sex goddesses, but they were boring prudes
Asians seemed stereotypical Asian innocence, but they were sex freaks. Asian chicks are still the only girls I've encountered who seriously wanted to suck my dick, like they would suck my dick just cause they wanted it. No other girl did it for anything other than courtesy

You live in Finland which is known of having beautiful blondes and you date a fucking asian insect.
You are a

Your dad sounds like an imbecile man

this jew always pops up in threads about Asian chicks and trashes them and praises white roasties

You live in the US which has beuatiful white women and yet you date fucking asian insects.
You are a loser man.
You are a complete loser.

They would be happy that i brought a woman home, as long as she isn't trash or batshit crazy or black they don't care

You seem obsessed man, why can't you just accept that people have different standards of beauty and can fall in love with people of different races/ethnicities?

what about niggers

We could be just lucky too. Mine's huge pervert just like me too.

Never been with one.
Thought I got with a half-white light skinned once before, but then I met her parents and found out she was actually half-Mexican, I was pretty disappointed desu

they were all busy with me

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They wouldn't care in the slightest.

are you korean?

It's their choice man I don't care.
I only love white women though.
I think asian women look and behave like ants.

Kek as long as she resembles a woman my mom would ask me to marry her
I fucking hate how everytime I get home from uni my mom says shit like “have u found a gf yet” “when are you getting a gf”

how old are you? Older than 25? At what age should I expect this kind of crap?

don't you have any foreskins to cut, solomon.

my dad would make fun of me and the rest of my family would be indifferent

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what do you think of mgtow?

pride, but in the "yay my son is not gay!" way

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why do swede faggots hate asians but love nigs

I'm ethnically Korean
Not optimal but my parents wouldn't mind it.
For the most part, no dark skinned girls is gucci

fuck off schlomo


I finally got a gf and my Mom is already talking about giving me money to marry her. We've only been dating for six months so I think she thinks it's a fluke desu

>mom is giving you money to marry her

Phrased it poorly, money for a wedding/travel expenses/also said we could live together in her house.

sounds fucking sick but really sus as well
your parents must be rich enough to know whats up

my whole family would think less of me as a man because we all know and have discussed how asian women can't tell the difference between brad pitt and bald old sexpat.

they would disown me 100%. my parents told me that if I were to ever bring a girl that wasn’t black, I wouldn’t be part of the family anymore. hell, they were pissed when I brought home a girl that was 1/2 black.

Based and Yakubpilled

they'd think she's Chinese but other then that they wouldn't mind after a few racist kung fu jokes


they would be happy I'm not single

>Hey man, that's like... not cool. Asian women are people, too. We all are. You've got some growing up to do.
I'm out.

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You again, you are a Jew. You have no saying in talking about race mixing when the biggest media, business and people stimulating race mixing are Jew. And you want the whites with retarded blacks.

Japanese people are respected and have good stereotypes about them in Brazil. Almost all are rich around here so they would think is a good deal.

so in other words niggerfied
asians in america are such scum lol

You are black or some retarded white guilty family trying to compensate?

yes, until they get decapitated or shot in the face when stepping outside

I need JP GF

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I’m black. no white person would do what I stated earlier

Thats is so probably in some black guetto of yours as is in a favela here.

Good. Everyone has a right to be racist.

my dad has been saying "the yellow man is coming" at family dinners since I was a kid and the tradition held strong even when I brought my korean gf round

If you marry that girl you'll be part of a new family anyway.

there go my dreams of a black gf


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No thanks
I've seen how Japanese women look like naked, and I wish I hadn't.
I came to understand why they censor their porn


How did she react ?

not any better here
australianised ones are always broken and bottom-barrel
americanised ones are always cringey, anti-australian, and obsessed with retarded identity politics like dressing up a chink dating an anglo as some kind of complex oppression that needs to be remedied instead of just what it is

she didn't really care as she figured from context it was directed at the chinese, who she hates



>americanised ones
as in actual asian-americans who ended up in australia? or are your asians ending up americanized somehow?

>Wow! you finally got a girlfriend!

they would highly approve
my dad is a secret weeabo and my mom looks like a jap

“Ah, que linda, una chinita”

Almost all Asiatic diaspora are utter trash, low-status due to racial incompatibility, so cultural integration is with low-status segments of the population and they take on traits of home-grown vermin. The phenomenon intensifies the more generations they stick around; if they can't racially integrate (due to being of an incompatible race) then they can never stop being trash diaspora.

Maybe what they call FOBs are comparatively okay, but only if they are from a decent family back in their own country. But if you are looking at people who intend to migrate permanently, then it's likely that they are bottom-of-the-barrel back in their own country, too. This is why Japanese immigrants are not common here, I suppose. And it's also why chinks are so common - because most of them are literal pest animals even in China.

Everything in this country is getting gradually yankified and the lower down the social order you go the worse it gets. So the latter (but I think it was a typo for him in the first place).

USA but Colombian family
They wouldn't mind really

In France they're cool. They often feel even more french than white french.

they'd be glad to know im not gay although i think they'd be glad if i brought home a bf at this point

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>squinty eyes and yellow skin

They'd be disappoint and say "How come you don't get a White gf".

I meant the latter.

I’m a pajeet so like it would be kind of awkward at first but at the end of the day as long as I don’t bring in some black girl They’ll be fine

pretty much this

Not that kind, they own every single bar-tabac in Paris and they're always cool.