All memes aside; what's with the anti-German sentiment on this board?
All memes aside; what's with the anti-German sentiment on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
butthurt poles and anglos
this, and JIDF+redditors.
Germans are sneaky imperial bastards
redditors love germany, its basically reddit the country
eastern europeans and southern europeans want more gibs
french and brits are proud of negrifying their own populations
new worlders just jump on any funny bandwagon
gott strafe england
I'm also wondering why there are so many anti-German thread on Jow Forums.
I don't know why they are hated so much....
They are loved by people around the world in many public opinion polls.
You have to be out of you’re mind to think redditors dislike Germany.
I forget you even exist.
Well, we like you.
if a benevolent and all powerful God existed, Germany wouldn't
angl*s always blamed germany to distract from their own atrocities and problems
Who else do they blame?
Was schiert uns Russe und Franzos'?
Schuß wider Schuß und Stoß um Stoß!
Wir lieben sie nicht,
Wir hassen sie nicht,
Wir schützen Weichsel und Wasgaupass, —
Wir haben nur einen einzigen Haß,
Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint,
Wir haben nur einen einzigen Feind:
Denn ihr alle wißt, denn ihr alle wißt,
Er sitzt geduckt hinter der grauen Flut,
Voll Neid, voll Wut, voll Schläue, voll List,
Durch Wasser getrennt, die sind dicker als Blut.
Wir wollen treten in ein Gericht,
Einen Schwur zu schwören, Gesicht in Gesicht,
Einen Schwur von Erz, den verbläst kein Wind,
Einen Schwur für Kind und für Kindeskind,
Vernehmt das Wort, sagt nach das Wort,
Es wälzt sich durch ganz Deutschland fort:
Wir wollen nicht lassen von unserem Haß,
Wir haben alle nur einen Haß,
Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint,
Wir alle haben nur einen Feind:
didn't your grandparents kill like 6 million jews?
lmao if you think it's bad today you should have been here 3 years ago. But yeah, it's usually butthurt eastern euros , anglos and for some reason Brazilians. Americans have been getting much nicer.
Uh, I think you mistaken 'atrocity' with 'doing the world a favour'.
doesn't justify your actions
maybe they are becoming like japan
i dunno about anti-germany shills but once they flock to Jow Forums and stay, they keep making hate threads, spread lies and brigade another site like reddit, and upvote it to death, as chinks have done
germ posters should be prepared for it. it wont stop.
I've barely noticed any as of late. It's nothing like how it was some years ago.
the eternal germanoid should suffer eternally for his crimes, he is the enemy of europe
germans on this board are usually hyper-lefties, it's easy to hate those types.
>germ posters should be prepared
since September 2015 and Merkel flooding the gates with subhumans (more than 3 years straight already) alle of Jow Forums hates German posters
No amount of irrational hate can shock the ones who are still here
Envious sentiment towards a hard-working people.
I guess all those engineers, scientists and doctors really paid off
There is a German who is extremely autist in /lat/. Dude is just painful to read
6 million Unemployed, massive debt and two extremes fighting for control over the government. What do you expect to come out of germany in that state? fairies ? Shit man, while i don't like being ro*anian, i sure i shit wouldn't want to be a 1930's german
G*rmans are responsible for ruining here countless times. Hell even in Iberia they were the ones who invited the moors in. Unlucky for me I'm a Northwestern Iberian, so I have a lot of G*rman in me, as you can see in my phenotype. Every day I wake up depressed knowing I have the blood of barbarians in me.
I like germany
>reddit hates g*Rms
t. Tío Tomás
You're still a nigger, doe.
Thats rich coming from an Anglo. The German is the enemy of the Jew, who wanted to clean Europe once and for all from the Kike. The Anglo is the eternal warmonger. Europe is going to be ruined because of you greedy Island Niggers, but atleast you are not speaking german, am i right.
Stop being such a faggot.
Explain your actions against our Slavic brother then?
Germanic scum fighting each other. Great!
>The Anglo is the eternal warmonger
Germany declared war on the entire world, twice
you also have 50 million more people, not that hard, hans.
germans are the biggest mass murderers of white people
Talk to some actual Germans on a flag board some time.
Hello my fellow german brother.
I think germans are nice
that's per capita
Ikbey gave them a bad name
$2000 is negligible
sounds like something a hyper-leftie would say, poorfag
but germany you need to use the most up to date data
based Germans
It’s just the usual banter wheel spinning around: last week if I recall there was a lot of anti-France thread and before that a lot of anti-Brazil thread.
Scandis were flinging some banter at each other not a long time ago so after this anti-german streak it could be our turn again.
All it take to start a chain is one horrible post from your country or one very determinated poster who hates your country and keep opening threads about it.
I always act nice to Germans...
But I will backstab them the first chance I get!
it's here
t. Election Fag
why is google so out of date
t. viralata
Vá comer merda, paulista mimado.
>muh GDP
>showing people who constantly act as if they were much richer than you that they are actually not is bad
vc acha legal pagar pau pra gringo?
>buhuhu alemães são sérios e trabalhadores pfv comam meu cu
brasileiro parece que não se respeita
Where did they say/act like they're richer, retard?
>be kraut
>claim to be saviours of the white race
>kill more white people than any other group
literally every anglo war on the continent was to keep it being dominated from a single power
Whats with antifrench? Whats with antibrazilian? Whats with antianglos? Everyone gets its share
Not really, mostly just Germans.
Germany is a great country. It's just g*Rmans that suck.
no they are not. people here are fairly moderate most lefties are crazier. there simply arent as many Jow Forumslacks here.
>anti-German sentiment
o i am laffin
they get babby tier shit