Some of Russians have crush on Asians girls, but not on chinks or japs...

Some of Russians have crush on Asians girls, but not on chinks or japs, but on natives of the far east of Russia like Buryats or Yakuts. I think my country has a unique form of Yellow Fever that any other country doesn't have.

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The only acceptable yellow fever is Yamato and Mongolian

buryats are mongols

I met a Yakut girl once, thought she was Mongolian first
she didn't have sex with me unfortunately although I liked her :(
here is a girl which looks similar

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Not really.

t. Buryat

Proofs? I've never heard of Russian guys dating buryat grills

god i wish that were me

it is, mongol was a sub group of mongols, kalmyk is another

Because 3/4 of your country isn't ethnic Russian

wtf, she must feel the sparks hitting on her crotch

"let me tell you about yourself"
t. american

What about Koryo-saram?

You have good ones.

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sorry but buryat is a mongol people, they spoke a similar language
it is likely soviet propaganda divided them off and claimed them to be some kind of native type


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Them too.

ok fatty

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>let me tell you about your history

Soviets did the opposite thing by creating purely artificial Buryat-Mongol ASSR.

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>not wanting to fuck la fée de l'électricité

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Actually he is right, Buryats and Kalmyks are mongols, they used traditional Mongolian script, they're buddhists, and linguistically and historically they're mongols.

buryat is a mongol people, and i will tell you about your people

Far east russian asians are cutes, ethnic Kazakhs too

Buryats share their origin with mongols but are totally different.


>sorry but buryat is a mongol people, they spoke a similar language
So Mexicans are Spaniards, because they spoke a similar language?


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American fat cunt destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC

the parent group is still mongol, i am not saying they are not distinct

>Not the superior Jomon

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>Some of Russians
Some sosachers.
Fixed that for you

And my parent group is Indo-European tough I don't have anything in common with indians.

hey i don't decide the names


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What is sosacher ?

>that 100% bydlo face
>monarchist supporter
Color me shocked. Peasant asking for rulers

People from the Russian analogue of Jow Forums.

My ex girlfriend was a half buryat hapa

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dios mio...

Why do Asian memes always involve cute girls?

Ok, would you recommend to help learn russian ? Jow Forums helped me a lot with english.

La atrocidad de los Montes Urales...

Looks good.
>Why do japanese memes always involve cute girls?

Not him, but learning Russian from chans is a fucking bad idea due to heavy use of retarded slang and memes

Yeah but I could combine that with reading Dostoïevski and shit. I like what he writes. Also Gogol.

English is 30% French and latinized. But Russian is a quite different language and not so easy to learn, I know 2 people from here who started to learn Russian and they both gave up.

I was waiting for that dude to slice his leg when he finally saws through that chair leg

No, other Asian countries feature cute girls too.

Yeah I know it's hard. But it would be stupid to give up before even starting.

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Also french is really hard too, even when you speak it, lol. We have so many weird rules, don't know how it is in russian.

Well, there's no harm in trying so why not. Can you read Cyrillic already?

Yeah I can, it was easier since I already know the greek one, helped me a bit.

Ok, so you need a textbook with grammar and use Anki for learning new words, also can use duolingo.


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You think asian girls like chicanos?

Chicanos are hapas, so why not?

they always turn me down :(

Who are chikanos?


Imerial flag - it's nationalist thing, not monarchist usually. So it's all ok here.

If you're rich, sure.

looks like a jaundiced corpse
almost a stinky indian

they will think you're indian or muslim

As long as you're not an asshole or fuck ugly I don't see why not.

define rich? I am middle class American with no debts (yay)! Does that count?

Depends on your country of interest. If South Asia then you're rich enough. Go there and knock yourself out.

Go to NE India. It's like a mini East Asia in India. Sikkim anyway, the other states are still developing

You are from eastern part?