Japan: Brit and Germany of Asia

Japan: Brit and Germany of Asia
South Korea: Poland and Ireland of Asia
China: Russia of Asia

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Other urls found in this thread:


>China: Russia of Asia

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2bh i like Poland and Ireland the most among them

Do your women like chicanos tho

russia is in asia user...............................................................................

>Brit of Asia
isn't that literally Hong Kong?

also, what about Taiwan, what would it be

It's too irrelevant to be anything.

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so the New Zealand of Asia

>Russia of Asia

>China: Russia of Asia
lol XD

How is it not?

Attached: ahhhhh.jpg (1280x860, 64K)

Of course it's canadian flag of saying this.

israel is the germany of asia

Attached: tumblr_odiaynHyjY1u2srpqo1_500.png (500x351, 139K)

China seems more like the Europe of Asia

India is the EU of Asia. Literally.

J*poid education.

Attached: 1548675471617.jpg (1439x1411, 695K)

(((Japanese))) """"""education""""""


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>China: Russia

Rough. We are unique. Nobody can copy or similar to us and our laziness, everyday madness and social anarchism.

China: Australia of Asia
Korea: New Zealand of Asia
Japan: Papua New Guinea of Asia

Get out, liberaha tupaya.

So Korea is irrelevant?

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China: USA of Asia (most dominant economically and culturally but also gross)
Korea: Canada of Asia (historically China's hat but secretly hates China)
Japan: Mexico of Asia (invades the continent)

Attached: 1547543724606.jpg (680x680, 69K)

Korea is to Japan and China what Poland is to Russia and Germany

It was irony, dumbass. He пopть тpeд cвoeй тyпизнoй, здecь и бeз тeбя eё хвaтaeт.

>этo лeзинecc
>coциaльнaя aнapхия!1
Cъeби в cвoй зaгoн, живoтнoe.

>secretly hates


??? Everybody knows stereotype what koreans, japanese and chinese people don't like one each others.

you are an idiot

Like most japs.

china : italy of asia
korea: poland of asia
japan: mental hospital of asia

go to mental hospital yay!

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china : eu of asia
korea: lesser jew
japan: mental hospital of asia


Japan: Bee of Asia
China: Rhinoceros beetle of Asia
Korea: Dung beetle of Asia

China is the Rome/France/Russia of Asia depending on time period.

China: cockroaches of asia
Korea: ladybugs of asia
Japan: lice of asia

why ladybugs?

we are ladyboys UwU

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