The banks warn people about crypto

>the banks warn people about crypto
>countries heavily regulate or ban crypto
>criminals keep stealing coins each day
>massive leaks everywhere
>BTC lost like 65% of value during the last 6 months
>crypto in general is tanking

Nice investment you got there folks. Why are you still holding your shitcoins?

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Same reason I was holding since 2011, crypto is the future. Also helps to know that no bank, government or court can steal my money away from me.

if you can't see the utility in cryptocurrencies I don't know what to tell you. You're just too low iq to see the future

The only thing leaking is your mom's vagina.

it was never anything more than gambling, let's be real here

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>>BTC lost like 65% of value during the last 6 months
Now where have I seen that before...

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Crypto in general is worth jackshit.

The thing people care about is the technology behind it.

omg please don't tell me I have to hold for a whole fucking year and a half to start seeing green again

That's exactly what you're going to have to do

Another inbecile who bought the "blockchain" hype? There is no point to the blockchain without the decentralized mining/staking reward - the coin, the incentive to keep it the network secure and players behaving nicely.

Not blockchain itself.
The potential behind the technology.

You're so fucking cute user.

If the banks and the goverment bans it, i'm on the right track

>Bring up that card

>helps to know that no bank, government or court can steal my money away from me
This. Fuck your kike system of theft OP. Gas, soon.

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Please die vermin heeb.

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What's the problem? For the first time in history a man owns his own wealth without fear of theft whether from common criminals or big government.

>the banks
This is the most retarded investment community I have ever seen

I'm not an investor, I just want to use crypto.

And what is one of the many potentials behind the technology? A fucking currency

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Argument not specified well enough.
Opinion discarded!