The Dero community got together and agreed on a list of questions to present the Dero team. Here are the responses:

Q1. Why the shift after months of talking about ASIC resistance?

A1. We found that the amount of hidden mining power was too great for a young network to be secure against without utilizing advanced mining power on the public miner's end. Botnets would be been ready on day 1 in many cases, FPGAs a few days after, and ASICs around 60 days after a PoW change if someone was inclined to make one for our PoW.

Q2. Does this mean other Cryptonote coins like Monero are not resistant to ASICs?

A2. Yes, other CryptoNote coins are not resistant to ASICs -- they're simply forking to new algorithms for which ASICs have not yet been developed as it's a new algorithm. We found people had bitstreams ready for CN7, CNH, and others within days of those algos launching, and we have a growing number of reports showing CN7 ASICs are starting to come online.

Q3. What about other techniques like forking every few months, or adopting
another algo?

A3. As noted above, many modern botnets are able to adjust rapidly to algorithm switches with FPGAs, and ASICs are following soon after. ASICs, in particular, require a financial incentive to cover the costs of research and development; however, FPGAs requires a fraction of that for what basically amounts in layman's terms to "software development" for new PoW algorithms.

Q4. Why not embrace FPGAs instead of ASICs?

A4. We welcome and embrace FPGAs, and similar technology (reprogrammable advanced miners) are something we are eagerly waiting to see developed. When this technology matures, Dero will be embracing it. Today, the barriers to entry are high (not beginner friendly), the scales of economy for the popular mining chips are low (compared to what they should/could be), and the FPGA miners are not generally mature enough for mass public adoption. It should be noted though that great strides are being made in this field.

Attached: deroatlantisupdate.jpg (500x343, 121K)

Q5. How is the network decentralized when it is full of ASICs? It was just attacked
with 70% hashpower!

A5. The network also has botnets, advanced FPGA, and other types of miners on it. When you follow the published pool lists, you can see where a lot of the public mining power is, and most of it is normally accounted for. We do note that there is some hidden mining power still available for CN networks, and that we're keeping a close eye on many networks and algorithms outside of the CryptoNote/CryptoNight family. ASICs may not be as decentralized as we would all like, but allowing a 10MH+ botnet would be the equivalent of surrendering the network to a malicious actor at fork time. We see botnets of that size watching networks like Dero.

Q6. What kind of benefit will ASICs provide to the network?

A6. ASICs provide the public the ability to mine and secure using advanced mining technology that is able to actually keep up with the rest of the hidden/secret miners and negate, or at least mitigate, the significant hashpower advantage they (hidden miners) have over the CPU/GPU fields. It also allows our developers to keep their time and focus on blockchain development.

Q6. What kind of risk will ASICs incur on the network?

Q7. Since we've all seen how much hidden mining power was on networks from ASICs, we feel the risks of embracing them and allowing companies to embrace selling their technology openly greatly reduces the risks of them using it privately against our network, or having only one or two entities developing mining tech for Dero's network.

I'm eager to see what those on Jow Forums think about these replies.

nobody here cares about your shitcoin, specially so in this bear market, haven't you noticed yet?


>don't refute any of the answers
>just call it a scam

This is literally all spreaders of FUD can do anymore. They are completely unable to refute anything, so they just throw a quirky one-liner at it to make themselves feel better.

Ahead of the competition
Tiny market cap
What's not to like?

Nice post OP

Your Q7 should be A6.
My Q7 is >when source code?

Took ONE FUCKING WEEK to answer this? Maybe the team isn't that skilled.

Lots of assumptions about ASIC readiness. This is essentially a publicity stunt for Dero though since they can get a bunch of CN ASIC miners on board to self-shill the coin if they appease them with this kind of ASIC friendly. These kinds of people are probably more finanically liquid and motivated to promote Dero to the cryptosphere compared to your average hobby miner or Jow Forumsraeli.

ASICs are a net neutral for a PoW cryptocurrency. In a perfect world they'd be freely available but widely distributed enough to make a network attack difficult to pull off. In reality their existence eventually centralizes hashpower in the hands of a few. The broader point is that it probably won't matter at all because nobody really gives a fuck about Dero.

*ASIC friendly stance.

That list of questions was presented 3 days ago.

People have already seen the source code. Those who are experts in cryptography were given early access to look at and review the code. If you know anyone with any cryptography knowledge, you can have them look at it right now without waiting for the public release.

All of them could be answered in just one hour.

You're right. Why don't you present a list of questions to Chainlink's dev and see if he gets back to you in an hour?

How about a Ripple dev?

Maybe a Monero dev?

It's fine and all to have expectations, but your expectations need to be realistic. How many crypto developers have you seen actually take time out of their schedule to answer a list of questions from a user? You can talk to the Dero team RIGHT NOW for some quick questions if you want to, yet all the FUD on Jow Forums would make you think the project is closed source silent devs who don't want to communicate.

>closed source silent devs who don't want to communicate
Who cares what they want to communicate until it's open source?
>"People" are reviewing it as we speak.
Okay, get back to me when anyone can review it and Dero's claims are verified. Until then it's theoretical vaporware to anyone that wasn't born yesterday.

I'm a bit curious as to why you think Dero's source code going open source in a few days is going to change anything. You do realize once it goes open source, people are just going to say "there's nothing worth looking at" and yelling "scam" over and over again, right?

If you were given Dero's source code right now, would you even look at it?

Would you even care at this point?

Yeah I would care because some of the shit they are promising is revolutionary. I can't read code myself but I understand the implications of a project being open source. If third parties that have some skin in the crypto game come out of the woodwork and talk up Dero as the next big thing after reviewing the code and explaining how its blockchain works, I and many others will pay attention. Until then, there's really nothing to talk about though. Their opinions on ASICs are kind of baffling but I could see where they're coming from since they're afraid of getting attacked right out of the gate.

At this point, I even doubt they'll release the code. There were months telling "ASIC resistant", but in the last week... well, you know what happened. The last chance for them to recover any trust from the community is releasing publicly the code for ANYONE, not only for "MUH, show your credentials and we'll show it!". What guarantees they'll in fact release it?


I am getting FUD from all directions about how "even if Dero releases the source code and everything they say is in there, it's not going to mean anything since the project is a scam"

It just doesn't stop. When you have actual scams like XTCC show up and drain everyone's money, people are mad for a few hours, accept their loses, and move on. With Dero, people just attack this thing all the time with zero rhyme or reasoning just parroting "scam" around endlessly and attacking anything and everything about Dero EXCEPT Dero itself.

>What guarantees they'll in fact release it?
The Dero supporters will literally buy a plane ticket, fly to the dev's homes, and eat them alive if they choose not to release the source code, and they are fully aware of this. If something as simple as ASICs is enough to cause as harsh of a reaction as it has, what do you think will happen to the devs' 8+ months of work if they don't release the source code?

But it's never going to stop. When the source comes out, it'll be:

>GUI wallets when?

When the GUI wallets come out, it'll be

>New exchanges when?
>dev reveal when?
>DVM when?
>Private smart contracts when?

People will never be satisfied even when they get everything they want.

Fudders sit in shitcoins that won't go anywhere, while we stack Dero

Attached: dero_rocket.jpg (1280x1078, 268K)

>people just attack this thing all the time with zero rhyme or reasoning just parroting "scam" around endlessly and attacking anything and everything about Dero EXCEPT Dero itself.
Instead of posting this meaningless rant about FUDders, how about you just address my point? Everyone would love a brand new blockchain technology that revolutionizes privacy. Unfortunately nobody can corroborate Dero's claims because nobody knows how it works. Why should we just trust what some anonymous devs claim? How the fuck is this FUD?
End yourself.

Attached: 1515912810941.jpg (1000x660, 628K)

I know, I would eat them too, since I'm a long term hodler.

>Everyone would love a brand new blockchain technology that revolutionizes privacy.
That's exactly why Monero supporters are freaking the HELL out. They understand the second Dero releases a source code, cryptographers are going to review it, and if the review is positive, it will make Monero completely obsolete overnight.

>Unfortunately nobody can corroborate Dero's claims because nobody knows how it works. Why should we just trust what some anonymous devs claim? How the fuck is this FUD?
Wanting the source code and asking the devs to come forward out of anonymity are completely legitimate criticisms. Spamming "SCAM" over and over again endlessly is fear, which is what 90% of Dero threads these days are comprised of. Someone comes in the Dero discord and spams scam, gets banned from the chat, then whines on Jow Forums how they were banned and the devs are garbage.

As would I. Everything is riding on this source code release. If you've been with the project for a while like I have and see what the Dero team has been doing, you can understand how infuriating it is to see people yelling "SCAM" over and over again like a bunch of scared little boys.

I am, since before Go rewrite. But well, at this point, we two know how these cattle pajeets are. They (most of them) love to FUD small cap PoW interesting projects, but absolutely LOVE PoS high cap ICO useless tokens with masternodes.
