long story short i saw a coworker at a restaurant outside of working hours and called her a bitch. i found out today i got reported by her to human resources and they are opening a case. i got some standard legal mumbo jumbo email today about this but it basically says depending on the outcome i could be punished up to and including termination. this is bullshit right? there is no way they can actually do anything since it was outside the workplace right?
Got reported to HR for calling a female coworker a bitch. there is nothing they can do to me right?
Why'd you call her a bitch?
she's probably a cunt m8.
how stupid are you, i hope you get canned and then you off yourself
this is probably a larping incel thread, lots of them lately
because she always acts like a fucking cunt at work, never does shit and always makes other people do her shit for her. but i didn't tell her that's why i called her a bitch so that can't be used as any grounds for it. all i did was muttered "bitch!" as i walked by her table and she heard me but i didn't explicitly say it was for any work-related things even though it is
They'll probably make you apologize and let you off with a warning lol
get a lawyer asap dumbfuck
Start looking for a new job
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out you fucking white knight shitbag fucker fuck off
deny deny deny. tell her she called you a nigger loving kike faggot. admit nothing. tell her your colored boyfriend has been sobbing to his rabbi all weekend and you're devastated to be working with such a hateful creature. if you're too stupid to not do this then make sure to create a new thread after you lose your job.
if this happened outside of work tell them to fuck off and lawyer up
There are boomers that inhabit this board who have a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding a multitude of complex and varied topics - convene with these modern day renaissance men and you may find the answer you are looking for....
dont do this.
literally dont say anything or dont fill out anybullshit HR forms until you talk to a lawyer
i hope it was worth it, user.
and yeah they can probably fuck with you now that you're seen as toxic and kind of a shit-stirrer
just keep that shit to yourself, play the long game. why be an impulsive nigger and let your true feelings gush out. not being able to gatekeep how you really feel and just letting it loose like an idiot is literally a meme chick thing
soi as fuck
deny everything
Lmao. I'm a guy and got called bitch by a male coworker who acts homo. He only got a slap on the wrist and supervisor in the office told me to move on. If I said the same thing to my repulsive and annoying supervisor she'd likely fire me rather than "move on." Bwhahahaha
how dare you contradict me! this advice is solid gold. he's too dumb and poor to hire a heeb. he needs to listen to me. i give the finest of free advice. i know what's up.
This is literally the only play here. Dont start being oddly specific when denying. Never comes out natural.
this is so petty and dumb and says more about you than it does about her
so she's a slacker bitch, lots of people are
and there are lots of people who aren't slacker bitches that don't fixate all weird on the slacker bitches to the point of risking their fucking jobs lol
ok so the main thing i am getting from this is just to deny everything that seems like a decent idea. as for getting a lawyer which a lot of people keep saying, well i wouldn't even know where to start or want to pay for that shit so i am hoping to avoid it. maybe i will consider it but for now i think i'm just gonna deny and see what happens
Flop out your ginormous donkey schlong onto her table and tell her who's boss.
fucking plebs
It depends, you in America? Not the west coast hopefully. It shouldn't matter. Anything outside of work, unless public servant, is alright provided it doesn't involve a police report.
shut the fuck up pussy white knight shitbrains. i didn't think she would hear and thought it would be funny anyway so you can go right ahead and fuck yourself
like they said op, deny it ever happened. deny any accusation completely, repeatedly, and lawyer up. those fucking cunts cant prove shit
Should also add that some advice from some people told me to move on and get over it since the other person needs the job. Yet these are likely the same kinda people that when they see someone complaining that they're going to get fired for cussing they say "you deserve it" heck I've seen this behavior. It's like they just choose the opposite and sincerely believe it.
This wasnt on Jow Forums though.
i've changed my mind. you're a cowardly and helpless faggot. i'd prefer you get fired.
That sucks for you Op, couldn't stand working with women. As a trading we call each other names all day all, called my supervisor a stupid cunt the other day. You know what happen, nothing because we are men and just deal with it and move on
Oh...oh no. Yikes OP, you dun fucked up now. If you're a white straight male your career is basically over.
he didn't even have the balls to call her a bitch. he mush mouth mumbled some bullshit running away from her and now OH NO SHE HEARD ME. he's a cowardly piece of shit. no respect.
deny and say you are going to get a lawyer involved for defamation if it comes down to it
You need to accuse her of sexual assault ASAP.
>Not being in a union position
It's time like these i'm glad to pay $50/month union dues. I told my manager to go fuck herself 2 years ago and nothing came of it. Good times.
Seriously OP just deny you ever did it. It's her word against yours. Sue if you're fired.
>work for a somewhat large multinational
>tfw they have no HR on site
>tfw the boss of the branch interviewed and hired me
pay is pretty ordinary but at least we dont have to deal with this rubbish
I'm going to assume you have a regular job, which means it's at-will employment. They can fire you for any reason without cause and without warning (as long as the reason is not illegal, meaning some kind of discrimination). They don't owe you shit, just like you don't owe them shit. They can fire you over this shit in heart beat if they want to. Whether or not they do today, they probably will soon. You're branded now as a liability user. They have to worry about you making some kind of sexist comment or something in the work place that will put them at risk in the future. HR is not you're friend. You need to start looking for another job now, while you still have work. Time to move on.
And yes, I'm a boomer, and I've been around the block. Find another job.