Is there any legitimate way to short the white race?

That is a 100% guaranteed investment. Absolutely expected to continue dropping.
Thank me later.

But, how do I do it?

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short property in "urban" areas

how can i do that?

Short the Euro and dollar, long Asian currencies.

Short tech companies, luxuries, and Starbucks.

Long McDonald's, guns, and security.

you can't, but you can long the nigger and retards so buy apple, google, gucci, supreme, etc. Also invest in private security and transportation firms.
*sips monster*

You would lose
Never underestimate the white man

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>He thinks there is a more civilized race than the whites
>He thinks that there will continue to be global "economic expansion"
>He is going to try to short the obvious "master race"
>He's not going to make it

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I wish that Mars was already terraformec and we could somehow remove the entire white race from Earth to Mars. The chinks would probably try to get uppity and become the new supreme race on Earth, but they would be stopped cold by the Niggers just outbreeding them 15 to 1. The chinks could throw their entire arsenal of bio/chem and nuke weapons at Africa but be unable to even make a dent in the nigger population. Niggers would then “culturally enrich” the entire planet. After that Earth would be stuck in a perpetual stone age, unable to even get to “wheel” or “fire”.

as soon as the white race stops to play a leading part in the world economy, international free trade will break down, as it is and always was a white people thing. Without global supply chains there will be mass starvation, as most of the worlds food is produced in what are now white countries. The new dark age will end as soon as the whites get their shit together again

This is sort of funny.

Yeah, most Africans would simply starve to death or eat one another without all the food aid they receive.

Too bad the white kids growing up right now all worship black rappers and other degenerates and don’t give a fuck about the future of their own race.

easy OP
be jewish.

>Too bad
Maybe if you're white or a nigger.

sage all communist/pajeet threads

Short sunscreen companies

Just buy $BBC

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Long Hungary / E. Europe - their economies will explode when all the 30 year old white boomer refugees move there because they can't bring up kids in a sea of niglets.

Short West Europe / USA

Stocks in private security companies.

poland stronk

Eastern europe is filled with gypsies and slavs, it will never flourish on its own unless the chinese buy their lands

>not buying the dip when Crimea was being annexed

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You're going to get JUSTed hard after all the subhumans get holocausted and the trend reverses

Imagine if you went long on the white race in 1933 and short in 1942

perfect entry & exit

I fucking would have loved to witness that massive bounce in 1933. It short squeezed (((them))) right all out of Germany. Following years they were all squeezed out of Europe, except Britain, who, under Churchill, only increased their short on the white race.

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The moment to go long on the whites is somewhere around 2060 when things will have gotten so bad and everyone had capitulated. Despair will have gotten so big the leftover whites will have no choice but to become nazis. When all hope seems lost, that when space krauts will return
that day you will see the biggest fucking bullrun on whites you will ever have witnessed. If you leverage that, you may even end up with life extension technology and travel the solar system in your own personal haunebu.


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Get yourself a black girlfriend, procreate, and *boom* you just shorted whitey.

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If only Edward VII hadn't abdicated the world would be a much different place.

Bad news for you boyo but Mars won't be terraformed within the next 1000 years no matter how much Elon Musk shills it.

You SHORT all the boomer 401k holdings

>shorting at the bottom

Stocks in:
Dollar Stores
Fast Food
Contraceptive & abortion pills.

fixed. it didn't make sense otherwise.

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Notice that the white population has remained the same?

its retarded because castizos are going in with non white

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