ITT popular food in your country that’s disgusting as fuck

ITT popular food in your country that’s disgusting as fuck

Actual donuts are delicious but these...

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Emphasis on the nut.

I tried one of these once and actually vomited for about 15 minutes

Only the chocolate is actually inediblely disgusting. The others are easy enough to consume.

Krispy Kreme original glazed donuts are my favorites. Idk if this is based or not

Krispy Kreme is the best nation wide donut here


i used to really like the chocolate ones with the chocolate inside

Damn now I want one of the chocolate frosted doughmuts

There's no such food in Russian cuisine.

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Thats how you call doce de leite? Varenaja sgushhenka?

just to clarify, that was made by boiling a can of condensed milk, right?

Funny that Russians eat it. Thought it was more of a Latam thing

Condensed milk?

they're gods donut

okay, this is epic

Damn i could go for a krispy kreme right about now.

Has the s'more spread internationally yet? Did you guys eat these growing up?

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Am aware of its existence, but never made any.

Do you guys go camping?

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Normies do

Sadly we don't have them. I've only seen them in London

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I made one for the qt3.14 french student teacher who asked if I would drive her down to the history museum for a showing of Triumph des Willens and she said it was way too sweet.

I wonder what she's up to?

I have to eat the whole box at once when I buy those

it is incredibly based, the other types are just ok, but a warm original glazed is god tier

pizza hut is shit tier compared to any other chain pizza

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entenmenns are good ! normal doughnuts are way too sugary . try a box of softees yah softee !

It tastes like terrible chocolate and diabetes.

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>drove around and cooked for girl and didnt make any moves


fish roe in salted tomato paste with banana flavouring

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Picrel, I will never fucking understand

Based father

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it was eaten in russia before anyone even though of settling your 10 day old banana republic

Pretty sure I had these when I was on holidays in America as a kid. Would've they have been around in 2006? They tasted a bit off if I recall

Why do Swedish people put bananas in everything? I even saw bananas on a pizza once. Please stop :(


I agree, but these are ok

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Bananas on pizza is dope

No thanks, I'll take the nordic masterrace candy

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Yes, but with cookies and butter. The best in the world, Russian butter.

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Is it actually good? I love kalles but I hate throwing things so I never buy stuff like this

because they're exotic to us and we didn't know how to use them

other classic recipe, "flying jacob": casserole with chicken, banana, bacon, peanuts, ketchup, chili sauce and cream

u insult my culture if you dont have a taste

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>Russian cuisine

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what the fuck

you put chicken on waffles, how is that different

Boiled condensed milk is natural and good for you.

You eat it with rice and it's delicious

what you posted is way more complex than chicken with waffles. Also, that’s a nigger invention

We make almost this, but with no banana, no nuts and liver instead of chicken. Ah, and onion, more is better.

what the hell is that



>what the hell is that
cultural appropriation

canned rotten fish is OUR thing

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We never made it rotten, we are tender and shy nation and appropriate delicately.

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fellow herringcountry, do you not even pickle your herring?

what's the most common pickled sort of herring in Russia?
we have about 100 varieties in Sweden and most popular is mustard-pickled herring, I think

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>picked herring flavored pickled herring

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When the revolution happens marmite eaters will be the first sent to the gulag.

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Of course, yes, pickled herring bro. We are proud vikings ancestry after all.

Now we have many varieties of souced herring too. Curry, different kinds of vinegars, oils. In Soviet times it was only one kind, picrel. Pickled salted, as is. So the most traditional DIY way is still to put it into sunflower oil, add fresh onion, and a little bit of sugar.

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This is the european bacon
>omg NUTELLA ehehe did I say I loved NUTELLA I'm just like a kid ehe eating NUTELLA and putting some in every homemade desert ehe NUTELLA, so good
bitch shut the FUCK UP

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marmite is pretty good on toast tbqh

overrated and way too sweet

fuck off nutella is based and red pilled. although this is 10x better.

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it tastes like biscoff you tasteless baboon


Nutella really is disgusting

mirroring the other guy

what the fuck

we have more in common than divides us, Pyotr

our countries should be closer friends, one day

>t. Albanian NAFIR

how about a pizza slice?

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No. I don't think liking nutella or not has anything to do with ethnicity.

This is the good stuff

it does. im a scientist. a food scientsts. ive studied the topic extensivly. i have 3 PhDs in nutella science. and i can tell you 100% that NAFIRs taste buds are designed in such a way that they dislike nutella
they sell it in austria? and yea its super based even though its like twice the price of nutella

All the arabs love Nutella wtf are you talking about

Do you also drink pic related with milk? based anyway

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ive never met an arab.

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Morcilla, it's literally blood for fuck sake.

>mfw d*nes attempt surströmming

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Yes of course. But do not buy this outside of Switzerland. the ovamaltine that is exported has a bunch of added sugar. swiss ovamaltine is very diffeerent than what you buy in germany for examples. its a real shame

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So again what are talking about

I didn't even knew it was sold outside of Switzerland. Usually foreigners don't like our stuff kek (Rivella for example)

Nigga Nestlé is a global concern

Ovaltine is quite big in the US

That's Soviet invention.

you have to grow up drinking this or you will not like it i think. not many people enjoy a soft drink made with the leftovers of cheese making. and of coure ovamaltine is exported everewhere on earth. it is owned by a joint swiss-UK firm now. but the UK wing handles exports maybe? so its a bunch of added sugar and trash. ova makes choclates as well that are super delicious but i dont think those are exported but maybe if they export the spread to austria

>Manufacturer Associated British Foods or (Nestlé in the United States)
in america it is produced by nestle which is why the quality there is so low lmao. nestle is total shit outside of Switzerland for all products theyre just scared to shit where they sleep to some extent

Foreigners eat weird stuff. Why can't they just have a sausage roll?

I didn't knew it was from Nestlé. And I've never thought about it t bh. What about Parisienne? In Italy they don't have them

>nestle is total shit outside of Switzerland for all products

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thats probably like 84% plasticizer desu
>t. nestle knower

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Now I wonder if clementine gazosa exist outside of my Canton kek

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I eat it, and it's pretty natural wholegrain.

this probably doesnt exist outside of your canton. just like apricot beer made in valais isnt really exported because no one wants that gross shit

upping you a sausage bouquet

it's what you bring to a party if you're classy

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Apricot beer doesn't sound good. But clementine soda is great.


I have no idea what I'm looking at 2bh

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probably some weird drink from Graubünden. i dont like overly sweet drinks they make you fat :/

Ticino. We invented Rivella too I think. Why nobody likes our drinks? :(

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I like Rivella religiously but fuck the gay ass new design, 90's one was perfect

Pāua looks like nigger shit

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and is it?